Skyrim Special Edition

About this mod

He will find you and he will kill you. |
Adds a 'Grim Reaper'-inspired enemy to the game that will hunt you starting at level 19.

Permissions and credits

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Blessed or forsaken you may be by the gods or the demons, hither in this cold land you come seeking power - to restore the peace and save the world or aid in its corruption. Nonetheless, your seemingly unending desire for knowledge, influence, or strength will inevitably be known. Whether by the sounds of the night or the whispers of trees, he will hear of it, deep beyond the grave. And when he does, he will find you... and he will kill you.

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This is an enemy mod that adds a 'Grim Reaper'-inspired NPC to the game called the Nightbringer. Starting at level 19, the Nightbringer Wraith or Nightbringer Shades will start hunting you outside of settlements. The Nightbringer Wraith can summon the Nightbringer himself.

This mod is a feature of my EQUINOX - Temple of Meridia mod. The idea is to create something that will pose as a threat or challenge to the player because of how much power the player can get with or without mods.

  • Level: Equal to the player character
  • Does not permanently die
  • Nightbringer's Equipment: Heavy Armor | Elemental Resistance | Ward | Two-handed Scythe with Frost Damage
  • Nightbringer's Abilities: Frost Breath, Ice Form, Unrelenting Force, Marked For Death | Conjure Nightbringer Shade | Conjure Nightbringer Dragon | Invisibility | High Regeneration | Nightbringer's Presence
  • Nightbringer Wraith - summons Nightbringer | starts hunting at level 19 | lower stats | Frost and Drain spells
  • Nightbringer Shade - lower stats | sword and shield | Frost spells | Nightbringer's Necromancy
  • Nightbringer's Necromancy (L50+ Conjuration) - summons a random, black skeleton (weak stats; leveled equipment) or a black skeletal mage (leveled spells)
  • Nightbringer Dragon (L75+ Conjuration; v1.4 only) - summons a small black dragon | Frost shouts | high damage resistance | outdoors only
  • Nightbringer's Presence - turns the day into night until defeated


  • Installation: Place files in your The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data folder OR install via your mod manager. Activate the .esp in your load order or mod manager. You can use LOOT to sort your load order.
  • Updating: Simply replace/overwrite the old files. If issues with the mod are encountered, making a CLEAN SAVE and reinstalling the mod is suggested.
  • Console Commands - 'set NightbringerHauntGV to 0' to disable Nightbringer Hauntings or 'set NightbringerHauntGV to 1' to enable them. Default: Enabled.

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Credit to alanovichromanov (current), talcabofrio (previous v1.5), and mertz (v1.4) for the SSE conversions!

Credit to wiikki for the awesome Lilith's Sickle mod!

Credit to MihailMods for the awesome Dementors mod!

Credit to ianjoseph1986 for the black texture from the White Robes and Hood mod!

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Thanks for checking out my mod! Don't forget to endorse, track, or vote if you liked it!

- My Mods (Classic Skyrim) -
SOLSTICE - Meridia's Spectre Follower
EQUINOX - Temple of Meridia + Aurorans + Custom-voiced Followers + Spells *
Nature's Peace - Pacifism
Runes of Summoning - Decals *
Nightbringer *
Serana - No Necromancy - Redone
Silver Tongue - Speechcraft Abilities *
Revive *
White Gloves and Boots
Pass The Time *
Blink Not *

* - has SSE version.