Skyrim Special Edition


  1. KellOfGays
    • member
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    I've encountered an issue with the mod. I can't seem to open the satchel at Valtheim Towers. The interaction never shows up, but the quest marker hovers over it. I tried to save and reload, but that does nothing. I'm not sure what to do.
    1. TREBoy
      • premium
      • 488 kudos
      I currently cannot test/fix any of my mods since my SSD broke. You can try to open console, click on the satchel, and type "moveto player", maybe the satchel is slightly stuck in the ground and just needs to be moved up a little. If that command doesn't work, you can try installing Jaxonz Positioner to move the satchel around.
    2. KellOfGays
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Will do both of these and let you know what happens! Thank you!! Also sorry to hear about your SSD... :( That always sucks. I hope you can salvage what was on it if possible, and also get a replacement quickly.
  2. peterfricke
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    kann bei Ducki  die notiz nicht aufheben 
  3. GameFreak54
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    I'm a bit confused regarding the content of this mod. There are screenshots of your previous two Dwemer weapon mods, but I don't see any mention of them in the description. Are they already included here?
    1. TREBoy
      • premium
      • 488 kudos
      Both the other 2 mods are highly recommended with Dae's Titanhammer, though you don't necessarily have to have them installed. They add to the story and to the challenge aspect.
    2. GameFreak54
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      In that case, I highly suggest either removing those screenshots from this mod's page or editing the description to make it clear that they aren't included. Having those screenshots here implies they are part of this mod.
    3. TREBoy
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      • 488 kudos
      And I highly recommend that you start looking at a mod's requirement tab before downloading a mod.
  4. hoangdai94
    • member
    • 47 kudos
    @TREBoy Awesome work as always, but still looking forward to the standalone version of Dae's Titanhammer ! :D
    1. TREBoy
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      • 488 kudos
      Technically, this is the standalone version. I understand that people might not want Ducki for some reasons, so I made a standalone version of her sword, but I don't see the need of one for this.
    2. hoangdai94
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      @TREBoy Very appreciate your work mah friend but I only really need the weapons and nothing else. Actually I managed to remove everything I didn't need in SSEEdit but a version made by you would save time for me or be helpful for other noob modders.  
  5. rickyn12345
    • premium
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    Safe for midgame playthrough install?
    1. TREBoy
      • premium
      • 488 kudos
      Should be, don't see why it wouldn't. Might actually be better, since this is a late-game mod.
    2. rickyn12345
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Nice. Thanks for the reply and new content man will check it out 100%.
  6. Franleonhart
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    i never downloaded any custom quest mod, but ill download this one and try it out, im sure it will be a fun adventure!
    1. TREBoy
      • premium
      • 488 kudos
      As my first ever quest mod, this is a rather small one. Really focused on building the last dungeon, so it was quite the exercise
  7. daedaddy
    • premium
    • 363 kudos
    beautiful work
    1. TREBoy
      • premium
      • 488 kudos
      Not as beautiful as your eyes 👁️