Skyrim Special Edition


  1. hyruledm
    • premium
    • 69 kudos
    .oO There be Bugs Oo.

    or, better, there might be. The incredible original mod is full of pieces. Just navigating through the bodyslide files makes it possible to pack the wrong ones, lose hours of conversion work, forget about some pieces, and so on.I tried not to rush and approached the conversion with a love for tinkering and the BHUNP body, not for publishing a mod. But sh!t happens ;-) and while I already did a second round of tests for all (I hope!) the pieces, I might have missed something and we all know how things go with modding Skyrim. I did not test all the possible combos. I used outfitA necklaces with outfitA only, maybe another one, but not all of them. You would still be waiting for this conversion if I had started doing it.

    Before declaring a bug, make sure you have accounted for all the possible explanations on your side and try to describe a reproducible scenario, else it will be hard to try and solve them. Exclude issues related to Bodyslide, BHUNP, the original mod and/or OBody themselves (i.e. if you have similar/same issues with many outfits it could be bad luck, or it could be your modded environment).

    With more than 400 pieces, a missing transform reset or a bad weight-paint might have happened, although I tried to limit these cases by testing the outfits with poses and normal gameplay. And then again, I could be blind, and every piece has issues.

    .oO Wow SMP! Meh SMP! Oo.

    If you’re not too fond about how SMP behaves on your system, please read again the SMP considerations on the main page. They could be improved towards perfection, but they already are a step beyond the static behavior of the original.And the longer gown work by Myst42 is a little hackish marvel: while with pronounced hips swaying / catwalking animations some of the tighter gowns might sometimes clip on the Front and/or Rear Thighs, I chose to maintain the overall circular stability introduced by them, as it is quite eye catching.

    In summary, that’s why version is still not 1.00.

    .oO What dresses have been converted? Oo.

    All the ones with female weight support in the original mod. There are some male only pieces that might be converted if they don’t require extensive changes to the shapes, but this has not been done, yet. If you feel a piece is missing or should be added just because, say it. Don’t expect to be done immediately or with specific ETAs, though. And remember I’m doing conversions, not 3d modelling :-)

    .oO Prebuilt Meshes? Oo.

    Thought about it, and they might come, if there's request for it. In that case, they would be built against the zeroed-slider preset. Please do not ask for specific preset builds.

    .oO A note about my images Oo.

    Mine are low resolution. I play at 800p on a Steam Deck and when doing close-ups it shows. Expect better quality from the textures if you’re playing at 1080p+.

    We all know sometimes SMP goes crazy. In some of my images you will see my Dragonborn stretching the leg(s) out of the gown. Those are not gowns/skirts with slit. I simply put the glitch to some proper use.

    Body preset used is almost always Catwalk

    .oO What you can do Oo.

    If you like this, please remember to endorse it and/or give a kudo.

    Also, I love sshots: make some and post them in this mod’s Images section.

    At least, drink a beer in memory of my eyes and wrists, missing in action while testing this on the small screen of my Steam Deck :-)
  2. Alphonze17
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    I got excited until I saw UNP only. Great job though, I can imagine this took a lot of time and effort
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Thank you.
      I can imagine most users would always love and expect a CBBE/3BA version of everything, but I simply love the looks and physics of BHUNP/3BBB so much more.

      I suppose sooner or later a complete 3BA conversion of DE will be completed and made available, and then somebody will apply these SMP rigs to it.
    2. Alphonze17
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      There is indeed a 3ba conversion, however sadly no SMP, which I've been highly anticipating, since I have zero knowledge of modding outside of xEdit and making the Load Order
  3. Zoomer124
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Would there be a way to disable smp physics? I simply can't handle it and my game crashes due to cpu. I tried removing the xml and deleting all text within the file itself letting it stay and characters still have physics
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      if the XML files are missing, there will be no SMP involved for the clothes. The pieces will have more bones, sure, but won't be acted upon by SMP.
      If you see physics after the removal - or the rename - of the XML files, it's not SMP cloth physics, it's 3BBB body physics, be it CBPC and/or SMP according to how you installed BHUNP.
    2. Zoomer124
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks, removed the physics
    3. Zoomer124
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I just removed the xml in the meshes file and not in the bodyslide one
    4. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Right, did not specify it.
      The XML in bodyslide is a group file for building. SMP declarations are in the various XML files in the many meshes sub-folders.
  4. stellataclave
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Wow impressive and a ton of work thank you.
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
  5. drakeotomy
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is there a way I could still use CBBE or 3BA bodies with your SMP? Like if I built the outfit in Outfit Studio myself or was using the 3BA conversions available elsewhere?
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Not directly.

      SMP uses two ingredients: XML files to declare what SMP bones are present in the outfit piece and how they should behave; and the bones themselves which must be added to the meshes, which are then weight painted accordingly. So somebody should copy these SMP bones from outfit1_BHUNP to outfit1_3BA, adjust the weight paint here and there to account for the max bones per vertices limitation and then use the same collision proxy shapes in the same outfit1_3BA mesh. At that point, the outfit1_BHUNP XML might be used as is. All of this, for every SMP enabled piece, thus from outfit1 to outfitN.

      In summary it's not possible to do what you ask by simply rebuilding the pieces in BodySlide. You have to convert them to the proper SMP riggings.
    2. drakeotomy
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I see, it was more complicated than I thought. Thanks for taking the time to explain that.
  6. urbon
    • premium
    • 850 kudos
    Woah you're mad crazy!! you did a great job with this one. Thank you so much for sharing!!
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
    2. calibre123
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      totally agree
  7. Maegfaer
    • premium
    • 167 kudos
    Is major clipping of the legs (front) and feet (back) normal for pretty much all gowns/dresses when running (vanilla anim), or did I do something wrong?

    They look amazing when only walking though.

    Edit: Also, it seems all the simulated clothing has two layers that both have physics and clip with each other. It definitely feels like I did something wrong, can anyone confirm?
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      The long ones have a containment shape used to accentuate the circular movement of the fabric around the body in a 360 degree angle, so that it looks the best it can for walking without the usual erratic lateral spikes due to micro bones adjustments in the animations. This was a somewhat arbitrary choice due to totally subjective immersion povs and opinions.

      Most people use the longer gown dresses for various NPCs via SPID and for specific scenarios, where sprinting and running is less common. To completely account for Thigh, FrontThigh, RearCalf and Foot bones while running with most animations we should allow the dress to behave like a cape, which would dramatically reduce the beauty of its movement in normal occasions: not to clip when the thigh pushes up and forward, the dress should comply with an even stronger movement forward, which would bring the sides and the back to warp unnaturally or to clip inside the body (as per the circular constraint chains of the SMP bones around the body).

      I know, it's subjective, but if you ever tried, you can't sprint and run with those gowns in real life unless you raise them with your hands towards the knees. With tighter gowns, like the elven ones, it would be even more impossible. The reality is we should have animations subordinated to the type of dress, not vice versa. Since we don't, there's a trade we must undergo/accept. For instance, this does not happen with shorter dresses/robes like, say, Dettlaff Robe.

      Regarding the double layers: yes, most outfits have them. If you don't add physics to both, they will clip even more and tear the textures, which visually would be worse. The choice was to remove the inner layers, or to keep them. The issue here is that each outfit is visually different when the inner is removed. Thus I kept them.

      If you tried the original UUNP one, most gowns and robes suffer from warping and texture tearing with most movements, while they look superb when standing still. While I would love to say this SMP version achieves everything we want without any issue, it does not, alas. Most of the issues come from a single fabric going all around the body - while most SMP outfits have some sort of separation between the 4 cardinal points - which must be accounted for. So this works fine if you let Elysif wear a long gown in her court, and less so when she follows you in her Amorous Quest outside the town - though in that case she'd probably wear a glass armour.  
    2. Maegfaer
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      Thanks for the detailed explanation!
    3. Maegfaer
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      So I checked again, and the double rendering is not caused by an "under-dress" present in some models. In case of an under-dress like that, I have 4 layers of clothes being rendered, two of the upper layer and two of the under layer. The clones are usually only noticable when moving, when they start to clip with each other.

      Example screenshot from below:

      The strange thing is that this doesn't occur with for example the capes.
    4. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      when I said double layers I didn't mean under-clothes. I meant most of the shapes are double layered and they are both weight painted with the SMP bones and it can happen that the constraint chain with the containment shape acts differently on the outer and inner layer of the same shape. to use this trick while accounting for both layers would begin to make SMP really heavy on most hardware, if there's even a way to do that, honestly.

      As I said in both the mod description page and in the sticky post here, SMP in a big project like this one is, on paper, a never-ending process ^_^' and, for the moment being, a best-effort one.

      The capes - but the fur one for different reasons - are ideal because their shape is almost flat and there's no containment shape so they move freely.
  8. batfox123
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    MAN I cant even imagine how much work had been put into this. Straight up amazing. 
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
  9. geck404
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This must have been a lot of work, impressive. Endorsed!
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Thanks. Hope you'll enjoy it.
  10. Danna233
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I just came to say that this is truly a great job. I have not yet managed to convert even simple armor with vanilla bodies to 3BA and this is just one thing)
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
  11. hadrianus2020
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    Could you please do a 3BA version with cloth physics please?
    1. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Hey, thank you for the polite request.

      Alas I don't use the CBBE body, so I'm not the right guy to do it, nor would I rush it.
      Since there is already a 3BA conversion for Divine Elegance Store, although I don't know if it's complete or not, I presume - as it happens - somebody will frankenstein it to look/work like this one.

      Or, you could always install BHUNP (ᵔ ᵔ)b
    2. hadrianus2020
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Hmmm. How many outfits from Apachii have you added cloth physics too?

      I might consider it. But I wonder if someone has added cloth physics for vanilla outfits in BHUNP like Re-Modernize has for 3ba.
    3. hyruledm
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      There's a lot of vanilla BHUNP mods, from lore friendly to skimpy to definitely not-usable-in-front-of-witnesses nsfw. They all come with body physics/collisions.

      But not with SMP that I know of: honestly having all female actors with SMP enabled outfits would tax my Steam Deck too much (O_O”)
    4. hadrianus2020
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Oh fair enough. I recently upgraded and now I can max out my settings.
    5. NyteBlyade
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I do hope someone talented and brave enough will convert these to 3ba.
    6. WRCUno
      • premium
      • 0 kudos