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  1. Rubberduck1172
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Been wanting this for AGES, made many posts about it but always lacked the technical ability to do it myself. This is great!

    Kenshi vibes.
  2. flosky
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I never get bag checks by the actual gates, always inside even if i don't fast travel to the city i'm in.
  3. Shiatay
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Very interesting mod, I think adding more factors affecting the probability of random checks would greatly improve immersion

    - Racial profiling
    * Khajiits have highest level of suspicion, then Argonians, then Orcs
    * Elven races have a higher chance of random check in holds controlled by the Stormcloaks.
    * Bretons in Markarth.
    * Everyone who is not Dunmer on Soltheim
    * In holds controlled by the Stormcloaks, all races except Nords get a bonus to the probability of being racially profiled.

    - Membership in factions, Thane status, side in Сivil war.

    - The effect of clothing;
    * Increase the probability of being checked: beggars' clothes, Thieves Guild armor, Dark Brotherhood armor, Forsworn armor if Dovahkiin is in Markarth, army armor if the opposite side controls the Hold, necromancer and vampire clothes.
    * Reduce the probability of being checked: fancy clothes, expensive armor (except Daedric armor), army armor if matching the side that controls the Hold, armor of respected factions like the Companions
    1. pigzit
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Agreed! These are all great suggestions, and maybe in some cases certain items are no longer illicit if the guards are compliant with the culture or because of bribes, say in Riften as compared to other cities.
    2. yRaven
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      Also, stops check once you buy a home at the hold.
  4. Snipey360
    • premium
    • 44 kudos
    Is it possible to check for any stolen item when entering the city?
    1. Jonx0r
      • premium
      • 638 kudos
      I'd like to add it to a future update, but it's not an easy thing to check for.
    2. Snipey360
      • premium
      • 44 kudos
      Thanks for the reply, and your amazing work. I had thought about making a mod like this about 6-8 months ago, unfortunately I lack the talent to see it come to life. 
    3. jp1224
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      maybe the new papyrus functions added in the new update can help. I've seen it used in East Empire Expansion to not allow stolen items. The new functions are SetContainerAllowStolenItems, GetAllItemsCount, IsContainerEmpty, and RemoveAllStolenItems.
  5. LeastDegenAzuraEnjoyer
    • supporter
    • 36 kudos
    Im having some issues with this mod:

    Guard cold approaches me when entering whiterun:
    "Whiterun is okay but its a boring post for a guard"

    i walk away:

    "hold it, i need to check your bag for goods"
    "hey, this is sleeping tree sap! dont think i dont know!"
    >your god has left you
    >sleeping tree sap removed
    "wait, i know you"
    "alright then"

    walks away:

    "hold it, i need to check your bag for goods"

    Its not a super smooth dialogue experience. I had a few instances of repeated lines as well. I have boat loads of dialogue expansions tho, including Extended Guard Dialogue. Oh wait you made that. Nevermind!

    But ya not sure whats going on. Still a great mod! Id say essential for any thief playthrough.
    1. Jonx0r
      • premium
      • 638 kudos
      Do you have a mod installed that changes the way guards react to bounties? Specifically the dialogue in the DialogueCrimeGuards quest. The line "Wait, isn't this... Sleeping tree sap? Don't think I don't know about it!" is meant to connect to the base game player response "You're making a mistake..." (DGCrimeWanted) but by your description this isn't happening for some reason. This topic exists in the DialogueCrimeGuards quest. The situation should unfold like so:

      The player is given a 200 gold bounty so the guard should respond to that with "The only mistake was you showing your face. You've committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, and it's time to face the Jarl's justice." since the bounty is greater than the CrimePettyCrimeThreshold (base ID: 0003403F) global value. If it's less than that the guard should say "There's no mistake. You're a wanted man/woman... and it's time to pay for your crimes." instead, but for some weird reason it looks like neither conditions are being met on your end.
    2. LeastDegenAzuraEnjoyer
      • supporter
      • 36 kudos
      Im fairly certain its something with Mantella: When i submit to the search and nothing comes out, they will say "Of Course!", back out of the interaction, and then i see "Conversation Started" in the top left as if Mantella is booting up an AI convo with the guard.

      Im looking at them both in xEdit though and im not seeing what the problem is? There is not conflict in the plugins that I can see, and no conflict in the files/scripts either.

      Or Im dumb and dont know how to read, which is more likely.
  6. Fushigirsu77
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    I'd like to report a little thing, I'm not sure if this is intended but when I loaded my game (in the drunken huntsman) and left the building a guard approached me for a bag check, while I was already in whiterun. I also had it installed before loading the save. Did you mean for them to also check while you're already in the city? I assume there might not be a way to differentiate a gate guard from an in-city guard but I just thought I'd point this out incase there was.

    For more info, I also was using alternate start to spawn into the whiterun house to test something else, but I did leave the city gates a few times while testing, and he only approached me after leaving the drunken huntsman.
    1. Jonx0r
      • premium
      • 638 kudos
      Bag checks can only trigger when approaching Whiterun, not if you spawn into Whiterun. I can only assume you ran past the guard trying to do the bag check and he followed you into the city. I'll see if I can prevent that from happening in the next update.
    2. Fushigirsu77
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Alright, thanks! I figured that wasn't intended, guess I was right. I have the frequency way down so even if there's nothing you can do I'm sure I can ignore it for the most part. The Drunken Huntsman is also near the gate so you might be right about me running past
  7. Velvet269
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I use this mod alongside another one that adds dialogue topics for the guards. After they perform a bag check, it switches to a dialogue option and their usual greeting, such as ‘Do you need something?’ It’s a minor annoyance, but if you can do something about it, that would be great.
    1. Jonx0r
      • premium
      • 638 kudos
      Once the bag check has completed their dialogue defaults to whatever it should normally be. There's nothing I can do about what lines the game chooses from my end.
  8. vegaswanderer
    • supporter
    • 114 kudos
    Amazing. It adds so much life to Skyrim. In fact, all your mods add so much life to Skyrim. Thank you. Any chance they also confiscate lockpicks, stolen goods, and necromancy-related items?
    1. Jonx0r
      • premium
      • 638 kudos
      I'll try and add some lockpick-related interactions in the next update. As far as necromancy items go, what other items should they comment on? I have them talk about human hearts, human flesh and black soul gems already.
    2. vegaswanderer
      • supporter
      • 114 kudos
      Maybe Necromancy spell tomes or robes/hoods. It would also be funny if they comment on creepy stuff like human skulls if you are carrying them. Something like "why do you need a human skull? Never mind, move along".
    3. MathieuTheDunmer
      • premium
      • 204 kudos
      Some interactions with lockpicks would be cool. And a good persuasion check to try to escape this would be the player say ''I'm an adventurer, I only use them to unlock chests in dungeons.''
    4. vegaswanderer
      • supporter
      • 114 kudos

      That's actually really smart. I would love to see that in game as an option.
  9. ItsRainmoon
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    so i recently start new playthrough but then i notice the guard that supposed to let u inside whiterun is gone, do u think its a bug from this mod? i use ASLAL
    1. Jonx0r
      • premium
      • 638 kudos
      In all my testing the gate guard that lets you into Whiterun is never picked by City Bag Checks because that NPC is reserved by the main quest. City Bag Checks doesn't pick reserved NPCs.
  10. Hershal721
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Any chance you could add a "Black market dealer" that will buy illicit goods at a large markup? That way there is an incentive to smuggle in these goods. Of course no pressure, just an idea :)