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  1. bloodyraven56
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Skeever, just a quick question - for the quest mods including this one when I install them and enable they have a plugin of for example:


    but they have a missing masters flag that try to look for: ksws05.esp

    How do I get around that?
    1. Kreiste
      • premium
      • 1,299 kudos
      By downloading the requirement.
    2. bloodyraven56
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the response,
      the requirements for this mod - specifically Siblings of Sales - Quest Mod - require:
      Dragonwood Pugilist Outfit - Lunar New Year Special (hdtSMP - BHUNP - CBBE - HIMBO) which does not include an ESP.
      Simply Open Source Voice Pack which includes SOSVoices.esm

      both requirements which do not include Ksws05.esp which this mod says it requires.

      I have all the requirements downloaded and installed accordingly.

      Is there an issue with the esp names? The ESP for this mod is called Ksws05_quest.esp but requires Ksws05.esp, am I missing something?
    3. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,410 kudos
    4. bloodyraven56
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Oh! Strange! Thanks for pointing that out Skeever!
      I went to double check on my MO2 and the ESP wasn't in the file, something must have happened with my install.

      Thank you so much!

      EDIT: It appears I downloaded the 4k replacement for the outfit requirement and not the main file. Thanks again guys for helping me find the fix to my problem!
  2. RonantheRonin
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    does it matter if you choose the loose or bsa option on the voicepack?
  3. MrDiyyy
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    The explanation for the map is:

    Gear below is Ruins of Bthalft. 
    The X is Pelagia Farm.
    The crescent moon is Silent Moon Camp.
    The tower with a hole is Winterhold College.
    1. ramoram
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      That's not "Tower with a hole" XD It's an Oblivion symbol and it points to Azura Shrine
  4. Whiskymaniac
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    if they had an accent, that would be 10/10
  5. zelurker
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Well thanks for the walkthrough because I still don't understand how you can deduce where to go from the map for the 3rd quest ?
    Except that maybe the follower you get after the 3rd quest could get some more love from you, I mean she has no perk at all, no shield, and her outfit is not even an armor (protection 0), if you bring her into a fight it will be a slaughter, especially at level 20 !
    A good idea would be to make a real fist fighter from her, something like this mod : you would need to put an enchantment to fortify unarmed damage on some of her equipment, at least 2 pieces I would say, and maybe change her default behavior so she doesn't grab any weapon from an enemy she has just beaten. Well I guess we can still enchant her equipment ourselves by using this mod too... She doesn't even seem to have the light foot perk, really, a little more love ?
    1. Mauroleones
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Agreed, even that I have already done this by myself to give Ruoyu some perks, but, well, it is still better she could have some official perk addons from wSkeever. : )

      The story is fun, and I will not tell that I figure out the map also by myself and get into the correct CAVE. :P
  6. xadris666
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    safe without HDT Physics? (not using one) 
  7. Mauroleones
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Well balanced and handy equipments along with well-designed funny quests, soothing new voices and dialogues, what else can I complain ? Just another good day with wSkeever's nice works ! Thanks ! 
  8. samC00LLkid
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    im gonna get the chinese lady naked and theres nothing you can do about it
    1. Drackzero
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It is... Inevitable.
  9. chypres89
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    ''Q: Why don't the NPCs have accents?
    A: What are you racist?'' Hahaha that killed me.
  10. VukodlakWolfang
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Would like to say, appreciate the work into this so far. But I can't get Ruoyu's quest to trigger. I even spent several in-game days away from whiterun to do other quests before returning and still nothing from her when I enter the Drunken Huntsman.
    1. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,410 kudos
      Can't reproduce your issue. You can't give up previous quests.
    2. ak52092
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I got the same issue... I am sure I have done the previous two quests. And another problem is that merchandise still in my bag after quest 1 is done. When I ask Huaijin to buy something, nothing shows off, the dialogue just over.
    3. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,410 kudos
      Changed some aliases to allow reserved. Maybe you got other quests reserving the question location.

      Fixed the other 2 issues.