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  1. LAndonisFunniCAP
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    yo make a female version so i can wait 10000000 years.
  2. wujiarui
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I found that the damage of the common weapon became minus.
    1. pawelos4
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
    2. Randomuser1092
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      stack overflow probably
  3. ZSPlayzX
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i load it, and just have an infinite black screen :(
    1. ZSPlayzX
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      nevermind, i just needed to update cuz i downgraded :D
  4. ponz01anda
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I tried putting on my GOG version of skyrimse and it doesnt work. 
    1. pawelos4
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      it does work, try again
  5. Freezegopher
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    i have 8000 hours in this game, calling BS
    1. pawelos4
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      calling BS on what? You can see my steam profile if that helps:
    2. jessikittyjustakitty
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      Level 1337 with 793 hours in the game means an average of over 1.6 levels per hour, which simply isn't feasible

      Even if we include the playtime from LE, that's 1776 hours, which is 75% of a level every hour.

      Level 1336 to 1337 would alone take 34100 xp. This would require levelling any skill from specifically level 99 to max level 341 times.

      Level 1 to level 1337 would take a total of 23241815 xp, which would then in turn, take 232419 of such skill advancements. skill xp 1-100 grants 50.5 times as much experience as simply 99-100. Which means he would have to take a skill from 1 to 100 a total of 4603 times, which is an average of over two an a half times per hour.

      Keep in mind that this would require every hour of playtime to be on one, singular character. Any secondary or tertiary characters would make this already herculean task even more absurd. 

      Source for xp requirements and gains from the USEP page on levelling, and a calculator

      Yeah, i have my doubts
    3. egonblabla
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, math doesn't add up. I spent 850 hours murderhoboing on a single character, got it to level 305. And the biggest problem, even with mods is lack of enemies to fight. Dungeons don't respawn fast enough, which means i have to spend time waiting inside somewhere so they can reset. And i have like 3 times more dungeons than vanilla Skyrim.
    4. jessikittyjustakitty
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      There is a non-zero chance of exploits allowing levelling that fast. But at that point, my concern is honestly on how this person could enjoy that amount of time spent just using an exploit to power level that fast. Combine that with the fact that i haven't factored in time to actually, y'know, play through the quests, collect the items and spells, etc, i can't say i'm exactly a believer. 
    5. jessikittyjustakitty
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      i want to put out there that my post isn't there to throw any shade, or anything else, merely to add to the discussion (and a little bit out of concern; if the video you posted is to be believed (i don't have the 11 hours to watch through to check), that would mean almost 44 hours of time just casting the same spell over and over, which sounds, to me, worrying, even if it's not all done in one sitting)
    6. 17MCzecherz
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I agree, but I was curious so I downloaded and I noticed that the Illusion skill was reset over 4500 times.
    7. megahehe
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Bro is consistent and you have a problem with it?
    8. pawelos4
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Hey guys, I literally posted a full video of me leveling up to level 1337 and it took 43 hours and 7 minutes of game time starting at level 116 with all skills maxed out and legendaried. You can see it on the mod's page. It definitely wasn't the most exciting activity in the world but I had some YT videos or Netflix playing on my laptop or phone 99% of the time.
      Also I encourage you to watch the main save showcase video to see the full presentation if you have any more doubts. If you still have any questions then, I'll gladly answer them
    9. jessikittyjustakitty
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      Alright, i've had a skim through of the video (still don't have the time to watch the full thing, that beast is ten hours long, i don't remember the last time i had ten hours to burn on something i enjoy) and i will say at this point i'm convinced. Hats off to ya man, i know for sure i'd get bored after like... three minutes, probably.

      i just... hope you didn't do it all in one sitting. i didn't spot any save or load screens, but i did only skim it. Please tell me you took breaks?
    10. pawelos4
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Hey, I obviously did take breaks This whole process was split into around 80 play sessions. One session for me was usually one 9am to 5pm (in game) period (in these hours there are the most npc's in the streets) which conveniently lasted around 30 real world minutes. Sometimes when I wanted to push it, I'd do a double session so one real life hour at a time. Maybe once I did a triple session (1,5hrs). At this pace it wasn't that bad and I always had some YT video or Netflix show playing in the background. I can't say I did it every day but I completed the entire process in around 8 months.

      There are cuts there but they are hard to spot. Every time I wait for 16 hours after 5 pm and save the game I disable recording. In my next session I load into the same save and start recording at 9 am so that's where the cut is.
    11. henryetha
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      The hours don't say anything. You can play offline, you know...
    12. autists
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      He has redeemed illusion 4000 times which is what got him to that insane level, he has done everything himself, there is human quality to everything in the save. It looks legit to me, this person deserves some congratulations.
  6. JoeyR0
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when i put it in my saves folder and boot up the game it does not show up, can you help me with this please?
    1. pawelos4
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      That's strange. Maybe you need to put the save in your saves folder after you launch the game because your cloud saves service doesn't recognize the file.
  7. wwwea2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i need a AE please
    1. pawelos4
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      This save is compatible with AE
  8. angelo12pg
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    We appreciate you for this gift, POG U
  9. Adacho1331
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    kurde faja
  10. Vattende
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Thanks for the saves !
    Just loaded the mainfile with a modlist of approx 100 mods to try. With SKSE and project Nemesis and some new moves. All fine, no crash so far.
    Most locations show accessible by fast-travel, just some not, same as on the save-file i still hold from 2016.
    We live in a small world after all.

    Great work for testers, and old Skyrim lovers like me. I started with Morrowind years ago, or was it in an other life, don't remember exactly. XD
    My first Skyrim i got in a rl shop, then over the years saw many updates and editions for sure.

    Thankies for the complet work !