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About this mod

Adds an MMO-like hotbar system for Spells, Shouts and Powers to Skyrim. Supports up to 12 slots, swapping bar depending on weapon type and enabling modifier bars (ctrl, alt, shift). Spells cast through the bar are script casted and can be used with all Weapons. Casting Animations are played with DAR/OAR. Supports 1.5.97, 1.6.640 and 1.6.1170.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin

Adds a Spell Hotbar to skyrim

Supported Skyrim Version
The mod is built with CommonLib-NG is verified to work on 1.5.97 and 1.6.640
1.6.1070 should also work, but only quick testing was done.

Beta State
This mod is currently just released to the public and not extensively tested.
SpellHotbar adds two quest scripts (the MCM menu and the script for key input handling and cast events).
Both should be able to get rid of from your save by using ReSaver, but no guarantees, still use at or own risk.

Address Library for SKSE Plugins
powerofthree's Papyrus Extender
DAR or OAR - for animations
Inventory Interface Information Injector - if you want icons in the swf menu

Load Order
Does not really matter for the main plugin.
Spell packs should be installed after their respective spell mod to overwrite the i4 .json

Known Problems
Shouts and Powers do not work when you bind your "shout" key to the mouse. The script is required to send the shout input and this does not work with the mouse (seems like a Papyrus bug)

"Help my Bar did reset"
You likely just swapped weapons and now use a different bar, see the description about bar inheritence.

"Sometimes an animation is slightly delayed or wrong"
Papyrus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Extensive Config options
Read Github Wiki for explanation of all MCM setting options

Slotting Spells
Up to 12 shortcuts can be defined for spells to be directly cast (with weapons in hands) by script.The slots can be assigned from within the magic menu by hovering over a spell and pressing their shortcut.
Spells, Powers and Shouts are supported.

Multiple Bars
There are multible different bars available with inheritance that automatically change depending on your equipped items.e.G: "Two-Handed" bar inherits from "Melee" which inherits from "Default". Inheritance can be disabled for individual bars
Bars Structure
  • Default
    • Melee
      • Dual Wield
      • 1H + Shield
      • Dual Wield
    • 1H + Spell
    • Magic
    • Ranged
    • Sneak
      • Melee Sneak
        • Dual Wield Sneak
        • 1H + Shield Sneak
        • Dual Wield Sneak
      • 1H + Spell Sneak
      • Magic Sneak
      • Ranged Sneak

  • Vampire Lord
  • Werewolf (no use without mods)
Every bar except Default, Vampire Lord and Werewolf can be individually disabled, in that case the parent is used.Just one "Default" bar is possible as minimal setup

Bars can have ctrl, shift and alt modifiers for up to 3 different modes per bar.

Highly Configurable

Many things like positioning, size, amount of buttons (1-12), keybinds, modifiers (ctrl, shift, alt), disabling individual bars

Import / Export

MCM config and slotted spells can be individually exported and imported from/to json.

Individual Spell config
Every spell can be individually configured (casttime, cooldown, icon, animation, ...). Spells without config are also
supported, there are default icons and cast data is read from the form
the individual config is only needed for specific spells, like the
Master spells (reduce way to long casttime which causes problems with
animations, but add cooldonw instead)

Support for modded spells

All icons and data are defined in .csv files which are read from dedicated folders, any modded skills can be added that way.
There are default icons that will be used for unknown spells, these
depend on school, rank and type of a spell. Destruction can check
element, Restoration and Illusion if friendly or hostile, Conjuration if
summon or bound weapon.
A few spell mods already have icon packs, If you want to add more or help in assisting to create icons for popular spell mods,
feel free to contact me.

AI generated Icons for Spells

All AE content is supported with an icon and spell config

Thanks to open permissions from BOTuser998's Thu'um - Fully Animated Shouts, these shout animationscan be played when script casting one of the spells. The anim for each spell can be configured in the .csv files.
This requires to have DAR or OAR installed. OAR is more modern and preferable.

Mrowpurr for Tutorials & Templates

Dear ImGui
Address Library

Important References
Immersive Equipment Displays

Papyrus / esp
Cast Spells As Lesser Powers - Oblivion-like Spell Casting, big inspiration to create Spell Hotbar
Thu'um - Fully Animated Shouts, big thanks for open permission shout anims
powerofthree's Papyrus Extender

SWF Tools - png2swf.exe

Spell Hotbar on Github