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About this mod

Facial expression framework to extends the facial expression system to more facial expressions
Supports console commands and papyrus scripts similar to MFG

Permissions and credits

This mod is a framework that only extends facial expressions
so doesn't include all the extra facial expression morph files needed for it
but for example file that modders can refer to, support some extra facial expressions for vanilla race's
(sorry, i can't make the facial expression of vanilla race well)

also support extra facial expression tri file for the elin race

available for both player and NPC

Not a replacement for MFG mods!!

The mfg mods are for bug fix and better use of vanilla's facial expression function
This mod extends to use a new kind of facial expression that is not in vanilla's facial expression
So can be used with mfg mods and is not a replacement for mfg

How to set facial expression morph with console commands?
mfee <category number> <morph number> <value 0~100>

mfee 0(mood) 5(MoodFlabbergasted) 80
mfee 7(tongue) 0(tongueOut) 40
mfee 0 3 100

to reset
mfee r
mfee reset

to reset category
mfee 2(ears) r
mfee 0 r
mfee 4 reset

to help print
- Categories will be printed

mfee 0
- morphs of mood category will be printed

Can I use it with MFG console commands/papyrus scripts?
- sure, it's similar to mfg, but it's a separate system from mfg
so you can use it together

How to use papyrus scripts?
please refer to MuFacialExpressionExtended.psc file in scripts/source folder
you can use it like this
MuFacialExpressionExtended.SetExpressionByNumber(Game.GetPlayer(), 0, 4, 80); set 80% of MoodTemptation in the mood category
for more info, please look at the for modder section

Can I add another tri file for facial expressions?
sure, please refer to for modder section

Support morph name / categories

The categories support list :
0. Mood
1. Misc
2. Ears
3. Tail
4. Face
5. Eyes
6. Brows
7. Mouth
8. Tongue

The facial morph name list of Mood category : 
0. MoodAhegao
1. MoodAhegao2
2. MoodSulky
3. MoodLaugh
4. MoodFlabbergasted
5. MoodTemptation

The facial morph name list of Misc category : 

The facial morph name list of Ears category : 
0. EarsFront
1. EarsBack
2. EarsIn
3. EarsOut

The facial morph name list of Tail category : 
0. TailUpTailDown
1. TailLeftTailRight

The facial morph name list of Face category : 
0. FaceInflateCheeks

The facial morph name list of Eyes category : 
0. EyesIn
1. EyesOut
2. EyesSurprise
3. EyesShock

The facial morph name list of Brows category : 

The facial morph name list of Mouth category : 
0. MouthLaugh
1. MouthTemptation
2. MouthSmacklips
3. MouthFlabbergasted
4. MouthCry
5. MouthCat
6. MouthClench
7. MouthClenchLip
8. MouthPucker
9. MouthUpperUp
10. MouthBow

The facial morph name list of Tongue category : 
0. TongueOut
1. TongueUp
2. TongueDown
3. TongueLeft
4. TongueRight
5. TongueTwistLeft
6. TongueTwistRight

If you want to add another morph name with fixed number, please feel free to suggest on the forum


Set the facial expression but doesn't work
- if the morph match to the facial expression is not exist in the tri file then it will not work

Set the facial expression, but doesn't work but player does
- the NPC is using an independent base facial expression trip file  if vertex count and vertex order in the mesh are the same, create an ini file to skse\plugins\MuFacialExpressionExtended folder to link it

Does this affect the save file?
- everything is not saved so if there's an facial expression that needs to be remained  you must re-run the function after the game loaded
  Also you can install and delete freely


1. install requirements
2. install the main file
- if you are playing the elin race then install the option file


Address Library for SKSE Plugins (for SSE/AE)
VR Address Library for SKSEVR (for VR)


Support SE v1.5.97
Support AE all versions (if you have a problem with v1.6.1130 ~ v1.6.1170, install the latest Address library)

not verified for VR v1.4.15

For Modder

To link morph tri file and morph name in MFEE

Make morph name in MFEE and morph name in tri file the same

To add a new morph for MouthLaugh facial expressions to the tri file
create morph with the same morph name (MouthLaugh) and add it to the tri file
letter case is not important
it recognize them all in lowercase

To add morph file (tri) on MFEE

1. Create ini file with any name in skse\plugins\MuFacialExpressionExtended folder
2. fill out the following form
ExtensionFile = <Headpart's facial expression tri file path>, <Extra facial expression tri file>, <Extra facial expression tri file2>, <Extra facial expression tri file3>...

<Headpart's facial expression tri file path> is .tri file of facial expressions linked to head part
<Extra facial expression tri file> is the facial expression tri file you want to add

data\meshes is the root location
so you have to fill out paths without data\meshes

also you can add multiple files by adding , or by adding multiple lines

to add new morph file to vanilla race head mesh

vanilla race's facial expression tri file of head mesh is data\meshes\actors\character\character assets\femalehead.tri
so fill out actors\character\character assets\femalehead.tri on <Headpart's facial expression tri file path>

new facial expression tri file is data\meshes\newmorphfile\abc.tri
so fill out newmorphfile\abc.tri on <Extra facial expression tri file>

then it's fill out like this

ExtensionFile = actors\character\character assets\femalehead.tri, newmorphfile\abc.tri

If you want to add and use anothermorphfile\dec.tri file and newmorphfile\abc.tri files together to the head mesh

ExtensionFile = actors\character\character assets\femalehead.tri, newmorphfile\abc.tri, anothermorphfile\dec.tri


ExtensionFile = actors\character\character assets\femalehead.tri, newmorphfile\abc.tri
ExtensionFile = actors\character\character assets\femalehead.tri, anothermorphfile\dec.tri


a.ini file
ExtensionFile = actors\character\character assets\femalehead.tri, newmorphfile\abc.tri

b.ini file
ExtensionFile = actors\character\character assets\femalehead.tri, anothermorphfile\dec.tri

To add new morph name / new category

1. create ini file with any name in skse\plugins\MuFacialExpressionExtended\Morphs folder
2. fill out following form

<category name>|<morph name>

<category name>
 is the category name you want to add morph or the category you want to create
<morph name> is the morph name you want to add to the category
also separate the two with "|"

letter case is not important
it recognize them all in lowercase

Description of the papyrus script functions

int function GetVersion() global native
returns the API version of MFEE.dll
currently the latest version is 3

bool function RegisterNewMorphData(string a_morphBasePath, string a_morphPath) global native
add a new facial expression tri file to the head part
it's same as ini files in skse\plugins\MuFacialExpressionExtended folder
so data\meshes is root

returns false if fails and returns true if successful

bool function RegisterNewMorphNameOnCategory(string a_morphCategory, string a_morphName) global native
add new morph name on the category or add a new category name with morph name
it's same as ini files in skse\plugins\MuFacialExpressionExtended\morphs folder

returns false if fails and returns true if successful

string[] function GetExpressionCategories() global native
returns string array for categories name

int function GetExpressionCategoriesSize() global native
returns categories count

string function GetExpressionCategoryByNumber(int a_categoryNumber) global native
returns category name that matches number

string function GetExpressionCategoryByMorphName(string a_morphName) global native
returns category name that morph name exists

int function GetExpressionCategoryNumber(string a_morphCategory) global native
returns category number that matches category name

bool function IsValidExpressionCategory(string a_morphCategory) global native
returns false if invalid category and returns true if valid category

string[] function GetExpressionMorphNames(string a_morphCategory) global native
returns string array for morph names in the category name

int function GetExpressionMorphNamesSize(string a_morphCategory) global native
returns morph name count in the category name

string[] function GetExpressionMorphNamesByNumber(int a_categoryNumber) global nativereturns string array for morph names in the category number

string function GetExpressionMorphNameByNumber(string a_morphCategory, int a_morphNumber) global native
returns morph name that matches morph number in the category name

string function GetExpressionMorphNameByNumbers(int a_categoryNumber, int a_morphNumber) global native
returns morph name that matches morph number in the category number

int function GetExpressionMorphNameNumber(string a_morphName) global native
returns number that matches the morph name

bool function IsValidExpressionMorphName(string a_morphName) global native
returns false if invalid morph name and true if valid morph name

int function GetExpressionValueByName(actor a_actor, string a_morphName) global native
returns value of the morph name

int function GetExpressionValueByNumber(actor a_actor, int a_categoryNumber, int a_morphNumber) global native
returns value of the morph number in the category

function SetExpressionByName(actor a_actor, string a_morphName, int a_value) global native
set morph value of the morph name

function SetExpressionByCategory(actor a_actor, string a_morphCategory, int a_morphNumber, int a_value) global native
set morph value of the morph number in the category name

function SetExpressionByNumber(actor a_actor, int a_categoryNumber, int a_morphNumber, int a_value) global native
set morph value of the morph number in the category number

function RevertExpression(actor a_actor, string a_morphCategory = "") global native
revert/reset all morph value to 0 or revert/reset all morph value to 0 in the category name

function UpdateExpression(actor a_actor) global native
instant update facial expressions
you don't need to use it in general
this is just in case

function InitialMorphData(actor a_actor) global native
If the tri file of headpart is changed due to the replacement of the headpart or a new headpart is added
update the morph data so that mfee can work in the new headpart
All morph values are initialize after this so have to done again

To update tri file and config files in the real-time

1. open the console
2. enter "mfee debug reload"
DO NOT USE it often in gameplay
it's experimental and please use only when testing mod

To instant update the actor's facial morph by console

1. open the console
2. click the actor you want to update
3. enter "mfee debug update"
usually you don't need to use it
this is just in case

To use API for skse plugin modders

Download "Modder Resource" in misc section
and include the Interface.h file in your source code

commonlib-ng is used as follows
#include "interface.h"

MFEE::InterfaceManager manager;
MFEE::IFacialExpressionExtended* mfee = manager.GetInterface(); //get interface from mfee.dll

if (!mfee) //check that the mfee interface is valid
if (mfee->GetVersion() != 3) //check mfee interface version
if (!mfee->IsValidExpressionCategory("mood")) //check that there is mood category, letter case doesn't matter

std::vector<std::string> morphNames = mfee->GetExpressionMorphNames("mood"); //get morph names in mood category
std::vector<std::string> foundmorphName;

for (std::string morphName : morphNames)
if (morphName.contains("ahegao")) //find morph name that conatains "ahegao"
foundmorphName.push_back(morphName); //found MoodAhegao and MoodAhegao2

for (std::string morphName : foundmorphName)
mfee->SetExpressionByName(RE::PlayerCharacter::GetSingleton(), morphName, 50); //set MoodAhegao and MoodAhegao2 to 50
also you can rename interface.h file name

for Regular SKSE not commonlib, you should implement using the same message function of skse plugin's instead of InterfaceManager in Interface.h

for functions, refer to the papyrus section abovethe name and function are the same

