Skyrim Special Edition


  1. bananakillerBRO
    • premium
    • 83 kudos
    Mod is now (relatively) bug free! More updates to come! 
  2. fartjokes
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    why have i never heard of this! this looks amazing
  3. nathanjtr67
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    is it possible to get the set stage commands for this 
  4. robbbg
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    never thought i'd see master splinter in skyrim
  5. step210
    • supporter
    • 62 kudos
    Twitch made it to skyrim???
  6. BourenaneChahine
    • BANNED
    • 2 kudos
    Super eager to try it!
  7. ItsRainmoon
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Hi, i finally have time to play with trek but i encounter a bug on his quest, he simply refuse to follow me and stay on his cell, summoning him using spell doesnt seems to work aswell, he just walk back inside the cell. he tells me to tell him if iam ready to go but when i talk to him again theres only one option and that is "do you have a moment to talk"
    1. bananakillerBRO
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      Do you have any followers with you, and if so do you have a mod that increases the follower count?
  8. LaZeR4312
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I honestly thought this mod was bugged since Wreek's quest marker wouldn't go away, turns out it was because I stopped talking to Trek when the only option was to praise Peryite. I'm doing a Vigilant playthrough through Alternate start & VIGILANT so it seemed out of character to me, I even got the Renounce mod so I didn't have to help Daedra for Daedric quests (since they tend to insert themselves into your objectives). Despite its problems, this is a fun mod. I just wish there were a more neutral option to close out the quest, but I enjoyed it as a quest mod nonetheless.
    1. bananakillerBRO
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      Honestly breaking a quest because you refuse to bow to a daedric lord is pretty based. 

      I would love to add more options for player choice! My biggest problem with the mod is I railroad the player in regards to certain choices. The first thing I want to focus on is making him more fleshed out as a companion (dialogue with NPCS, more conversations, potential collaboration with other companion mods), then move onto making the player's dialogue more fleshed out. 
  9. wonderalone
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just finished the Trek questline, and I have to say that you have done awesome work, bravo indeed, I really wished it would have been longer or have more quests but it's fine as it is. 
    Maybe give us some DLC or more Trek adventures in the future? It's a lot to ask I know, but I have to since it was an awesome experience.
    Also a little nitpick: at the end when you confront the Packmaster Wreek, when you kill him the quest marker stays on him, I realized after many loads to earlier saves that you have to speak to Trek to end the quest, maybe add a little indication that you have to speak to Trek after killing Wreek so people don't get confused like me?
    1. bananakillerBRO
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      More's to come with Trek, including DLC commentary and NPC Convos! 

      Sorry about the quest marker towards the end, my dumb ass couldn't figure out how to make the quest script fire off after Wreek's death so I took the dirty way out and just made it so that Trek's dialogue checks if Wreek is dead. In the next update I'll either look more into scripting or make it so that talking to Trek is much more obvious. 

      Glad ya enjoyed the mod!
  10. DarkingS66
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hey man this mod is amazing but i have 1 issue tho, trek wont follow me to the pit thing location and he just stand there at the gate, follow me or wait option seems doesnt work so yeah i hope you have solution for this
    1. bananakillerBRO
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      Sometimes he can get stuck on the navmeshing, use his summon spell to bring him in if he can't path his way through. If ya missed it his summon spell is in his cell. 
  11. Yaboimediocre
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've started the quest and talked to marious, but trek will not follow me. I have the option to speak with him and ask him about stuff, but the option to recruit him isn't there. I'm playing on 1.6.1170 if that's any help
    1. bananakillerBRO
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      Odd indeed. Do ya have any follow framework mods installed?
    2. Yaboimediocre
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i have none. the only things i have that affect followers in general are "I'm Glad You're Here", and "Simple NPC Outfit Manager"
    3. bananakillerBRO
      • premium
      • 83 kudos

      Slide into my Dm's and send me your load order if ya want, let' see if we can't figure this out.
    4. wonderalone
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am on Version 4 and have Nether's Follower Framework and have the same problem.
    5. wonderalone
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      NVM, I solved the issue by reading the description page: "Updated scripts to be unique and not conflict with follower frameworks. Just in case best practice is to load Trek at a lower priority than any follower frameworks."

      For anyone who have the same issue and dunno how to do that: "open loot and search for "Trek.esp" then right click it and "edit metadata" and open the "load after" tab and add a new row and in it choose the esp of you follower framework then press the save button and voila :D
      Hop that helps :D
    6. bananakillerBRO
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      Excellent work my friend! Thank you for reporting back with your solution!
    7. Shardori
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      Must be something else in your load order, as I've not run into any issues with Trek and I use NFF.  I have Trek loaded fairly high in my load order and NFF is at the bottom.