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Author notes
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File credits
All Music is composed by Adrian von Ziegler He is the owner of all the tracks:
"MUSIC USAGE CONDITIONS: Everyone is free to use my music if credits are given. Exceptions are if you want to use my music in something with commercial purpose because you can get into trouble with GEMA if there is no written permission from me, it already happened several times and people even got sued by GEMA without even my knowledge. So that's why you MUST request a written permission from me if your project is commercial, for your own safety. But as far as YouTube goes you can use my music for free even if you monetize your videos, just give credits and you can use any song you want. =)" - Adrian von Ziegler
SilentRider for Celtic Music in Skyrim. CDprojektRED.
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Legacy of the Dragonborn Music replacer by Xtudo
Description New lovely Celtic music for the Museum Halls. They perfectly fit the Museum atmosphere. Something I've made for my game and now I'm sharing, maybe you like it too.
12 new instrumental tracks.
8 default music replaced, plus new 4 music added.
ESPFE that works with any Skyrim version.
It's fine to install/uninstall it at any time.
Optional Non Replacer version. It will add the 12 new music without replacing the original ones. Standalone.
100% compatible with Lux or similar lighting mods.
100% compatible with mods that edit the Museum layout, meshes, etc.