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Chakra SSE

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About this mod

Adds new standalone armor and greatsword inspired by Medieval Fantasy. (ESL Flagged, 4K Resolution)

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This mod adds a standalone heavy armor set and two handed greatsword inspired by Medieval Fantasy.

The armor and greatsword all share the exact same stats and recipes as vanilla Ebony armor, which means you craft them at a forge under the Ebony section! (Or use console commands/AddItemMenu)

Armor in game is named ''Yaldabaoth [Armor Piece]''. Weapon is ''Yaldabaoth Greatsword''.

HDT-SMP version can be downloaded here! Males and Females have custom meshes. Textures are all 4K Resolution! 

There are 3 main files for this mod. The Divine Version will make your armor appear how it does in the screenshots titled Divine Version. The Darkend Version will make the armor how it appears in the screenshots titled Darkend Version. (Inspired by the mod Darkend, user request) The Render Version will make the armor how it appears in the screenshots titled Render Version. The only visual difference between the Darkend, Divine and Render versions are the textures.

Read credits and permissions please.

"Yaldabaoth, the recondite warrior of chaos, weaves a web of unpredictable and enigmatic magic, challenging those who dare to unravel the mysteries of Skyrim." - Load Screen

He created an imperfect world and filled it with suffering.