Skyrim Special Edition

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The Daedric Brothers

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  1. MurderWrath
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    Backup your latest Savegame file before installing!
  2. Donnydonny1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    well, the 1st one was great somewhat huge waves of enemies that can paralyze you so that's annoying. I encountered a ton of issues with a few levels on the second one though. right off the bat the 3 portals that pop up from the water kept insta killing me. could not find solution and had to use a console command from the comments which helped for a while. But again, got stuck on I'm not sure which one. 2 portals in the back of the room and a throne on fire to the opposite end. could not find the oblivion heart to proceed and can't find console command to add it. so, I left the mission for later and teleported out only to find out that the eternal loud AF thunderstorm happens everywhere now. Indoors, outdoors cheat room and I cannot make it stop so I had to uninstall. thanks for making it so complicated that it made me stop enjoying myself. life is hard enough you don't HAVE to make a mod this hard with no easy's a game I'm here to have fun not spend an hour trying to find something that may be glitched out and having audio repetitive glitches.
  3. Adrak
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    So I played through both of these in LE with no problems, But the gates just refuse to appear in SE. I used the LE version of Gate of Solitude in SE and that worked no problem after nif optimizing it, I played through the whole quest. The gate in Morthal opens in the LE version playing in SE but the gates that rise out of the icy lake don't rise in SE. So the only way I can find to do mortal pain is to coc straight into the first area cuz the gate just won't appear after midnight in any circumstance of 2 days irl trying. Is there something that stops the gates appearing in SE when they had no problem doing it in LE?

  4. KingJamesIII
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    My man... soooo glad to see this uploaded here again. the team behind this series is legendary

    *edit* i'll never hit lvl 50 the way i mod. is there a way to bring the quest requirement level down?
  5. WRCUno
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    how do you get past the lightning wall in the solitude portal
    1. MurderWrath
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      First Tower, floor level : there is a metal grate acting as a divider of the ambience from the central open shaft and the outer walls, right on the opposide side of the entrance door. Behind the wall holding the metal grate you'll find the switch.
    2. WRCUno
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      thank you
    3. WRCUno
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      back again lol

      where do i go after getting the key at the first morthal portal tower. it doesnt go to the secret dungeon at the bottom

      Edit: i figured it out

      Edit 2: theres an infinitely spawning frost atronach at the 3 portals...what do lol
    4. MurderWrath
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      There are 3 portals in that area. Two are active, spawning Frost Atronachs. In order to activate the third one in the center and halt the enemies from coming relentlessly you have to reach the skulls upstairs, right in front of the two lateral portals (doesn't matter which one you go first) and activate them both.
    5. WRCUno
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      theres only 1 frost atronach spawning but i'll try that

      edit: thanks, the skulls are pretty easy to miss especially with enb lol
  6. Tenz81
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    cool, mod. Too many mobs (enemies) for my tastes, I would prefer the same so nice exploration without those weird combats of 20/30/50 npc vs 1 (me).
    Anyway very nice levels and keys finding mod.
    After killing the heart I had to escape, and so I did, running, but when I was out of gate it said that I failed and basically I had to kill the process cause I was in the skies. Gonna try again killing everybody I guess?
    1. MurderWrath
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      After killing the Keeper you have to grab the OBH from its pedestal and you are supposed to have it in your inventory when you go through the Oblivion Gate back to Skyrim. I wonder, did it glitch detecting the Gem in your inventory?
    2. Tenz81
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      So I managed to complete the quest without failing. I noticed that previously I didn't trigger the scene on the little bridge inside the tower (cause I jumped down before to trigger it)  where char falls in the fire in a pit full of hands... also I killed the iperboss that is placed after the bridge gate to the tower. One of the 2 things was necessary I bet.
      I guess I can try morthal now :)
      it looks like redbag morthal might conflict with the spawn of the door, coc mannyORS2MorthalPain01 worked well enough. 
      Morthal gate is another level! There is very cool icy-hell worldspace entrance, more detailed environment.
      I suggest anyone gonna try this to add this mod to add some variety to the otherwise quite boring repetitive hundreds of draemoras.
      A very cool mod.
  7. maalekar
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Finished Solitude, went to Morthal. Followed it closely, some tricky things finding keys and such but did. Eventually, I was able to get to the lever to flip to open the bone gate but walking the bridge killed me outright every time I tried to go across (no enemy, just died), ended up using tcl to go across the gap passed the bridge and kept going. The arena, had 2 big batches of enemy hit me, killed them, found the key to the "treasure room". went left hit the plate, nothing else there, went right the plate was already hit, went across the bridge, found the tower with treasure, seem to be stuck now. I've gone back to the arena as it says I have to kill them all and nothing spawns. I seem stuck. Any suggestion? 
    1. MurderWrath
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Search the top balcony in the Arena. There is a pedestal with a pullbar on it...
    2. maalekar
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      never mind, finally found the hiddle handle to activate the gate
    3. Stillsnow1234
      • member
      • 186 kudos
      What is this insta kill bug that I keep seeing in comments. Looks like it is pretty consistent across multiple users...
      is this resolved? or what happened to it? Or is there no need to worry about it or something?
    4. MurderWrath
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Kill Triggers are there on purpose and they're meant to activate if the Player cheated the way forward. So far I've not been able to reproduce the alleged bug having this "mis-fire" happening and they always worked as intended on my runs (meaning they get disabled according to legit quest progress).
    5. Derwan
      • premium
      • 65 kudos
      Why have them at all? It seems like they're just there to punish players who can't solve your puzzles, and seem to not properly remove themselves should anything break. They don't need to exist and are obviously causing problems, so I'd recommend removing them
    6. MurderWrath
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Those triggers are kind of a debugging feature. If the Quest brakes because of cheating we would never know how and when because players are not testers keeping track of everything in their run but you will definitely notice if you keep dying in a specific spot. So, in particularly "sensitive" moments of the progression, where if something goes wrong you might get stuck with no way of fixing things, in order to avoid spending hours chasing reports of phantom bugs which were never there in the first place, we have a tool in place to recognize if the general code might be to blame or something else (and quite easy to skip once you're told what to do, if anything). Since the mod has been developed in multiple steps many years ago, in order to deal with the various patching occured it would have required to re-structure the whole scripting on a singular body, instead of multiple entities interacting with each other, and the amount of work needed for this improvement, only to accomodate alleged cheaters, was indeed not worthwile. Also, those scripts are a clear message to the player that something isn't working properly so you can reload a previous savegame and try a different approach and possibly things would resolve themselves (if cheating was the actual culprit). Simply removing those triggers have the potential to result in a "false report" flood which is nothing but detrimental.
    7. cernakus
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos

      only absolute moron would choose this "anticheat" approach in such famous bugfest like skyrim is. You just suck in level design and somehow you thought this will be way to solve your lack of skills? When i read your "reasoning" I rolled my eyes so hard, they tangled into my optical nerves :-D

      Btw. your anticheat feature occured without cheating and only way to overcome it was by cheating ;-)

      But I get it, you did it in your free time for free. So you have no obligation to redo it.
    8. hawksbill
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Obviously a troll post.  ^  Thanks for the mod. Nice additional content to break up the usual.
  8. Dragon720
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    wow i enjoyed so much, very challenge battles and very secrets places
    oblivion gates is my favorite 
    any plans for part 3?

    i need litle help....where can find tunnel cave key in the gates of Solitude quest?
    1. MurderWrath
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      If I got you correctly, you are talking about the locked door you can spot on your way up the cave. If so, the key is inside an hidden room in the first Tower. Lots of secrets leading to even more secrets scattered around.
  9. megablackk1d
    • supporter
    • 18 kudos
    It's a fun mod the gate in solitude I was able to complete without issue however the mortal gate bugged out on me, and I could not complete it. Still an awesome mod though.
  10. cernakus
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Finished both parts.

    Would I recommend it to common players? Not a chance.

    Mod has good level art. Yes, it is somewhat monotonic but this is hell, so it should be depressing and dark.

    Mod has very though enemies. I am level 185 and as unofficial patch I have overpowered items but not glitch overpowered. My damage was on par, but I had install armor rating overhaul, to overcome that annoying 567 AR cap, because otherwise only stealth archer run is feasible (majority of melee NPC would kill you in just two blows with vanilla armor cap on legendary). Fact, that this mod was made pre-legendary, means that named bosses are much easier than generic dremoras because they have hard-coded level, meanwhile generic NPC have not, is funny but hey, it is basically 12 years old mod.
    But generally I appretiate overall hardness of this mod, because honestly, in vanilla and more common mods i am basically god, which can not be killed and damage of any of his attacks can oneshot almost anything. So it was refreshing for once drinking potions, and prepping before battles.
    I am also aplauding to idea of superpowerful enemies at the end serving as "run for your life to exit" which can still be killed, if your DPS is strong enough and you choose wise tactics.

    Mod has many items, which would help you lower its high difficulty. Majority of them are overpowered so good only for Oblivion realms run, but some of them can be used in normal skyrim world.

    "Puzzles" are confusing. Basically you just run around and activating anything it can be activaed and searching anything can be searched. Often you do not know if you just forgot something or it is a bug (yes, this mod is buggy mainly because Skyrim is buggy).

    Level design is connected to puzzles and it is in one word horrible. Althought path is mostly corridoric, it is very hard to navigate. It is hard to remember locations. There is zero hint what to do or where to go. Levers and buttons are located in such way, that it is hard to spot them and there is no clue or hint or highlight to them. Keys are named, doors which they are opening often not. 
    Passability over terrain is often complicated due that level design and you will have sometimes hard time to recognize, if your are going over steps or just poorly placed stones. Also frozen lake in Morthal pain is pain in the ass, because you will have problem to navigate and not to fall into water, but same problem will have also dremoras. They often will fall trough ice and become unreachable.

    Huge mistake is "anticheat" system, which according to murderwrath is detecting usage of console commands. Problem is, that first, buggy mod in buggy game heavily modded by other bugged mods is basically magnet for situation where you are forced to use console commands. And when you do, there are "control spots" which will instakill you, when you try go trought them.
    Problem is, that they in can detect usage of cheats incorrectly and then your only way how to overcome these spots is by using cheats...
    This "feature" combined with extreme lethality of NPCs is big no to hardcore players with permadeath, because they can die there not doing anything wrong.

    Last annoying thing of poor level design is prevention of sleeping. This is problem for immersion players with survival mods, because you will spent several in-game days there and being "very tired" is not good predisposition to fighting these hard enemies.

    Both mods, but 

    TL;DR this mod (especially Morthal pain) are for skilled players, who understand well game mechanics and console commands and they do not mind to be beta testers.
  11. TheOneAndOnlyJohnCena
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    how do you get to the ice platform after touching "bloody skull of the oblivion" ?
    1. MurderWrath
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      You have to collect a Key inside the Guard Tower; then head to the cage outside. There you'll find a trapdoor...
    2. TheOneAndOnlyJohnCena
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      nvm it was bugged. restarting the game fixed it. sorry to bother. thank you guys for making/sharing.