About this mod
Now included directly in FSMP 2.5.0! If you use FSMP 2.5.0 or greater, you shouldn't install this mod.
- Allows to configure FSMP through a MCM without going through the xml file
- Allows to cast the FSMP console commands
- Allows to load presets
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Portuguese
- French
- Changelogs
- Donations
(Faster HDT-Skinned Mesh Physics Menu Configuration Mod)
Hello everybody, this is a MCM allowing:
- to configure easily FSMP through a MCM without going through the xml file
- to cast the FSMP console commands
- to load presets.
FSMPM must overwrite FSMP.
You can propose your own presets too.
Code available on github
Credits & thanks
Credits and thanks to Snotty and Sermit for their friendship and conversation during this mod development.
Credits and thanks to:
- Fudgyduff/Ryan for ConsoleUtilSSE
- Ryan, VersuchDrei for ConsoleUtilSSE NG
- silvericed, ryobg for JContainers
- MrowrPurr for No .esp
- exiledviper, meh321 for PapyrusUtil
- the SkyUI team, schlangster for SkyUI
- and hydrogensaysHDT, aers, ousnius, Karonar1, alandtse, geniusty, HSanMartin, skullgirls, DaydreamingDay, idaan300, romanicles, igloomod, SesamePaste, jg1, antpillager, Acro and webspam for FSMP