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This SKSE plugin randomizes the main menu background by replacing the mesh the main menu loads at runtime with a random mesh located in the 'Data/Meshes/Interface/MainMenu' folder. If no meshes are found there, the default main menu icon will display instead.
Since many main menu replacers use the same texture file, I've created a utility to automatically rename the texture paths inside the mesh to use a unique path, as well as format the mesh correctly so that they can be seen by this plugin.
Simply drag a mod zip file containing the main menu mesh logo.nif or logo01ae.nif onto the exe and it will automagically create a new properly formatted zip for easy install into Mod Organizer.
Requirements SKSE for Skyrim Special Edition Address Library (This plugin should work with either SE (1.5.X) or AE (1.6.X) versions of Skyrim SE)
Files in archives are currently unsupported.
The golden icon on the AE Upgrade version of the game might not be properly replaced.
I don't own it, so I can't test that the patch I made for it actually works. Let me know if it does.
This CommonLib SSE plugin example was the best I found for getting the environment started.
At this time though it does required chaning some vcpkg settings. See the issues in that repo for more. https://gitlab.com/colorglass/commonlibsse-sample-plugin
@Nobody on Discord - Was very helpful for figuring out how to actually hook functions
Hyralux on Nexus Mods - Inspired me to make this plugin thanks to their awesome backgrounds