1.3 Release. Included the complex materials versions in the installer. Edited the LOTD nif that was causing crashes. If you don't use complex materials or LOTD (without Blue Palace) patch, you don't need to update.
Hi, nice mod. Could you update the version number in the fomod in your next update please? My MO2 thinks I wouldn't have the latest version installed because the fomod version doesn't match the mod page and file version. Don't hurry. It can wait till the next update. Thank you.
If I'm running LotD, and using Complex Materials, all I need is "Improved Solitude Arch - RB's LOTD Complex" and nothing else? Just asking because the non-LotD contains dbm files - and 1 more than the actual LotD version. The LotD version doesn't have the environment map texture - shouldn't the LotD version have it? And a plugin for LotD is no longer needed?
Use either RedBag's Solitude or non-RedBag's solitude version of complex materials, they are both lotd compatible. You'll still need patches (esp) for lotd from the installer.
Currently awaiting a message back from ra2 as I think the LOTD patch needs updating for V6. I'm having issues with the patch crashing the game.
I've checked the meshes I made for RedBag's and all the environment mapping is enabled. I pointed the texture to one that isn't static_e but is dynamic1pxcubemap_black.dds which comes with the majority of complex material mods.
Thanks, Redbag. The note on the download, "to be used INSTEAD of installer", makes it confusing.
I'm going to sit this out until the dust settles, given what Gonzeh84 mentions. (edit - I can also confirm the LotD patch is not compatible with LotD V6.)
The LOTD crash is on normal (non-Majestic) DBM only because there is a shader flag that shouldn't be there (Multilayer left over from MM version). I've let RedBag know now that Gonzeh and I identified the issue.
Me either haha... I tested the above mentioned in my main load order, and I also tested with nothing else loaded but LotD, and the above mentioned. It 100% isn't an issue on my side.
Edit - I should mention, I did test without LotD and without the patch, only selecting "Complex materials version", and it works fine. So it's the LotD patch and/o whatever gets installed when it's selected.
Edit 2 - So, I examined your fomod and saw the only difference between selecting the LotD patch or not, is the LotD plugin gets installed. The problem is in the plugin. I'm examining it and will report back.
Edit 3 - Ok, so it's exactly what ra2phoenix had said it was. I made the assumption this would have been fixed with the update and it was not, unless the fomod is installing a wrong file (didn’t check). solituderockarch03int_dbm.nif still has the Multilayer flag enabled, even with the non-MM versions. When I edit the nif and remove that flag, everything is fine.
Running Dyndolod says some meshes are missing. I do not have Blue Palace Terrace installed and selected the LOTD patch, but it says still needs these but it probably should not. I pulled them out of the Blue Palace Terrace BSA, so I'm good just thought I'd let you know.
Warning: File not found meshes\bluepalaceterrace\lod\wsolituderockarch03_lod_0.nif. Used by Improved Solitude Arch - LOTD Patch.esp SolitudeRockArch03_DBM [STAT:FE0E8800] Warning: File not found meshes\bluepalaceterrace\lod\wsolituderockarch03_lod_1.nif. Used by Improved Solitude Arch - LOTD Patch.esp SolitudeRockArch03_DBM [STAT:FE0E8800] Warning: File not found meshes\bluepalaceterrace\lod\wsolituderockarch03_lod_2.nif. Used by Improved Solitude Arch - LOTD Patch.esp SolitudeRockArch03_DBM [STAT:FE0E8800]
I hadn't noticed this as I build lods using the BPT version. This shouldn't actually hurt anything but these lod refs just need to be deleted from the dbm-only plugin so it matches vanilla.
The latest version of this broke my game, I could not enter Solitude through either the main gate or dock side and neither with cocing into the city. I turned all mods off, I am using a very reasonable 800 odd mods and 200 of those are patches and my game was pretty stable for the most part until getting to Solitude. So yeah, turned mods off in MO2 and was activating each separator section and when I got to town overhauls and couldn't load into the city anymore, turn one mod off in that section at a time and kept trying to load until I got to this mod, turned it off and I could load into the city again.
You archived all the old versions and can't be bothered messing around trying to find it again so have deleted this. Shame really as the arch looked way better.
Thanks, I grabbed the old version you sent and just entered Solitude as normal so yay for that. No clue why the new one broke my game I have no mods for Solitude itself, just Palaces and Castles Enhanced, Legacy of the Dragonborn and the patch for both of those, JK's interiors for inn, shops, bard college and temple and a texture replacer for the city. I'm glad v1 works for me, thank you for that.
I had CTDs when entering solitude, i can confirm it is connected to LOTD patch. After reverting to previous version i was finally able to enter solitude. I was using lotd patch and no mm option (i use ERM).
There is some slight clipping at the theater stairs. More Informative Console says the clipping belongs to the arch. The clipping is on the left side near the back wall if you walk straight to the theater wall. I believe it may be a vanilla issue. I can see the clipping in the photos of your Improved Theater mod. I use that mod as well. I can take a screenshot if you need me to.
There are some shader settings in the Majestic Mountains meshes that haven't been forwarded to the LOTD and BPT Majestic Mountains patches, namely the parallax settings. This results in the meshes not looking quite right, example inside the spoiler.
Also noticed that the LOTD patch plugin has assigned LOD meshes for the dbm arch mesh, but these LOD meshes are not shipped with the mod.
I found them in Drengin's Blue Palace Terrace, but they have very different shape than the SolitudeRockArch03_dbm.nif has, and using them would lead to a sizeable chunk of the arch LOD missing under the blue palace when viewed from the north. The rock arch lod meshes shipped in the Majestic Mountains lod pack would probably be a better match.
I have Mrfs Solitude and LotD. I added the LotD patch and got CTD when I tried to enter Solitude. Probably a load order thing I have not sorted yet but checking here to see if anyone else saw the same and had a fix.
Could you update the version number in the fomod in your next update please? My MO2 thinks I wouldn't have the latest version installed because the fomod version doesn't match the mod page and file version. Don't hurry. It can wait till the next update.
Thank you.
I've checked the meshes I made for RedBag's and all the environment mapping is enabled. I pointed the texture to one that isn't static_e but is dynamic1pxcubemap_black.dds which comes with the majority of complex material mods.
I'm going to sit this out until the dust settles, given what Gonzeh84 mentions. (edit - I can also confirm the LotD patch is not compatible with LotD V6.)
I do use LotD v6. I do not use MM. I do not use RedBag's Solitude. I do not use Blue Palace Terrace.
In the installer, I'm picking "Complex materials version", and then "LotD patch".
Should this work? I still CTD right away in Solitude. Is it that this isn't meant to work with LotD v6?
Edit - I should mention, I did test without LotD and without the patch, only selecting "Complex materials version", and it works fine. So it's the LotD patch and/o whatever gets installed when it's selected.
Edit 2 - So, I examined your fomod and saw the only difference between selecting the LotD patch or not, is the LotD plugin gets installed. The problem is in the plugin. I'm examining it and will report back.
Edit 3 - Ok, so it's exactly what ra2phoenix had said it was. I made the assumption this would have been fixed with the update and it was not, unless the fomod is installing a wrong file (didn’t check). solituderockarch03int_dbm.nif still has the Multilayer flag enabled, even with the non-MM versions. When I edit the nif and remove that flag, everything is fine.
Warning: File not found meshes\bluepalaceterrace\lod\wsolituderockarch03_lod_0.nif. Used by Improved Solitude Arch - LOTD Patch.esp SolitudeRockArch03_DBM [STAT:FE0E8800]
Warning: File not found meshes\bluepalaceterrace\lod\wsolituderockarch03_lod_1.nif. Used by Improved Solitude Arch - LOTD Patch.esp SolitudeRockArch03_DBM [STAT:FE0E8800]
Warning: File not found meshes\bluepalaceterrace\lod\wsolituderockarch03_lod_2.nif. Used by Improved Solitude Arch - LOTD Patch.esp SolitudeRockArch03_DBM [STAT:FE0E8800]
Also, I recently noticed that Bethesda accidentally sunk one of the wall pedestals inside the arch, can you pull it out?
You archived all the old versions and can't be bothered messing around trying to find it again so have deleted this. Shame really as the arch looked way better.
Thanks in advance!