Skyrim Special Edition
Colovia Virus - Part 30

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Funnies aside, our  thoughts are with those affected.  Keep smiling through it all, and I hope  you’re all in good health my friends. 
For Script to translate, see the  first  comment below.
It's  animated, so be patient  to  read all the frames.
LAST PART -    Colovia Virus - Part 29
NEXT PART -    Colovia Virus - Part 31

To  look at the full collection for  this  Skyrim  Saga  check out… IDIOT ELF - Skyrim Revisited 
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The IDIOT ELF FOLLOWER MOD  is now available. If you  want some  stupidity in your game,  we have  two versions…
Skyrim SE Version…  Idiot  Elf - The  Follower-SSE 
Skyrim  (Oldrim) Version…  Idiot  Elf – The  Follower 


  1. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos

    1. Reimar67
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      I think that's most of us now after such a long time with no pubs or restaurants.
  2. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Finally Idiot elf will be the most intelligent person around
    1. rcreaper2
      • supporter
      • 101 kudos
      I agree with you. I dunno what happened but she got smart, or was just a shot in the dark...? Sir R clarify us. XD
    2. Reimar67
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      Certainly not at the top of her class. It is actually more deaths than the last 6 wars.

      Occupationally she hits the nail on the head though.
  3. deleted47182198
    • supporter
    • 47 kudos
    "Have you met her before or was that just a lucky guess?" LOL! Thank you for the laugh, Reimar!
    1. Reimar67
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      My pleasure Queen.
      Running out of ideas for the Virus story now. Just about covered all the stupid stuff.
      But guess it won't be long before something stupid happens in the world again.
  4. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    Very well done :)
    1. Reimar67
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      Thanks Wolf. Nearly time to get back to the old story though I think.
  5. GTXFan
    • member
    • 316 kudos
    So this is the madness of real life...politics and often not match.
    1. Reimar67
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      Thats certainly turning out to be the case in the UK.
  6. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    Image = Colovia Virus - Part 30
    Title = They had travelled to Solitude with medical supplies…
    Idiot Elf = Hello Sir. We have a delivery of leeches. Where should we take them?
    Guard Gary= The Apothecary I guess. But if you want my advice, I’d get out of town as soon as you are done there. This place is mental at the moment.
    Subtitle = It's animated, so be patient to read on
    Idiot Elf = Yes, we saw the crowd. Don’t they realize this virus is killing everyone?
    Guard Gary= It’s a Solitude thing. They believe that nothing has greater importance than their own immediate needs.
    Idiot Elf = Well I guess haircuts and Sweet Rolls are important.
    Guard Gary= Oh great! Just what this city needs. Another idiot!
    Lydia = Have you met her before or was that a lucky guess?
    Idiot Elf = Surely the Jarl can force them back home?
    Guard Gary= You’d have thought so wouldn’t you. But these are complicated times and she needs to tread carefully.
    Idiot Elf = Carefully! You have the backing of a whole Imperial garrison here. She must be able to enforce the lockdown.
    Guard Gary= Unfortunately, she’s the one that’s inciting them to come out. She’s trying to remain popular with the people.
    Lydia = Really? Why would the Jarl want to do that?
    Guard Gary= It’s coming up to an election, and I guess she thinks people with neat haircuts and extra tooth decay are more likely to vote for her.
    Idiot Elf = For the love of Mara! That’s mad!
    Idiot Elf = Doesn’t she realize that this virus has already taken more lives than the last four wars put together?
    Guard Gary= People here have a short memory, and seem to trust a colourful leader that repeats themself constantly.
    Lydia = Crikey! And I thought you were the biggest idiot!
    Subtitle = Next Time… The cancer of Politics.