Skyrim Special Edition
29th theme - Remnants from days of old

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  1. Simboker
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    One of my favorite themes when it comes down to Skyrim. It is so inherently connected to the original idea of adventuring and stumbling along lost places. Even though I barely do such shots on my own, I love to see how others can capture this theme. Well, maybe I got one single shot from all my travels, which I can upload...
  2. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Ohh ... a new theme.
    I am teased and will see, if I am can do something
    Your pics are cool. My fav is the sepia with dark fantasy overhaul
  3. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Super cool theme idea mate!!
  4. goampuja
    • premium
    • 884 kudos
    Hype ^^
  5. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos

    Always love themed sets That pic of the mist-shrouded Windhelm bridge really does it for me
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Many thanks, Will!

      I felt this one should be rather quick and easy, so instead of complicating things, I let it run rather freely. My personal thoughts are mostly ruins captured as natural parts of the landscapes, but I wanted people to explore them in their own way, so I allowed characters as well (although hopefully just as minor details and not in full focus). I still get to make the two picks of course, so I can steer this in the direction I want the compilation, but I also like diversity. We'lls ee how many who tags along at first...

      That Windhelm shot does give off a very intimidating, almost mystical aura about it. I very seldom have fog in this area - it usually stops when nearing the city - so this felt like a unique situation to me.
  6. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 200 kudos
    Wonderful set and great theme Rick! Count me in!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Best of luck on your explorations, Michael! I've been told old ruins bear old secrets...

      Thank you!
  7. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 112 kudos
    Great images!    There are so many places in Skyrim that are "remnants" that even  contain remnants within them.  Wonderful idea.   
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      For sure! Finding those remnants should be the easy part and as you say, it's possible to venture deeper down too. The challenge here - I hope some feel at least - is to make that ruin look as a natural part of the landscape as it stood there for ages. That's perhaps my own personal vision of it of course and I'm curious to see what people will do.

      Thank you very much, hammer!
  8. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    Yeah, the old broken castles and ruins are worthy of some love.

     "Funny, when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe" -  Rolaf of Riverwood.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      They sure are! I still remember the first time I venture out in the open vast wild land of Skyrim to find the realm dotted with these locations. It helped making the game feel more alive and as it had the history we know it does. It was the same in Oblivion and Morrowind, but Skyrim feels more close to me as much of the lore here is versions of the Norse mythology, something we Scandinavians still feel connected to I guess...
  9. Mhaka
    • premium
    • 34 kudos
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much! These sort of things usually turn into some rather interesting compilations, so I'm eager to see what people will do with it...
  10. Ashnur
    • premium
    • 282 kudos
    I've never tried these themed sets/shots, but I should. Hell! 10 years! Time to try something new isn't it? \o/

    (I love your compositions like the 1st picture in description. A LOT!)
    (my favs beside the 1st in desc are 10,11 and 17. Hard choice I won't lie! ^^)
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      I think you're right, Ash! I can't remember having you onboard earlier, so absoultey...time to break some new ground!

      With you recent landscape uploads in mind, I'd say you be a rockstar at capturing the old places of Skyrim too. You certainly have a fantastic visual mind when it comes to composition and colour palettes. Your night shots lately have all been superb! I see this theme as kind of a more challenge to the landscape archers as they can try and make something more out of it. It's pretty cool scanning the horizons with a low FOV and spot some ruins sticking up for an example. There's no obligations whatsoever, but it would be really fun to have you in for a run...

      Regarding the favorites, that would be 2 versus 2 then, meaning two LE shots and two SE shots. That's quite interesting! The first shot and the Valtheim Tower bridge are the SE captures if you're curious, both of them taken rather recently. I haven't yet uploaded any of the travels done with those characters involved. Been busy posing characters and testing outfits I guess...
    2. Ashnur
      • premium
      • 282 kudos
      (you're way too kind Rick, but with compliments like yours... my heart is telling me that he's very happy! )
      I never joined the themed shares. My bad. Sincerely.
      All this time I always thought it was something tied to a forum contest or something. I watch many screens "themed". But never wanted to dig more. Very sorry, since I love this little family of ours, Skyrim lovers. ^_^ (not so "little" in fact xD)
      So... yeah count me in!
      All I need to do is to use a proper title right?
    3. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      There's nothing to apologize for, Ash! Even if I've hosted this event for approximately two years now, I've never felt people should be part of it only because they feel obligated to it. That's not what it's all about. SOme themes you like, some you don't, so only take part if a theme strikes you as interesting or fun. Heck, no need to be part of it either if you just want to do your own thing. I'm not trying to shackle people here, just giving the option to do something different whenever the mood feels right.
      It's also a bad sad to read there are folks out there still thinking it's only for a reserved group of screenarchers, "the inner circle" so to speak. And it's definitely not a competition which is why I encourage people still playing the game all vanilla to take part if they feel a calling. I've tried to be very open and clear about this in each and every theme presentation, but maybe I put too much text in there so it's easy to miss.
      So it's always on your own terms, alright? I won't be angered or disappointed, I promise! In truth, I'm just grateful people are still finding the event fun to do...

      And yeah, use the theme title or simply "29th theme" so that I can search for it in case I miss something when I start doing the compilation set back in December. Have fun!