Skyrim Special Edition
Scaly Manly Monday

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  1. deleted104075088
    • account closed
    • 61 kudos

    Since your posting gifs in the comments lol.
    Action shots were awesome and loved the dragon shots.
    I'm glad the fox made an appearance but I'm starting to think its your spirit animal since it keeps following you lmao.
    Epic set my friend :)
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos

      I'm seriously addicted to these XD
      Glad you enjoyed this fight between siblings, i chose this dragon because it reminds me a bit of Diablo in Diablo III ^^
      and this time it was technically a jackal, but if you look closely here (the right side) you'll see a dead desert fox that was caught in the crossfire, i guess now it is a spirit animal indeed
      Many many thanks, Moe!!
  2. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Concerned mother voice: "Don't you think you're taking this whole 'dovahkiin' thing a little too far, sweetie?" :p
    Jokes aside, really cool concept and character, I love the colors in this set :D
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
      Unconcerned son voice: "Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, Naal ok zin vahriin... what was it, mommy? i can't hear you" XD
      Many many thanks, Dylan ^^
      i've been wanting to make a dragon-looking argonian for quite some time, and the blue flames, initially, were only a way to make his fire different from the dragon's. But in the end i think it does contrast nicely with the desert colors Glad you liked it
  3. Lamenthia
    • premium
    • 120 kudos
    Great captures! :)
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
      Many many thanks =D
      Very glad you enjoyed this action set ^^
  4. GTXFan
    • member
    • 316 kudos
    awesome shots!!
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
  5. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 451 kudos
    Esse é um cara impressionante! Eu amei suas asas e a batalha com o dragão, e também gostei da maneira como você usou as cores nesse set, variando dos tons terrosos para o azul! Bem feito, meu amigo!
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
      A batalha com o dragão:

      Muito obrigado, Larys ^^ eu segui o vosso exemplo e "acentuei" essas cores no Photoshop!
      Achei o contraste bem interessante Muito feliz que tenhas gostado ^^
    2. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Absolutely agree with Larys!!! Great work Harry!
      This Argonian Dragonborn is really amazing as Manuel states also!!!
      And a batalha com o dragão, hahahaha! I've seen it before somewher in youtube!
    3. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
      @thesarantis Thank you a bunch, Michael! Beem-Gei appreciates it too ^^
      I chose an argonian because i think there's not a lot of them in the media section :c
      And about the "battle with the dragon" apparently it happened in Thailand (video here).
      they were very angry at each other for some reason XD
  6. RemmyKun
    • premium
    • 557 kudos
    Holy cr*p!! That's the best argonian ever!! D:
    And amazing captures! Seriously :3
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
      Thank you so much UwU
      I thought of showing off an argonian this time, since you don't see them around a lot...
      and also brought his dragon cousin over for a friendly fight ^^
      Really glad you enjoyed the set, Remmy!
  7. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,114 kudos
    Excellent captures Harry 
    Great action and fiery effects going on there
    Very nice looking lizard man too :))
    The dragon would be like ''wtf'' hahaha
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
      Thank you kindly, Izzy ^^
      There's indeed a lot of fire here! but my argonian is 100% resistant to it because of the armor
      I'm sure the dragon had a big surprise as he was dealing 0 damage all the time!
      Glad you like this lizard man
  8. Astra2000
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    Very cool shots .... great friend!!! 
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
  9. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    The little fox (or Jackal) is wise to watch the family relatives fight it out. All very manly indeed :)
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
      Thank you! he had to do a lot of push-ups to get in this shape XD

      Very glad you liked this little family squabble ^^
  10. Alenzar1
    • supporter
    • 109 kudos
    Can I just say this this is someone that truly is the Dragonborn? In the whole sense of the title!
    Seriously this argonian has an incredible draconid appearance... It puts into shame the dragon forms from DS1 and DS3 (Because DS2 dragon form is a good looking armor )
    Awesome action shots with the big dragon too... and the fox is adorable :adorable:
    1. deleted89752333
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      • 28 kudos
      I remembered this when you commented about DS's dragon form:

      I really think they made the design "too thin" XD
      Thank you very much, Manuel ^^ i'm glad you think he looks like a dragon, that was exacly what i had in mind originally!
      two dragon siblings fighting, while a jackal watched everything