Skyrim Special Edition

My main inspiration for making this mod was High Level Enemies. It's a great concept, but I don't agree with its execution. My mod differs from it in a few key ways:

1. Environmental encounters are untouched. What do I mean by this? I consider enemies such as Skeevers, Wolves, Mudcrabs, etc. to be environmental in nature. They are not meant to pose a challenge; they populate the world to make it more interesting and lively. Occasionally, they're a little bit annoying. You do not need level 30 "Skeever Kings" one-shotting you. Similarly, I much prefer the idea of being able to outscale creatures that really shouldn't be any stronger than they are. Humanoid NPCs can learn, train, grow, use better equipment... they have a reason to scale to such high levels. Magical creatures such as Gargoyles and Daedra, similarly, have more of a reason to scale so high. But bears? Why should a bear ever rival the strength of a Draugr Deathlord? As such, I excluded most mundane creatures and animals as a purposeful design choice. Less is more, I say.

2. More restrained level caps. Now I haven't dug deep into HLE's plugin in a while, but I recall that some enemies scaled to simply absurd levels. I believe that in a well-balanced modlist, there should be a point where the player character's power fantasy is fully realized in the endgame. At this point, most enemies should be a breeze -- after all, you have ideally already cleared most of the content by this point anyway. For a godlike player character to still be troubled by common enemies just seems rather un-immersive to me.

That's it really. I'm not trying to dunk on HLE either, just explaining my personal design philosophy.

Anyway, that's mostly why I made this mod. I wanted a more restrained option for players who feel similarly, and for my own modlist of course. Enemy types not touched by this mod or my recommended mods (Forsworn, Warlocks, Vampires, etc.) I expect will be covered in future mods by some of those same authors. Dealing with NPCs who require FaceGen is also just beyond my level of patience.

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