Skyrim Special Edition

SPID 6.5.0+ Notice:

SPID versions 6.5.0 through to 6.8.2 introduced outfit force-equipping, improving consistency in outfit distribution. However, some users run into naked NPCs when using these versions.

You can use resetinventory or resurrect on naked NPCs to resolve the issue temporarily.

If you cannot stand naked NPCs, you can also use SPID 7.0.0 or later. However, SPID 7.0.0 does not have outfit force-equip. This means outfit distribution, especially total replacers, may be less consistent as NPCs are not forced to equip/refresh their outfits. This means your total guard outfit replacer may fail to replace the outfits used by all guards, leading to some using vanilla gear.


As an end user, you may run into something unexpected with distribution. Noticeably, outfit distribution to certain NPCs may not have the expected result. This process also applies to troubleshooting other SPID related issues.

So with that in mind, this brief guide can help you create a more precise report to expedite issue resolution.

First up: always include your SPID log in your report (in spoilers! As they can be quite long).

This log informs the author of your game version, SPID version, and which configs have loaded (or importantly, not loaded!). This is an important first step in troubleshooting any type of issue.

You can find your SPID log here:
Navigate to: \Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE
Open up: po3_SpellPerkItemDistributor.log

Copy the contents, and then use a "paste" site and link to the paste in your bug report/help query. Pastebin is a great site (doesn't require registration) for pasting logs to.

Alternatively you can also use spoilers. If you are unfamiliar with spoilers, spoilers are defined using the following BBCODE tags (which you can copy and paste into your post):

[spoiler] [/spoiler]

Whilst the rules or a keyword, or something that is meant to distribute to holders of that keyword, may be misconfigured - the culprit can also be third party mods. Mind that though SPID can generally distribute to a wide variety of NPCs from many different mods without any trouble, modders don't always conform to vanilla standards when creating new NPCs - and as such these cases need to be identified and accounted for.

For example. Some mods might manually add Fur Armor to a character and have them equip it, instead of using an outfit, or they might add a Guard to Whiterun with faction assignments that make it a generic Whiterun hold Guard, rather than Whiterun city guard. A keyword may distribute to a template, and an overhaul might disable inheritance of keywords distributed to the template/s.

So first up -- please grab the legendary More Informative Console, henceforth MIC.

MIC is a powerful tool for both end users and modders, and can enhance your experience when using the console. Absolutely recommended to include this in every load-order, no matter what mods you are using.

With MIC installed, open up the console and select the suspect NPC you are having issues with. You'll get a window like below:

Hover over Keywords - it should highlight - and hit Ctrl or Shift on your keyword to expand Keywords. You should see an expanded window like below:

You'll want to take screenshots of the following pane, with all of the keywords. You may need to take multiple images if the list is longer. Hover over the arrow, as pictured, and hit Ctrl or Shift to move down, or up the list:

You can upload any screenshots you take to imgur - click "create new post" at towards the top left of the imgur page/website (requires no registration to upload images).

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