Skyrim Special Edition

This is a small guide on how to test whether or not the issues you're having are due to compatibility issues with another mod in the most painless way I know.
I cannot recommend this enough before making a bug report- most 'bugs' are actually compatibility errors, rather than faults with the mods themselves.
If you do this before reporting an issue, you local modder will fall in love with you a little bit (probably. YMMV.)

Things you need:

 Create a Testing Profile

While technically optional, creating a new profile for specifically testing mods will keep you from messing up your current mod list/load order.

For MO2:
  • Go to Tools -> Profiles
  • Click Create and name it.
  • Hit Okay and Select.
Congrats, you're on your new profile! You can swap back and forth using the Profile dropdown, just above your left side load order.

For Vortex, I believe it works in a similar way, here's a link I found for how to make new profiles.

Now that you have your new profile, you should see all your mods still there, but deactivated. Activate the mod you want to test (and any of its masters, if it has them.)

Optional, but HIGHLY recommended: get an alternate start mod and the PROTEUS Mod Explorer. Not having to sit through the intro and being able to instantly spawn in the problem NPCs (or object, etc.) will save you a good chunk of time if you have to test multiple times.

And at this point, you just have to see if running the mod alone works. If yes, then it almost certainly is a compatibility issue with another mod you're using (if it’s not fixed, it’s worth reporting on the mod page.)

I recommend testing mods you have patches for next, and then you can go on and add more and more likely conflictors (which, I should mention, if they have an esp you can see the conflicts using SSEEdit.) 

You can see if meshes/textures are conflicting in MO2 by checking for a lightning bolt next to the mod name: a plus sign means some meshes/textures from the mod are winning a conflict, a minus means it's losing, and plus and a minus mean some are winning and some are losing, and a greyed-out bolt means it's being completely overwritten.

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