Skyrim Special Edition

The following is a sort of post-vision document for Bowen.  There were several key points that are very important to me when I started working on the mod.  

1: Bowen is NOT a cheat.

If the player can't do it.  Bowen shouldn't be able to either.  Within reason.  

2: Bowen should feel intelligent.

He should feel aware and respond accordingly.  For example: When in combat, rather than throwing out random taunts, he should respond to being taunted with specific replies.

3: Bowen has a life.  Most followers just sit around in one spot 24/7.  Bowen should travel and follow a schedule like regular NPCs.

4: Bowen is his own person.  He has opinions and convictions he lives by.  Most followers are designed to allow the player to get away with anything.  Even when they supposedly take great offense, you can still talk them down with no meaningful consequences.  Bowen on the other hand, should have more real consequences.  Such as him simply leaving and refusing to help the player.

5: Bowen will be a support character.  Support should be more than simply healing during combat.  So, I thought what would help me when I play?  I tend to play with multiple followers.  So, Bowen will help to intelligently manage follower's inventories.  

6: Bowen will be able to be married.  

7: Bowen should work well with at least the mods I like to play with but I also want to support as many mods as I reasonably can so that Bowen will 'fit' well into other player's load order.

8: If at all possible, I'd love to have Bowen interact with other followers.  Especially custom-voiced ones.

Bowen is loosely based on a character I created for role-play a number of years ago.  I highly intelligent ranger who is well studied and multiple skills including: Fluent in several languages, healing, cooking and archeology.

Skill wise I often think of him as a cross between Aragorn and Indiana Jones.  In Elder Scrolls, this translates into him having some skill in alchemy and restoration (specifically healing spells).  Where as cooking is a hobby since I occasionally like to cook and appreciate good food. 

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