Skyrim Special Edition

For this mod, it all started because raiserfx allowed me to use his mesh.  He's from Germany, so it only seemed right to do a German translation.  But, I haven't studied or spoken German since my senior year of high school.  Running the terms through Google Translate seemed "off" to me.  

For instance, a direct translation of warehouse in German is Warenhaus, however that is more specifically a store with lots of goods and wares like a department store.  But the East Empire warehouse is more of a storage center for goods and wares to be shipped to another location, so the more correct term is Lagerhaus. 

Fortunately for me, my brother Jim is fluent in German, majoring in German in university.  Jim went through and dissected the words for me, using the German Skyrim Wiki page as reference. 

After finally getting the German translation done, I then had to rescale the entire font to fit.  "Ost-Kaiserliche Handelsgesellschaft" takes up a lot more room on a limited space metal plate than "East Empire Company".

Resetting font scales is tedious.  It's not just increasing size, it's also spacing and changing characters to match for readability.  Example: the font I'm using (Second Reign) has a huge library of alternate characters.  The capital "H" is a lower-case "h", with a long hat on it like the numeral 5.  Honestly, the first time I read something in the font, I thought it was misspelled until I realized that the H was just a different design than I was used to.  Strangely enough, the *lower-case* "H" in the font is what most English speakers would recognize as a capital!  That one was easy to swap, but many characters were much more complicated. 

I couldn't "just type the letters" either.  Every letter has to be hand placed in order to match the curve of the sign.  Yes, I have a curved-text generator, but the shield-back I made isn't a perfect circle arc, it's more of an elliptical.  My curved-text generator is circles only, and I am unwilling to spend more money on an elliptical add-on that I will use for this one project and likely never again.  Elliptical curved text generation is just not something that I need on a day-to-day or even decade-to-decade existence.

Once that work was completed, I now had the font scaled for a small letter-count (English) and very large letter count (German).  So I decided to make a medium scaled version as well.  I know many people who speak Spanish, many of whom play Skyrim.  And I have friends in Canada who insist that if something is in English, it should also be in French.  More painstaking translation work with Jim & the French and Spanish Wikis for confirmation.  I completely lucked out that the font scale for the two of them was very similar.

Making stuff for other languages is fun!  But it's incredibly worrying at the same time.  There is a constant fear that what you think you are saying is wrong, that you are actually typing something misspelled, archaic, the wrong word entirely, or actually completely offensive.  It would not even occur to me as a native English-speaker to use the "O-word" for any Asian country, people, or culture, but for French and Spanish, it's correct.  It's quite nerve-wracking!

It was far more work to set up other languages than I originally anticipated.  But now I have files for 3 different sizes so at this point it's only an hour or two process to set the letters and render them through the filters to match the art style of the other signs.  So I am happy to do that.  What I don't want is to spend untold hours translating a language I have no resources for other than Google. 

I don't know anyone who speaks Portuguese, so I have no resources to verify that the words I chose are actually the words native speakers would use (Warenhaus vs. Lagerhaus).  If some wonderful person speaks Portuguese and can verify exactly what is needed, I have the set up to run it through and make Portuguese signs.  On the other hand, even if someone verified perfectly what characters were needed for Mandarin Chinese, I don't have the characters, accents, and diacriticals to make it and I would be very leery of even attempting to design my own.  I mean how could I verify it?  Google could tell me "504 Error: not found" was the translation for "warehouse" and I wouldn't know any difference.

In summary: 
I am happy to make additional versions in other languages, provided:

1) You provide me an exact translation of "East Empire Trading Company" or "East Empire Company", preferably as it appears in the language-version of the game you are playing.
2) You provide me an exact translation of "warehouse". 
3) All characters, accent marks, or diacritical marks are available in the font I am using.  It took a while to set it to proper scaling size and to look good in both sign types, so I do not want to change fonts.

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