Skyrim Special Edition

I'm putting the changelog here as well. It easier to read here.

Backup your save before installing. It's always good to do this. 

More important changes

1. Alternative version of the mod is now available, with fewer edits outside the walls. Should be more compatible with stuff editing the outside of Whiterun. 

2. Compability edit for Bells of Skyrim. Should be compatible out of the box now (no need for patch). I had this mod after Bells in he load order when testing.

3. Compability edit for Astronomer's Loft

4. If you hate wood, You can now disable the street planks!

* There's a dagger stuck in a barrel, outside the smithy by the main gate. Keep an eye on the right side of the street as you walk from the main gate to the Bannered Mare. You'll see it. 

* Open the console. Click that dagger. Write "disable" without quotation marks. Press enter. Bam. It's gone, and so are the planks. 

* In the new district, there is a dagger stuck in a crate/box, right side as you enter through the gate. You can repeat the same process here.

5. Bluesky Hall tweaked a bit. Should work with Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions (that's a mod) now. I think if you want to move in your family there, you're gonna need a mod like Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions. I only did a quick test.

Less important changes

Fixed Happy homestead shop floor
Fixed some factions that were not set up properly for new npcs
Covered up hole in the ground behind Bannered mare
Removed object from Breezehome exterior
Attempt at changing Jorrvaskr to New District tower stairs more npc friendly. Npcs are still a little afraid of the stairs. 
Adjusted fire brazier height by the horse statue
Added collision to tower behind Titus shack
Removed SpaceX chairs
Fixed flickering floor piece in Joslins home
Moved Lucias sleeping spot, so she wouldn't drown in mead. 
Changed mesh for Titus shack (previous had holes)
Exterior wall/Tower edits for consistency
Thanks to everyone pointing out these things. It is easy for a mod author become blind for the stuff in his own mod. 
Thane Hroa can now arrest lawbreakers. Thane Valdemaar will just axe them. He's too old for that shit (and the old man voice doesn't have arresting voicelines).
Moved some small objects around

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