  • Interviews/Previews Galore

    Yet more interviews and previews for Shivering Isles. Bethesda have added a ton of different interviews and previews to their respective interviews/previews pages. Can I be bothered to read them? Well, no. But I'm sure they're full of hyp-er, that is, useful information. Just an FYI!


  • Previews previews previews

    Gamehelper, Shacknews, and Voodoo Extreme have all posted Shivering Isles previews with a fair bit of new info in them, and even some screenshots that I don't think have been shown before. Just thought I'd post an FYI!


  • Another Interview

    Yes, another one about Shivering Isles. This time ActionTrip has sat down with Mark Nelson. Popular guy at the moment it would seem. There's not really any new info in this one, but maybe worth a look if you're obsessing about the release!


  • Shivering Isles Interview

    Firing Squad have sat down for an interview with Bethesda's Mark Nelson about the new Oblivion expansion, Shivering Isles. There's a bit of info in there (more hints) about the expansion, although not so good news for Xbox 360 owners:

    "Right now, a retail expansion isn’t an option on the 360. We’ve talked to Microsoft about it, and continue to do so, but our ability to do that isn’t up to us at t...

  • Shivering Isles Official Confirmation

    Bethesda Softworks have officially announced that they are working on the Shivering Isles expansion pack for Oblivion. Details and the first screenshots can be found here. The listed features are:

    • Experience a branching questline surrounding the endless cycle of mania and despair.
    • See a world created in Sheogorath’s own image, one divided between Mania and Demen...

  • Shivering Isles Info

    Well done to Povuholo of the forums for spotting this. It seems PC Zone have got their mitts on the first tidbits of info about the first expansion pack for Oblivion. If Sheogorath is truly going to be the centrepoint of this, then I'll be buying it! Unless I have to kill him. That's just wrong. Let's face it, the planes of Oblivion need some comic relief...


  • Christmas Present and Many Awards

    All right, first of all it sounds like Xbox 360 players of Oblivion can download Mehrunes Razor for free until the 31st of December. Does Bethesda's generosity know no bounds? Credit to Povuholo for spotting that, I didn't see it as it got bumped down the page by Bethesda's relentless reward boasts. You can read about this here.

    As I say, Bethesda have also won a plethora of awards for Obl...

  • Todd Howard #5 Person of the Year

    As we come to the end of the year Oblivion will no doubt be in the press a lot as Game of the Year lists are published. On a similar note, GameDaily has been publishing it's "Person of the Year" awards. As voted by GameDaily, Todd Howard has come joint 5th place for his role in developing Oblivion....

  • KotN Reviews and Download

    Knights of the Nine has been reviewed by several sites recently. The general consensus seems to be "it's great". No surprises there, then. I can't say I've b...

  • Knights of the Nine Released!

    Knights of the Nine is now available for download on Xbox Live, and the retail version has hit the shelves, which includes Knights of the Nine and all downloadable content to date. The PC version of Knights of the Nine will also be available for download on on December 4th. Ohh, the excitement.

    Another previe...

  • Knights of the Nine Preview

    IGN have posted a preview of the new KotN "expansion". They've also posted a bunch of videos and high resolution screenies. It sounds like the KotN questline consists of "go here and fetch/kill this" for pretty much all of it. Spectacular.


  • Knights of the Nine Interview

    There's a new interview over at Killer Betties with Pete Hines about Knights of the Nine that clears up quite a few questions. Most importantly, it confirms that this release does behave like an expansion pack:

    The disc for PC includes Knights of the Nine plus all the other downloadable content (DLC). So you have to own Oblivion and have it installed to play it.

  • Italian and Spanish Patches, New Media

    Bethesda have finally released the Italian and Spanish patches in recent days. Also, three new PS3 screenshots have been added to the official gallery, along with one wallpaper. There are some rather odd looking enemies featured in a couple of the PS3 screenshots.


  • Knights of the Nine for Xbox 360 and PC

    It looks like Knights of the Nine will be gracing the Xbox 360 and PC on the 21st of November. See this press release. Most importantly, they're releasing a retail box including Knights of the Nine and all downloadable content thus far!

    No word on pricing yet. Let's hope it's not too steep....

  • Currently Unavailable!

    Hi folks,

    Just thought I'd pop some news up to let you all know that I moved into my new house in Exeter yesterday, ready for the new University year next week. At this time I have no internet access and probably won't have for a week, maybe two.

    I can catch emails and keep up-to-date on the forums through my department computers but will not be replying to many emails or forum topics since I don't have the time to spare (and it sorta screws with my organisation of know...

  • Oblivion Expansion Likely!

    I just so happened to stumble over this article at Interesting, no? It sounds like that dev saying there wouldn't be any expansions was a load of hot air. Knights of the White Stallion here we come, apparently!

    Of course, I won't 100% believe it until Bethesda confirm it. But it's looking pretty likely.

    EDIT: I was right about not believing it. Or so it seems, anywa...

  • Bethesda Hiring!

    Bethesda recently decided to kick up their recruiting drive looking for game developers, who will give possible input to TES:V.

    Apparantly they think the modders that have modded for former TES games might make good devs.

    The jobs they are looking for are:

    -Game Programer
    -Wold Artist
    -Special FX Artist
    -Character Artist
    -Game Producer
    -Associate Producer
    -Sales Director
    -Project Manager
    -PR/Marketing Manageme...

  • Oblivion takes the throne in PCGamer's top 100 games list.

    According to the latest edition of PCGamer (I'm not sure if it's the UK or USA version), Oblivion is this year's greatest game. It has taken the position of No.1 in their top 100 list for this year.

    Feel free to discuss the extent to which you feel this is deserved....

  • User made Mods guide at has released a two part mod guide. The aim of this is to inform people of what, in their opinion, are some of the most essential, finest, and funniest mods around. part 1 can be found HERE and part 2 can be found HERE.

    Unsurprisingly, none of the "fake" mods make an appearance. :)

    Oh, and while you're all at it, take a look at this Developer pos...