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Horrible Andy

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About this mod

Small changes to gameplay.

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  • Animals no longer have the ability to report crimes. This was just super un-immersive.
  • NPC detection of crime reduced from 4000 to 1000. Changed because it seemed an un-realistic distance for someone to perfectly identify you.
  • Distance enemies can chase you cut from 2500 to 1250 because enemies don't have all day to chase you everywhere you go.
  • Removes Skyrim sidestep. This was just plain dumb. Bethesda really thought it was a good idea to let everyone EXCEPT the Dragonborn possess the ability to dodge arrows?
  • If attacking while sneaking, you will no longer yell out. Note that if you have/the attack causes zero stamina that you will still yell.
  • Torches illuminate more area. Fire is bright, vanilla torches really didn't reflect that.
  • Removes silly spin dance when Player/NPC is killed. Who dies like that, anyway?
  • If attacked by Thugs/Assassin near a Guard, they will do their job and help you.
  • Disabled the random 'Wizards Dual' because it was a broken Quest. Even if you declined he would still attack.
  • Smelting/Tanning now level Smithing. They are Smithing tools so why wouldn't they?
  • Followers move back a greater distance when bumped into. What kind of person just stands there and lets you run into them over and over?
  • NPCs no longer randomly greet you. Shop keepers still greet you as normal. NPCs still chatter to each other. Changed because IRL no one would just randomly start telling their whole life story to a complete stranger.
  • NPCs/Player (while in 3rd Person mode)now blink. The fact that they couldn't just annoyed me. People blink.
  • Rewards for Bounty Quests are worth more. After all, it's your life on the line here:
  • Bandit Bounties are 210 Gold.
  • Forsworn Bounties are 250 Gold.
  • Giant Bounties are 850 Gold.
  • Dragon Bounties are 2100 Gold.
  • Increased the price of renting a room to 45 Gold. Residents of a war torn country where goods were scarce and prices to obtain those goods was high wouldn't just be giving away rooms for 10 Gold a night (may not work in 100% of Inns if installed mid-playthrough. IDK why. Works every time if installed on a New Game. Thanks for the bugs, Bethesda).
  • Raised Carriage prices from 20/50 to75/155 for the same reason as higher room costs.
  • Bounty for Murder is 10,000. Bounties for Assault, Trespass, Pickpocket, Escape and Werewolf are x5 higher. In the vanilla game the Player could commit any crime they want and pay off the Bounty with the Gold they made just by clearing 1 or 2 dungeons. If you were a member of the TG it was even easier. Now your crimes have more realistic consequences.
  • Leather changed from 2.00 to 1.00 so that 4 Strips, changed from .1 to .25, weigh the same as 1 Leather.
  • Lockpicks weigh 0.1. They are metal. Metal has a least some weight.
  • All Ore and Ingots changed from 1.0 to 3.0 because chunks of metal should weigh more than 1.0 (except for Stalhrim which is extremely light in nature).
  • Followers will also no longer pull a Hunting Bow out of thin air provided they have no Follower Hunting Bow in their inventory.
  • When you make a skill 'Legendary', it now resets to 30 instead of 15. Every skill in the game has a base value of 15 (minus racial bonuses) so you were basically forgetting everything you ever knew in that category. This way your character retains at least some of their skill.


  • Put file(s) in data folder or install with your preferred mod manager.


  • Mod cleaned with TES5Edit before being published.