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About this mod

Allows werewolf characters to pick up items, loot, and access menus while in wolf form. Now compatible with Dawnguard!

Permissions and credits

TESV: Skyrim
Werewolf Loot v1.7d
made by opensource634


DO NOT install this mod while in beast form!
You will not be able to change back if you do. Only install this mod while you're in your normal, human(oid) form.


Tired of backtracking through dungeons, picking through the wreckage your animal self left behind? Are you endlessly frustrated by all that treasure you can see, but can't touch? Do you find yourself avoiding the thrill of the hunt just because it makes you too stupid to pick up a bag of coins?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then this mod is for you. If, however, you're a stickler for immersion and "realism," you'd best look elsewhere. This is for fun and, above all things, convenience. If it bothers you that a werewolf can now open up a chest and carry off the contents, you might want to pass on this one.

The latest update includes a Friendly version once again. If you choose to install the Friendly version, lawful citizens, or anyone else not normally hostile to you, will no longer automatically attack you if they see you in beast form. Change right in the middle of the Whiterun market; they don't care (though they will scold you for being naked. Naughty, naughty). You can even go shopping. You're such a great guy (or gal), saving the world and all, so maybe they can forgive your lycanthropy.

You can access menus with this mod, which means that you can equip stuff, too. I feel like I should mention a few quirks about this:
  • Spells do not work at all. If you have one equipped, you will not be able to attack.
  • Shouts work perfectly, but your howl is considered a shout. You have to choose between it and whatever dragonborn shouts you have available.
  • Armor will not appear visually, but its effects will still be applied. The same goes for jewelry.
  • Weapons, with the exception of bows, can be equipped and used, but it looks a little bit strange, since the animations are the same as the werewolf's unarmed attacks.



Reports are in that Tales of Lycanthropy works with this mod, problem-free. Don't thank me for that. The Spwned team deserves all the credit for making their massive mod compatible with just about everything.


NEW for V1.7d

A "friendly" option is now available for Dawnguard. People won't automatically attack you if you're in beast form, and changing in front of them is not a crime. This is only an option, though.

Both the normal and friendly versions include a small update to the script which may prevent a rare bug that prevents the player from accessing menus, ever.


Notes for Dawnguard:

  • My old versions allowed you to feed on creatures immediately. Now, you cannot feed on creatures until you acquire the relevant perk in the new werewolf perk tree.
  • Once you get the "Savage Feeding" perk, you're allowed to eat pretty much anything (vanilla Dawnguard limits you to most animals). This should include dragons and the Falmer. You cannot eat the Dwemer. Robots aren't good eats.
  • All items are unequipped when you transform. This is the game's default behavior. Dawnguard has added a leveled armor bonus to werewolves, making your human armor redundant. You're still allowed to put it back on after you change, though.

Also, the new werewolf perk tree Dawnguard added uses the same button you used to use to access the menu-star-shortcut thingy. That sucks, but you can still access the menus through their own separate buttons (i for inventory, j for quests, etc.).


-The Friendly option is now available for Dawnguard.
-Small change made to script which may prevent a rare bug preventing the player from accessing the menus, ever.

-Small omission from V1.6 fixed. You can now loot dragons, undead, dwemer constructs, and Daedra.

-Dawnguard compatible
-Mod Manager compatible
-limited release; no friendly version yet.

-Now compatible with Brevi's Werewolf Overhaul! Yay!
-Misbehaving while in beast form in the friendly version will now result in a bounty
-Feeding on animals and talking with NPCs both work now

-Race persistence added to all script options
-Small compatibility fix for "friendly" scripts

-Organized folder structure to make it easier for people to choose the options they want.
-Added an option which only unequips the player's weapons on transformation.
-Moved source scripts to separate, optional download, since the vast majority of downloaders won't be interested in them.

-Added compatibility versions for three popular mods with conflicts with this mod.
-Included source codes of modified scripts as a modder's resource.
-Added option which lets you keep your clothes on (sort of)

-Added script which was accidentally omitted in v1.0, which kept menu access from working in the normal version.
-Fixed bug where bounty would still be applied when changing back from beast form in the friendly version.

-Enabled menu access
-added optional "friendly" version

-Enabled looting for werewolves

Possibly coming soon:

-disable broken actions while in wolf form (mining ore, chopping logs, etc.)