

  1. GammaThreve
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Version 1.2 is now live. Simply replace the old file with this one.
  2. GammaThreve
    • member
    • 8 kudos

    Q: I don't think this mod is working, there are no new recipes in any of my crafting menus.
    A: Try chopping some firewood, smelting some ingots, mining some clay, picking some flowers, hunting some animals, and buying some straw and glass. That will get you started. From there, as you loot more items, advance through questlines and increase your smithing skills, you should begin to notice more and more recipes through your gameplay (but never all at once; it will depend upon what's in your inventory at any given time or what smithing perks you do or don't have).

    Q: Will you port this to SE?
    A: My computer won't run, SE, so I have no clue if this ESP is compatible with it. If it turns out it is, then sure. Unless SE's FORMIDs are different than LE, I don't see why it wouldn't work.

    Q: Why did you put spell scroll recipes on the Tanning Rack instead of the Enchanting Table?
    A: Enchanting tables aren't crafting stations, per se, so it wouldn't have worked. The tanning racks were the best alternative.

    Q: Why not create new crafting stations? And while you're at it, why not create clothing/armor dyes, jewelry tools, and any other number of subcombines?
    A: All neat ideas, but beyond the philosophy of this mod, which was to create a comprehensive crafting system within Skyrim LE's framework using native assets.

    Q: If you decide to add books, how will you prevent them from cluttering up the crafting menu?
    A: The best approach is that you would actually be "copying" existing books, so one of the requirements would be to have a copy of the book in your inventory in order to "craft" another one.

    Q: Did you copy the recipes from any of the hundreds of other crafting mods out there?
    A: No, and if any recipes from this mod happen to be the same as those from other mods, it's either unintentional, or the recipe is universal common sense. For example, charcoal is always going to be made from firewood, honey is always going to be made from honeycombs, and grilled leeks are always going to be make from leeks. Leather strips are always going to be used in clothing recipes in place of thread, and straw is always going to be used to create baskets.

    Q: Will you add breakdown/recycling recipes?
    A: There are plenty of mods out there that already do this (and they do it very well). That involves creating hundreds (if not thousands) of recipes for leather, leather strips, ingots, straw, glass, wood, clay, etc. That said, never say never, and perhaps one day I'll release a mod called "Break All The Things," but it is not this day.

    Q: How much thought did you put in to these recipes?
    A: Aside from recipes that are common sense, I did some Google searches when necessary, and determined what ingame assets were available to facilitate the ingredients. Example: Mead is made from Honey. Honey exists in-game. Easy. Ale is made from barley. The closest thing to barley in the game is wheat. Most clothing is either made of cotten or linen. Both exist in the game. Linen is made from flax. Flax looks a LOT like blue mountain flowers, and it turns out flax can also have different-colored flowers. Meanwhile, black clothing mandates an ingredient to make black dye. Turns out charcoal can be used to make black dye. Charcoal exists in-game, so a recipe for charcoal is necessary. Charcoal is made from firewood. Firewood exists in-game. Meanwhile, scrolls are made from paper. Rolls of paper exists in game. So do quills and inkwells. Paper is made from wood, so once again firewood is called into play. Charcoal can also be used to make ink, and there are four different types of feathers that drop in the game. That left the problem of making scrolls magical. Obviously, filled soul gems (which also solved the price problem, because the scrolls' native values are tied to their spell strength, which matches the value of the filled soul gems). SHORT ANSWER: More than I realized.

    Q: It's now six or seven years in the future, and you have not uploaded a new version or made any comments here in years. Does that mean this is a dead mod?
    A: By no means. This is not a proof-of-concept in alpha/beta testing. Version 1.0 is the finished mod, and it's fully playable as-is. Barring any recipes that don't function correctly, there won't need to be any updates. I MIGHT add books in the future, and I MIGHT even add or change crafting recipes/conditions as I see fit later on, but if that never happens it does not mean the mod is "abandoned" or "broken."

    Q: I fundamentally disagree with many of your recipes.
    A: Then hop into TES5EDIT and change them/create different ones as you see fit. Trust me, if I can do it, so can you.

    Q: This mod is causing me to CTD and/or broke my game!
    A: The only possible scenario in which this mod could possibly cause a CTD is if I have inadvertently created a crafting recipe for an item in the code that causes CTDs when equipped (example: Noble Clothes, Embellished Clothes, etc.). If you run across such a recipe, let me know and I'll remove it in a future update, and simply avoid crafting that recipe. As far as this mod "breaking your game,"...Impossibru!

    Q: You forgot to include a recipe for [insert obscure item here]
    A: Possible, but not likely. There were several items that did not make the cut because 1). They cannot be equipped, 2). They cause you to CTD when equipped, 3). They don't have HAVOC properties, and either float in the air or sink into the ground, 4). they don't have textures and appear bright purple in-game, 5). they're items that should not be able to be crafted, not even by the Dragonborn.

    Q: Is this mod really necessary?
    A: No mod is really necessary. There are several hundred crafting mods out there, but the vast majority of them focus on one type of item (clothing, food, drinks, weapons and armor, scrolls, etc.). Very few of them venture to cover EVERYTHING, and those that do invariably add new items and concepts to the game (which is perfectly fine, and that's in no way a criticism). This mod simply provides crafting recipes to the majority of existing items in Skyrim that should (IMHO) under normal circumstances be craftable.
  3. masternetra
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    Does this include torches too?
    1. GammaThreve
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I'm afraid not. Native torches cannot be crafted, because they are categorized as lights rather than miscellaneous items. However, in Chesko's Campfire mod, he created a new torch item that can be crafted via the "Create Item" power, so I recommend that mod whether you're using Frostfall or not (if only for the API framework that several building mods use).
  4. APEpikyur
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you make Dragon Claws with this mod?
    1. GammaThreve
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Not at this time. Those are all unique items that should be found (or in some cases bought from specific NPCs) while questing. I'll think about a way to make them craftable at endgame though, maybe after finishing Alduin's Bane? Of course by then they're superfluous, but I do understand the desire to have multiples for decoration.
  5. preeum
    • premium
    • 356 kudos
    I was literally just looking around for a mod to craft all the things. Really appreciate the recipes not showing up until you have the items available too. This must've taken some time to make! Thank you!

    I'm on SSE and pretty positive this shouldn't conflict with anything, seeing as I've made mods similar to this many times. I'm sure other users can easily port over for themselves!
  6. thesteve812
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    thanks and endorsed