About this mod
Overhauls the underwater environment and adds content to the sea of Ghosts.
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This mod aims to overhaul the flora, fauna and visuals under water. I always found Skyrim’s underwater environments to be rather monotone and empty, so here is my attempt at solving that issue.
Important: this mod requires iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=7 or above (e;g. iMaxGrassGrassTypesPerTexure:15) to be in your Skyrim.ini file, otherwise this mod will NOT work.
Adds new grass types, coral and giant kelp all across the Sea of Ghosts.
Adds 1000+ fish all over the sea (no slaughterfish).
Adds Several dozen unmarked treasures and points of interest for you to find.
Adds coral forests teeming with life.
Adds groups of horkers swimming across the sea.
Fixes 100+ instances of exposed rocks
Fixes seams in the ocean floor
1.Download the RAR file
2.Open it
3.Drag all of its contents to your data folder (usually Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data)
4.Make sure the file is checked in the Skyrim plugin list (it should be by default, this is just an additional step)
5. Launch your game and enjoy your revitalised Oceans!
Q: Is this compatible with X water mod?
A: Yes.
Q:Will this enhance oceans from other mods as well?
A: In most cases, yes, though there will be no new fish or giant kelp. (When the mod uses proprietary sea floor LandTextures the changes this mod makes will not apply)
Q: Sometimes my underwater grass disappears depending on the angle at which I am looking at?
A: This is an engine issue which also occurs with the default kelp and other mods like Skyrim Flora Overhaul’s Lupin. Until we get the Source code to the Creation Engine there is nothing we can do about that. The giant kelp were hand placed as to avoid that issue with those.
Q: Will this affect my performance?
A: Yes, but the change should be negligible. I recorded a framedrop of 0-1. So if you had 80 fps you will now get 79-80 frames per second.
Q: Does this mod use scripts?
A: No, this mod is script-free.
Q:Does this mod add Dragonborn Waves to my shore?
A: No, for compatibility reasons I have decided not to implement those. They come with Realistic Water Two and can be downloaded separately here.
Q: Does this mod add anything above sea level?
A: A few small things, though nothing which would interfere with other mods.
Q: Can suggest X feature?
A: Absolutely! Feel free to share your ideas in the posts section.
DeviantKaled for creating some of the excellent ship meshes used in this mod, made for use by Beyond Skyrim. His work gave me the inspiration to make this.
SureAI for allowing me to use some of their assets. They are the creators of Enderal and Enderal: Forgotten Stories. I highly recommend you try out both.
MarkusLiberty for his Imperial Ship mesh.
Mihail for his Giant Snake bone meshes.
LWatson95 for his Liam’s clutter resource.
EdmondNoir for fixing numerous bugs.
Bethesda, for providing us with the fantastic tool that is the Creation Kit.