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  1. tabs4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    fuz_extractor.exe - invalid command: -c idk what to do now 
  2. IchBinKeinRoboter
    • member
    • 41 kudos
    nvm fixed it
  3. arnplayer
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    simple ez perpect
  4. haohao69869
    • member
    • 21 kudos
    thank you very much !!!!! so useful for modders ,even i use it for fallout 4 .
    and i may upload my work soon.
  5. DleamsBlur
    • member
    • 63 kudos
    Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Pimedev
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Super-thank you!
  7. mongbong
    • BANNED
    • 8 kudos
    CPP version always crashes when extracting fuz files. This one works for me.
  8. Rigmor
    • premium
    • 1,441 kudos
    It's a damn pity this:

    Try not to "unfuz" and "refuz" the same audio more times than absolutely necessary, because there will
    be audio quality degradation due to the repeated re-encoding into xWMA (a lossy compression format).

    wasn't in huge big red letters

    EDIT: Found a backup of most wavs, phew. Not such as big a disaster as I thought
    1. greentea101
      • premium
      • 100 kudos
      Sorry to hear that. I've changed the mod description to display the warning messages in red.
    2. Rigmor
      • premium
      • 1,441 kudos
      No need to be sorry greentea101 , it was my stupid fault, but luckily I found the bulk saved on my other HHD, so I only lost a few hours. Thanks for an awesome program btw, bless you.
  9. Maulwurfs
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I think I have one of the dumbest and shittiest glitch that program would ever able to have.
    1. greentea101
      • premium
      • 100 kudos
      I'm not so sure that the program is at fault here (in fact, it seems very unlikely to me). It's possible that the files are corrupted somehow. For example, some time ago a user extracted some voice files with the 64 bit version of BSAopt, and the files turned out to be empty (zero length), which generated this error from Unfuzer. He then extracted them again with the 32 bit version of BSAopt, and everything was fine.

      Do you have any evidence that the files are indeed OK? Have you actually looked at them with some kind of file viewer? If the first four bytes of each file do not spell out "FUZE", then the files are either corrupt, or they are not actual voice files.

      If Unfuzer is too dumb for you, then feel free to use Skyrim Audio Converter, or some other tool. And could you please edit your post and remove 99% of the disruptive error spam?
    2. Maulwurfs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well, sorry, gonna remove that error report, I'm gonna try your idea now. Let's hope it works, I want to edit the shout files so badly...
    3. Maulwurfs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      :/ I have a little question, do you know where the dragon shouts folder is located?
    4. greentea101
      • premium
      • 100 kudos
      The dragon shouts are in sound\voice\skyrim.esm\crdragonvoice. The unique dragons have their own versions (cruniquealduin, cruniqueodahviing, cruniquepaarthurnax).
    5. Maulwurfs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      actually I meant the shout sounds like Fus Ro Dah from the Dragonborn. Because I want to edit Fus Ro Dah.
    6. greentea101
      • premium
      • 100 kudos
      The shouts for the player character are in different folders, corresponding to the different voice types that the PC can have. The folders are maleargonian, maleelfhaughty, maleeventoned, malekhajiit, and maleorc (for females, just replace "male" with "female" ).

      Here are the names for the "Fus Ro Dah" voice files:


      Info obtained with Voice File Reference Tool.
    7. Maulwurfs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      "4 .wav files in the folder "bird" have been ignored due to the absence of corresponding .fuz files. Make sure all the .wav files that you want processed habe a name identical to that of the .fuz files you want to insert them into.".

    8. Maulwurfs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh, made it. Gonna try now in-game, but dude, thank you so much, your program isn't broken, but the damn 64 bit version of BSAopt is, I apologize for insulting your program, but thanks. Now, let's look if it works in-game!
  10. kynarethi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I'm having the same problem as Elbarbaro back on page 7. For some reason it refuses to convert anything from the Hearthfires dlc, and I've tried the alternative program you recommended and also attempted to see if it was just the format being .xwm and not .fuz, to no avail. The unfuzer just fails at extracting any of the files and the audio converter crashes. Any idea why this is happening?
    1. greentea101
      • premium
      • 100 kudos
      How does Unfuzer fail? What's the error message? Also, what's in those files, have you looked in them? (you said you checked to see if they're xwm).