

  1. Feralkyn
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    • 28 kudos
    Updated to Version 1.1. Be sure to check the ReadMe or installation info on the Description for more.

    Included: bookshelf bug fix, Planter NPC navmesh added, and fixed the dagger case (again).
  2. Doraleous69
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    • 0 kudos
    I am very grateful this mod exists as it fits spectacularly with the character concept I'm using it on (draugr cultist revived into flesh cuz dragonborn blah blah blah no-one cares) but after using it....not gonna lie I am tempted to have it as the main base for all my characters!. 
    It's acquisition is memorable and the space itself does NOT disappoint, the spaces are very well lit, it's extremely spacious and all rooms are aesthetically pleasing, the miniature models and unique item slots on the bookshelves really add a lot to the atmosphere. 
    This is a great mod for people who want a player home with plenty of amenities and spaces you can spend a lot of time in while taking a break. My congratulations and endorsement to the author. 

    Do not sleep on this Player Home 

    EDIT: I don't know what would constitute clamor, but I most certainly would love to have the Bonestrewn Crypt on Special Edition. 
  3. jaderiver
    • member
    • 122 kudos
    Hello Feralkyn
    Having another look at this, have found one rear entrance and the fissure entrance, have been down looted n mapped the chamber  and the other small pathway , found the sealed gate  a dead blue dragon, but have been swimming around for sometime,  minor issue looking for casimar corpse for the key?
    My character's a new argonian female, so no worries there, been reading and re reading the description and spoiler, trying to place myself where that is, not seeing a dead guys corpse, btw my characters bit of clutz, and knocking dragur corpse , has them floating up making things easier to loot them still looking tho, I'll find it >< ....
    Re Edit, Because its hard to see , managed to find his corpse , but it looked like he's was slightly nudged into the rock / stone, I could've knocked it , in my effort to find and nudged it , but eventually found it, =) 
    1. Feralkyn
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Hey, I'm glad you found it!! Sorry it was so difficult to locate; I may put some form of lighting in that area to make it easier to find later on!
  4. EllPro
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    • 2 kudos
    I have spent significant time trying to find the way into the tomb, and have explored almost every pool of water in the area. My frustrations grow!
    1. EllPro
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      • 2 kudos
      Never mind, I found it! Dear Magnus, that was not where I thought it would be! Now to go exploring.
    2. EllPro
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      • 2 kudos
      I have returned from the underwater depths and have explored the crypt. Being Argonian, breathing underwater wasn't a problem, but I could see how it would be for the... lesser... races. The items I found in the multitude of urns more than made up for the cost of the crypt, and I actually came out ahead. The crypt itself is perfect! Were that fool Casimar still breathing I would invite him to join me in my necromantic rituals, but alas it is not to be. Still, thank you for my new home, Casimar!
      ~ Smiles-At-Death
    3. Feralkyn
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      • 28 kudos
      I don't know how I didn't see this before, but you definitely brought a smile to my face, sir! :D
    4. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      "lesser... races"   
      Ommmphh heheheheh lol ,  Ell's post made me smile thru breakfast 
  5. BrayBearz1738
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The planter NPC is still in the pond area even after putting it at the bottom of my load list. Its kind of creepy going into the pond just to see a group of half naked old men standing around. The house is perfect aside from this.
    1. Feralkyn
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      • 28 kudos
      I will update this mod to move them to a new cell when I get time, but meanwhile, what you can do is this.

      Go into the farm, remove all plants from the planters (unsure if it's necessary, but just to be safe). Go to the NPCs, open your console (~ key by default) and type the following:


      This should reset them, placing them back where they were meant to spawn to begin with.
    2. LiberOscura
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Try adding a Navmesh to their room, so they should spawn in it.
    3. Feralkyn
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Heya! They definitely should have a navmesh up there, but if they don't it may have gotten somehow deleted along with the main one prior to my update. I will have a look when I (finally) get around to fixing this! I may just move them to their own cell, though.

      (Very late edit: I've put in a new navmesh in their area... future mods from me will have the Planter NPCs in a new cell entirely, but for now I'll playtest then update this one!)
  6. HellzAngel666
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    • 0 kudos
    downloaded as i didnt have a house mod installed in that how it all looks but when i went into the room with the beehive/pond i noticed there were a bunch of NPC's all named planter standing around doing that supposed to be like that or is it a glitch/bug? either way this house is gonna be used in all my playthroughs from now on
    1. Feralkyn
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      • 28 kudos
      Hello! The NPCs are the "planter" NPCs linked to the Hearthfire planters; this is how Bethesda makes the planters work, via NPC inventory. They are NOT meant to be standing around in your pond area, but are meant to be off in another, hidden enclosed room. I'm not sure why they'll have ended up there. Try to make sure the mod's last in the load order, and bring another NPC in to make sure the navmesh is working--install the latest version of the mod if you haven't. If it still doesn't work do let me know and I'll go through it! Thanks!
    2. EllPro
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I found them too and did all of what you told Feralkyn to do, still the strange men remain.

      Not creepy at all! LOL
    3. BrayBearz1738
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same thing happening here. Did what Feralkyn said to and still not working.
    4. Feralkyn
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      • 28 kudos
      I'll update this when I get time, and move them to a new cell, which I probably should've done to begin with. Meanwhile, to reset their positions, go up to them--open Console (~ key) and type:


      This will replace them where they are MEANT to spawn, and they should hopefully stay there. I'd recommend removing plants from the planters before doing this, just in case.
  7. Feralkyn
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    • 28 kudos
    The mod has now been updated to version 1.0 (release). Hopefully, everything works smoothly. Please remove everything (at the VERY least) from the bookshelves to either side of the enchanting table--or if you want to be more safe, remove everything from the crypt, leave the crypt, save, reinstall the mod and go from there. You can just remove the stuff you care about, but I can't guarantee that a simple update will work, as my own save files for the game I was using with Bonestrewn have become corrupted by Bethesda only knows what.

    Some patch notes for you all; thank you SO MUCH for the feedback, I've tried to take it all into account and make changes accordingly.

    - Broken Word Wall added in the Depths
    - Added script to force Apiary to properly respawn (hopefully)
    - Added small amounts of clutter to right side of main hall, & clutter piece (astrolabe) atop shelf in enchanting room. I love those things.
    - Corrected soul gem custom container not actually being a container. It now does containing gooder.
    - Corrected two bookshelves in enchanting/alch room that were non-functional (center of each nearest enchanting table, left and right)
    - Replaced bookshelf (bottom right nearest enchanting table when facing it).
    - Corrected two errors in the Waterlogged Journal and a repeated line in the Note.
    - Navmesh has been entirely redone. Prior one seems to have happily deleted itself. (??)
    - The two vertical dagger cases in the treasure room have been reworked. Three times. They should hopefully work properly now.
    - The Black Hand Daedric display has been raised up on a small platform for visibility.
    - Occlusion planes have been removed from around the dining hall. They were apparently causing more framerate issues (due to constant loading/unloading of multiple items) than they were by occluding the items from remaining loaded. Hopefully this should smooth performance. Note that planes remain around a couple other locations including the farm, but shouldn't be jittery.


    If you find issues, please post them and I will fix them ASAP! I'm not sure how a missing navmesh went unnoticed for so long--my own NPCs were navigating just fine, but upon reentering the CK I found it entirely missing. So there's that. :|

    Happy New Year!
  8. jaderiver
    • member
    • 122 kudos
    Hello, Just wondering and asking if when you've got it just right, an have the time will you be bring it to sse ?
    1. Feralkyn
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      If there's a call for it and if I get it working smoothly I will! I've updated it just now, including making the hand more visible. Thanks again for your feedback!
  9. jaderiver
    • member
    • 122 kudos
    Hello Feralkyn..
    This actually looks, well done, tho I'm so glad there isn't a claw key to look for i was starting run out of water breath potions , I skimmed read the journal after finding the corpse .I wanted to read it properly , sitting in chair ) and realized it made sense if your going to set up home down there you'd want some thing or way to keep back the water..
    Right now, I love home with all the collectors features , ( i call them shinies) I also liked how you made it adopt kids friendly , I absolute loved all the toys you had , in kids room, adds character to the room I think, and would be a shame If you removed them would make the room look bare as shinket suggested...
    My fps thru out the whole area was simply great, I had really good movement from room to room tho most of time my game fairly good anyway , the only time I noticed a tiny drop was going thru followers room and the I think it was kitchen then kids room but still had very good movement for fps ,
    .I play on a desktop pc no lag anywhere.. tho I already have my home with all the display features like yours, but I going to keep yours around for next playthru
    I just have one question, the display bench / table with the hand for namira's ring and the blade , there is a display case right in front of the black hand the size of dagger case, and you cant display anything in the case uncles you drop it ,( well I couldnt) then pick it up and or use jaxonz postioner mod to display something the case itself looks like its in the way and blocks view of the hand ?? and this is a display room, maybe raise the hand up on a small pedestal perhaps ?
    Just one more thing , I also have a mod called orange moon which is in the same area, and it places 2 dragons in vicinity so I had to kill 3 dragons to runaround at ease looking for then fissure, which I found without actually looking , lols ..
    Thanks for creating and sharing this mod Endorsed and tracking
    1. Feralkyn
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Heya! I will raise the Black Hand up in the future, thanks so much for the feedback!

      The display case is for Mehrune's Razor. For some reason the activator text only really shows if you hover your cursor in -front- of it. But once you use it, the dagger will then go into the case. It isn't just a standard dagger case. Hope this clarifies some!

      Great to get more feedback about the lag, too--will really help me optimize. I'm wondering if just removing the optimization "walls' altogether might be a better option!
  10. ShinketsuKarasu
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    • 1 kudos
    Alright so, tested this out in my game and my findings are the following:
    Quest to get the house works great. Entry markers show up fine too. Bonestrewn Depths are amazing, and quite large, not only did I find a necklace of waterbreathing to be a HARD requirement if you want to loot and not just head straight for the key, but I got quite the shock when I had forgotten to unequip my boots of waterwalking(LOL). Anyway, the cell is SO large I ended up just having to use my ring of detect dead to eventually get where I was going.
    The house itself: It's absolutely amazing, and I adore its atmosphere, as well as all of the little homey touches.
    Downsides: The lag on my computer was terrible. I would highly suggest making a version without the mannequins and all of the toys in the kids room, as those appeared to be the main items slowly everything down for me, and would probably do the same for others. I figure that SOME lag will be inevitable due to the sheer size and the fact that it's all one cell. One workaround would probably be to separate the different parts of the home, even just add an invisible door/entrance to the Hearthfire farm area or the library area to separate them.
    Questions: I believe that part of the kids AI package includes going and playing outside? Do they redirect to the farming and spring area or do they actual go outside through the main door?
    1. Feralkyn
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Hey, thanks so much for the feedback! First, I'm quite relieved to hear that the quest works, and the key functions, etc. I was quite worried about the scripts having packed correctly. Your boots of waterwalking made me laugh and I'm sorry :P

      Re: lag, this is helpful!! The toys might be it, as they're meant to be much larger, more detailed models shrunken down. The cell doesn't generally lag for me but I'm fully aware that everyones' PCs are different. I will do my best to optimize and maybe see about trying again with roombounds. Now to the important question: was the lag constant, or in jerks/spurts? I ask because the former might just be all the objects being loaded, while the latter may be as you move around and the occlusions planes (ironically placed for optimization) load & unload objects based on where you are. The idea was to make it *less* laggy, so that you do not have all objects loaded at once, but I know that mileages vary as your PC needs to work to suddenly load in a full room each time you pass it, and I'd like to nail down whether it's helping or making things worse.

      The occlusion planes are present around the farm area, so you should only ever load it when actually heading down the tunnel to it--at which point you may experience a moment of lag as everything abruptly loads in. However, compared to other regions of the house, the farm doesn't have all that much in, so I'm not sure how bad that skip would be.

      There's other planes between the dining area and the rest, the kitchen and the rest, and the kids' / followers' rooms and the rest. If it's jumping badly rather than consistent lag, it may be as mentioned--the planes being shoddy for loading & unloading objects. I'd really love your feedback on this so I know how best to optimize, and I REALLY appreciate what you've given so far! Thanks!

      The kids' package is meant to send them out of the *back* door, into that very small area on the ledge overlooking the river. There they have some idle markers for playing games, playing with toys, playing instruments etc. I chose not to send them out the front door because it is a fairly dangerous location, what with the dragon often respawning overhead and all. I added the back door, actually, because I figured it would be a hassle for a player to constantly have to fight a dragon whenever they came home or left the house, and possibly lose a horse now and then.
    2. ShinketsuKarasu
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey there, sorry it took me so long to reply. Holidays, bahh!!
      I'm going to load up my game and test the house again today and mark down where the lag was worst, and what kind it was. From what I can recall, the farm area actually worked just fine, didn't lag at all down there. I noticed the most lag first time around was when I was in the kids room facing... west, I believe, towards the rest of the house, even though there was a wall in the way. But I disabled the "toys" via the console along with all of the mannequins, so when I re-enter the house and trot around, I'll see what I notice this time around.
      I'll post back here when I find out!
    3. Feralkyn
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Thanks so much!! When you find out, let me know and I'll update & release the next version with other fixes too!
  11. ShinketsuKarasu
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    This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for... for a long long time. I had almost given up hope, and was going to try my hand at making my own(I still might). But I downloaded this, and I'm going to somehow fit it into my load order and try it out! Will report on any bugs/glitches I find along the way! But from what I can see in the screenies, it looks amazing!!!!!exclamationpointz
    1. Feralkyn
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Thanks so much, do let me know what you find! I hope you enjoy it :)