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  1. sa547
    • premium
    • 561 kudos
    Your Feedback is Much Needed.

    While you at it, do please file bug reports at the appropriate tab. Thank you and have a nice day. :)


    The RTR (Ready to Run) version is a full package -- this includes pre-generated tree and object LOD all packed into a single archive. This is the recommended version for beginning and intermediate users and/or those using NMM or do not know how to use xLODGEN/DYNDOLOD.

    The Base version is packed loose, which means either those who use Mod Organizer or for experienced users installing mods manually. However, take note that this version does NOT have object and tree LOD, which means the tree billboards and object LOD texture pack is needed when generating LOD with either xLODGEN or DynDOLOD. Otherwise if installed and configured improperly you will see distant LOD snow and pine trees, as well as unwanted visuals.

    Both packages include the aforementioned basic patches found in the Optional subdirectory (usually accessible in MO1/2 by clicking on the mod properties, Optional tab, then moving the plugins in.


    Before using this mod, please read the above compatibility list, make sure you have all the DLCs installed, and create a hardsave; for existing MO playthroughs, make a full gamesave, then create a profile clone of that playthrough. 

    Make sure you have SKSE memory patch, ENBoost and Crash Fixes enabled.

    The Ready-To-Run version can be installed through any mod manager or extracted manually. Uninstallation is done by deactivating the mod before deleting the associated files (to be sure, look inside the archive for file structure). THIS IS THE RECOMMENDED INSTALL FOR NMM USERS AND BEGINNERS.

    The Base version -- because it has loose files, meaning to say anything can be overwritten -- can only be installed with Mod Organizer or expert manual installation by knowledgeable users with understanding of the Skyrim Data directory structure. You have been warned.



    These instructions assume that you're using MO1/MO2.

    1. Make sure that both TES5LODGEN and DYNDOLOD use options to generate output into another drive and directory.
    2. Also make sure you have the tree billboards (Project Rainforest billboards must be loaded after all other billboards) and LOD textures installed, plus DYNDOLOD Resources.
    3. Run TES5LODGEN, select the needed worldspaces including from other mods, then choose generation for terrain (required), object, and tree LOD (last two are optional; only if not using DYNDOLOD).
    4. Run DYNDOLOD, except unchecking the tree option and selecting quality options. Also take note that driftwood LOD may not show up properly, so delete it from the generation queue. For some reason tree LOD cannot be generated using only DYNDOLOD.
    5. Afterwards, go to the output directories of the respective generators, and use 7zip or WinRAR to choose and pack the Meshes and Textures directories.
    6. In MO1 or MO2 Install the packed generated files as "mods".
  2. sa547
    • premium
    • 561 kudos

    The impetus for the creation of this mod was that a combination of factors led to me into making it:

    (1) Tropical Skyrim was no longer being updated; sure there were teasers, of warring factions wearing desert armor, but that was it as Soolie seemed to have dropped off the face of the Earth. In addition, it had a lot of bugs needed to be fixed.
    (2) Likewise, Aceeq pulled out all his climate overhauls for no apparent reason, although they were well-made.
    (3) There's some tropical worldspace mods, but many weren't to my liking as they were mostly made for screenarchery.
    (4) I've done enough vanilla flora over the years and I could make my setup nice and lore-y as Tom, Dick, and Harry's tree and grass setup, but then I wanted something different, asides that my character had a lot of warm-weather clothing that could be better used.

    To be frank, I just wanted to have fun and at the same time be different.

    So, on an August afternoon, bored and with little much to do and having learned using the tools and techniques needed to create proper LOD and all, I set out to do what few have ever thought of: to create a tropical overhaul inspired by my homeland and vacations to the countryside, with believable towering jungle trees, grass fields, stark granite mountains, murky swamps, azure waters, and golden beaches. And not just that, I wanted to overhaul the other DLC worldspaces in the same way, so as to ensure consistency.

    That said, I created this mod not just for myself, but there are some people who wanted to take a break from all the snow and ice and this mod gives them that option as they go through the winter months in real life.

    To those who downloaded this mod and gave their appreciation because it helps them, I thank you.
  3. DanteGamingeees
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you make a version without affecting the snowy parts?
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      You are not supposed to install any texture packs with snow. Same rule with Tropical Skyrim.
    2. Norman73Spear1
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      I guess this is not compatible with the Happy Little Trees mod?
  4. DanteGamingeees
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i got 28 fps with this mod but it crashes, i dont remove climates of tamriel and surreal enb im gonna delete these files and look what happened now
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      The PC with this mod installed uses an i5 4590S processor, 8gb of system RAM, and a Sapphire RX470 Nitro+ with 4gb VRAM. Otherwise you may have to run Texture Optimizer (Ordenador) to reduce texture sizes.

      I think your PC may be below the specs as required in the mod description.
    2. DanteGamingeees
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nah, I removed the other enb and weathers and it already went up to 35 fps, I also have the settings on high but I'd rather have low fps and make it look good than have 60 fps and look horrible, do you know any mod that removes the snow effects? and the accumulations of snow?
    3. DanteGamingeees
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Where you install DYNDOLOD
  5. dandyutm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    its good mod, but the grass in this mod eat my fps, from 75 fps to 25 fps, i am like wtf, maybe you can fix this?
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      Adjust your [GRASS] density settings in Skyrim.ini; raise the iMinGrassSize value higher than default, in increments of 5.
  6. OutlawShark
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Outstanding work sa547!!! Really has changed all in-game aspects. Water, trees, grass...everything! Your attention to detail is incredible. Skyrim is beautiful. Pushing 200+ mods and my game even seems a lot smoother now. Thankyou and Godspeed amigo. Endorsed and well deserved kudos!
  7. shuk4ku
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello sa547, I would like to know if this mod have compability with city overhauls like ETAC, JK Skyrim etc and mod quest by HaemProject like Project AHO and Carved Brink?
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      ETAC and JK should be compatible because all they do is adding more detail to cities and settlements.

      I'm not sure about quest mods, especially those normally use a lot of snow. If so, they may need their LOD regenerated using DYNDOLOD, both textures and mesh LOD.
  8. etheraine
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a patch for vivid weathers anywhere? I saw it mentioned in the compatibility list that you'd need a patch, and I'm just wondering if one exists yet
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      So far nobody has done yet, but might as well try an NLVA version.
  9. Frinkls
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    PSA: Just to confirm what others have reported, the Immersive College of Winterhold mod, causes a snowstorm in the college.
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      I see. Have to patch it, but anyone is free to make a patch.
  10. jdcraft99
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos

    One concern or question I have that I didn't see answered in the description is if whether or no mods that add new structures to the Skyrim landscape i.e. new locations, villages, settlements, etc. are compatible with this mod? I've got the Ebonvale and Helsmyrr Village mods here I'd like to install and use, for example.

    Thank you
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      Nothing added nor removed. Except for some small ruins at the dead-end road at the northwestern part of Haafingar (aka hold of Solitude).
  11. ssundiall
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    thank you so much for an alternative to tropical skyrim, i love tropical skyrim but it was always way too cluttered for any house mods to actually work. also its nice for solstheim to be properly implemented! that being said there are some things that should be worked on, firstly the ice was retextured to stone which works for most of the game but with pieces of ice floating in water it breaks immersion. another thing that i find to be odd is how the game doesnt feel tropical in many areas, some of the map feels temperate especially around whiterun and riverwood. this is gonna sound weird but i think its because of many of the trees has that rough cracked texture thats more common in temperate areas. as of right now the trees remind me a lot of oaks with the large chunky pieces of bark rather than the smooth or smaller pieces of tropical bark. some ferns to cover the ground would be nice too.

    other than those few things i really do enjoy this mod a lot and its a great, maybe even better, alternative to other tropical mods
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      I would love to remove those floating pieces of rock, but then it would take a great deal of time to remove the ice effects from their meshes to make them more pumice-like. Nor I feel like changing the tree textures myself.

      However, between this mod and other tropical mods, I had to make this mod in a way where balance can be attained between performance, orderliness, and detail, given that not all end-users have the same computer as I do. That I had to create it to fill out an empty gap, to continue where said other mods have failed to do so.
  12. Illius
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    Okay I really love this mod ... but there is one thing I can not seem to solve myself. And no it is not something with the mod itself.

    When I started using this mod I thought I had removed all files that where related to snow and ice, but I was wrong with that. In the area where the map shows snow the roads keep showing snow/ice textures.

    * ( Map picture. )
    * ( How the roads look in game. )

    It is just the snow/ice on the roads and those piles of blown up snow next to it in those areas? I have been trying to find out what texture ( And maybe mesh ) files it could be, But I have no freaking idea any more. SO ... now I am hoping some one here might have an idea which files it could be, point me in the right direction so to speak.
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      It may be a road replacer mod, which I recommend to remove.

      It's also recommended to have a separate MO2 profile if using this mod.
    2. Illius
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Aaaahhh ... guess I will have another search round among the texture replacers I have, thank you!? And I do have a separate profile for my current character in MO2 now, guess that should help with the situation I guess.
    3. ryanmayfair
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I solved a similar issue( from using Noble Skyrim HD) by unpacking Project Rainforest's BSA and then installing the resulting loose files, overwriting any other textures as necessary.
    4. Illius
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      OMG ... "Noble Skyrim HD" that was the problem. I thought I had removed all snow/ice textures from that folder, but I found some more in the Landscape folder of Noble Skyrim HD, and now I no longer see snow/ice textures any more, thank you very much ryanmayfair.

      Although now I am a bit ashamed that I did not thought about looking in that folder again myself in all that time. ( Oh well, live and learn I guess. )
    5. ryanmayfair
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Glad you got it solved. You'd have found the river banks next to Windhelm quite jarring as well, thanks to Noble Skyrim - that's what drove me to find a solution. I just decided unpacking the BSA and overwriting any conflicting textures solved all conflicts without my having to manually hunt things down.
    6. sa547
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      In the MO2 mod stack, Noble Skyrim should be up in the stack below this mod.
    7. Illius
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Thank you, I will make sure it is.