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  1. Eskarn
    • premium
    • 30 kudos
    Updated to fix a bug where stat regens would reset on loading a game

    I don't always notice new comments on my nexus mods, If you have any questions feel free to ask me on discord.
    Or if you just want to follow what I'm working on.
  2. Kolagon
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Give Alternate Stats mod a look, its a mod simular to what you're trying to do.
  3. cyrusmagnus
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Well, gave it a go. I can't say I really noticed the slow regen part. It felt more like no regen. Since the pools are so large though, it didn't really matter.

    Unfortunately, the mod just doesn't play well with a number of others. Any mod that uses "percentage of current/max magicka/stamina" for anything is instantly brokenly OP. Any mod which has a benefit of additional stats is instantly useless either due to the resetting aspect or the massive pool aspect. It also breaks all magicka regen which is the vast majority of mage gear, and makes getting something like the Archmage's robes trivial.

    I like the idea, and I've been playing with it for a few dozen hours, but it just isn't going to work for me sadly. Thanks for making it though Es, it was interesting and probably a super good mod for a number of other users. xD
  4. reinyn
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    This seems like a very nice mod, but i have 2 questions.
    Does this affect only the player or does this affect all the npc's as well?
    And how much health does the player get per level?
    1. Eskarn
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      It only effects the player

      The health is a simple formula
      PlayerLevel = Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel()
      PlayerLevel = PlayerLevel / 25
      PlayerLevel = PlayerLevel + 1
      BaseHealth = BaseHealth * PlayerLevel
      Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("Health", BaseHealth)

      lets say you have 100 base health and you are lvl 10
      10/ 25 = 0.4
      0.4 + 1 = 1.4
      100 x 1.4 = 140

      level 100
      100/ 25 = 4
      4 + 1 = 5
      100 x 5 = 500
    2. reinyn
      • member
      • 39 kudos
      Thank you, i just needed to know that.
  5. cyrusmagnus
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    This is an intriguing mod. I assume you're playing with it since you made it. I'll probably give it a try here shortly, I'm just wondering, is it your intention for it to be as strong at level 1 as it is, or am I misunderstanding your math?

    Looking over your equations, magicka is going to be baseMagic = baseMagic * (TotalMagicSkills/10), so for example on an Imperial that would be baseMagic = 100 * (TMS/10) and if I start with at least 10 in each magic skill (or round to there since a couple might be 15 or 5 or 20), that would be 60/10 or 6, meaning my initial magicka should be 100 * 6, or 600.

    600 is a significant increase over the 100 we typically start with in the game. I'm not sure what your magicka regen rates are, because you just put 0.01 for it and I don't know if that means 1% of the magicka regenerates a second, or 0.01 magicka regenerates a second, etc. And with the math you have for the magicka regen being:

    BaseMagicRegen = BaseMagicRegen * (1 + (TotalMagicSkills/1000))

    It seems like your BMR would be 1% of 1 + 60/1000 (using approx. starting magic stats), or 1% of 1.006, which would be 0.01006. Again, I'm not sure if that means the regen is 1.006% of magicka per second, or literally 0.01006 magicka per second. Or if it's all done per 5 or 10 seconds because you say something about "slower but more" regen. The multiplication between the BMR and the (1+TMS/1000) is particularly confusing considering how small the BMR's are for all the races, all being between 1-3% (0.01 - 0.03). Seems like that means all regens will only ever be as big as they start out with a limit of roughly 100 per skill, or 600/1000 total which is only 0.6 (plus 1) multiplied by that race's base, so 0.01 * 1.6 is just 0.016 for a range of 0.01 to 0.016. Only netting 60% more regen than you start with at theoretically maxed skill levels.

    Of course, if it's a percentage, then the massively increased base levels of magicka and stamina combined with it would make for much larger regen rates, but that isn't really "slower and bigger" as much as it's "I've massively increased the stat pools and the regen scales to match it." Which is cool in and of itself, but seems like it'd trivialize a great deal of the early game. In which case, is there a level you'd suggest using this at? Maybe at level 25 it balances out a bit more? Or, again, did I just misunderstand the math?

    Anywho, thanks for making the mod, it looks neat and I will be trying it. Was just wondering about those things. xD
    1. Eskarn
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      The idea is instead of you having 100 magicka that regens quickly you have a larger pool of magicka that regens really slowly (0.0* per second/tick however Bethesda does it)
      So your low level mage has more then enough magicka to burn a few skeevers but might have to conserve magicka or bring potions to get through bleakfalls
      as your characters magic skill levels increase so does the total magicka pool and the Regen slightly increases

      for stamina based characters its the same you have enough stamina to power attack a bunch of skeevers but might exhaust yourself trying to power attack every drauger in bleak falls
      It makes you think if you should go to an home/inn and rest or do you try to take this fort with only 10% magicka left
    2. cyrusmagnus
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Ahhhhhh. Gotcha. Thanks for the explanation. This will actually work really well with certain aspects of Ordinator, because up till now the "regenerates mana/stamina at the start of battle based on x or y" thing was pretty useless because, due to the innate regen speed, I'd almost always be at full on those.

      Very interesting. :D