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Amras Anarion

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Deus Mons, the Castle of Miraak

Version: 2.2
Author: original mod by eldiabs (from Oldrim), overhauled by Amras An�rion
Contributors: ElDiabs (story, design), Amras An�rion (story overhaul, major enlargement), koaandl (NPCs), Utopolyst (NPC edits), Ghosu (3D model of the sword Zahkrii do Dovahkiin)
Date: 06/10/2017
Category: Houses
Language: English
Prerequisites: Skyrim Special Edition or Oldrim with the 3 DLCs


The 2.0 version is a huge update of Deus Mons from 1.2.3. It was a hard job of cleaning up the old wounds of the plugin.

Today, I am proud to offer you a clean mod with many new features.

New features

2.0 / 2.1 / 2.1.5 / 2.2:
� Huge cleaning, merge of the ESM/ESP, creation of a BSA archive, fix of almost all bugs and all the new features listed in "new features of 2.1 version".
� Fully compatible with Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions!!! All amenities for a happy home are available.
� Add large Throne Room
� Dragon museum: adding several steles which retrace the history of the castle.
� Add Auriel's Balcony
� Laying the foundations of Catacombs of Deus Mons. This dungeon is empty at the moment and contains only one chest, but it has as a secret passage...
� 5 relics of Miraak are available! Two jewels, two swords (the same one and two hands) and a scepter. It will be necessary to find a key near the dragons for the jewels and the swords. For the scepter, it is in free access, but it will have to be merited during a future update.
� Add a diary retracing the reconstruction of Deus Mons.
� The bard knows how to sing!
� A teleport spell is available to return to Deus Mons.
� Two teleport gates allow instant travel to Whiterun and Winterhold.
� Enlargement of the servants' room.
� Add Guest Room.
� Add showers, ponds, toilets and taps with activator.
� New scripts for display trophies. More options and no risk of conflict.
� Translation into English fully completed.


If is your first installation of Deus Mons or from a 2.1 or newer version

1. Extract the ESP and the BSA from the archive.
2. Install them in your Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data folder and allow file replacement if prompted.
3. Launch the Nexus Mod Manager and activate the plugin of Deus Mons.

If you installed an old version of Deus Mons (2.0 and older)


Version 2.x (and later) is a major and critical update. The original ESM no longer exists, which implies that the game will recognize this mod as being different from the old one. To avoid conflicts with the BSA archive, you will have to manually delete all the old loose files, namely:

File: Data\Deus Mons.esm
File: Data\Deus Mons.esp (first versions 0.x) or Data\Deus Mons_WithNPCs.esp (1.x versions)
Directory: Data\Textures\ElDiabs
Directory: Data\Meshes\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Deus Mons_WithNPCs.esp
Directory: Data\textures\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Deus Mons_WithNPCs.esp

As well as the following scripts if they are present (very important !!):

Data\scripts\DeusInterrupteur.pex (0 kb)
Data\scripts\DeusMons_Bard.pex (0 kb)
Data\scripts\DeusMons_Blacksmith.pex (0 kb)
Data\scripts\DeusMons_Chef.pex (0 kb)
Data\scripts\DeusMons_Guards.pex (1 kb)
Data\scripts\DeusMons_Hunter.pex (0 kb)
Data\scripts\DeusMons_Librarien.pex (0 kb)
Data\scripts\DeusMons_Priestess.pex (0 kb)
Data\scripts\DeusMons_Thief.pex (0 kb)
Data\scripts\DeusStele.pex (0 kb) (2.0 beta)
Data\scripts\DeusSteleDouble.pex (1 kb) (2.0 beta)
Data\scripts\DeusSteleTriple.pex (1 kb) (2.0 beta)
Data\scripts\DeusTeleportHorseEye.pex (1 kb) (2.0 beta)
Data\scripts\TIF__020089E1.pex (0 kb) (2.0 beta)
Data\scripts\TrapLever.pex (0 kb) (2.0 beta)
Data\scripts\FixZDrift.pex (0 kb) (1.2.3 and older)
Data\scripts\LightingBall.pex (8 kb) (1.2.3 and older)
Data\scripts\LightingBallController.pex (8 kb) (1.2.3 and older)
Data\scripts\TIF__020089E1.pex (0 kb) (1.2.3 and older)

If you restart from a save that has already experienced a 0.x or 1.x version of Deus Mons

For the reason mentioned above, it is advisable to start on a fresh save with the new version of this mod. If nevertheless you want to keep your hero and make him benefit from the last version of Deus Mons, it will be necessary to follow the following procedure:
� Retrieving all your stored treasures and saving them in a secure location (a vanilla home for example)
� Save your hero on a isolated cell (a vanilla home also)
� Disable the plugins and delete the old files (list below)
� Restart Skyrim and make a save again.
� (Recommended if you have the skills) Clean the orphaned scripts of your save with ReSaver or similar tool.
� Install, activate and launch the 2.x or newer.
� Play !

Note that thanks to a complete cleaning of the plugin (merge of the ESP + of the ESM, correction of all the errors and creation of a BSA), the future updates of Deus Mons can be done with serenity by simply replacing the ESP file and its BSA archive.


Please save enough away from a cell modified by this Mod.

1. Launch the Nexus Mod Manager and disable the Deus Mons plugin.
2. Remove the ESP and the BSA associated with this mod.

Update (from version 2.1 or higher)

Simply replace the ESP file and the BSA archive with the new ones.

Issues and bugs fixed

[Critical] No more corrupt / lost saves! The cause has been identified and fixed.
[Critical] All dirty edits of the ESM file have been cleaned manually, allowing a merger with ESP.
[Serious] All navmeshs issues (exterior and interior) have been fixed. No more deleted vanilla navmeshes.
[Medium] The Dragon Priests Busts have been fixed with a new script.
[Medium] Roombond issue shoud be fixed. (It's not perfect, but it will be almost imperceptible.)
[Minor] With great difficulty, I succeeded in making the 56 lights of the living quarters coexist without them sparkling or tearing. (Yes, it's a challenge when the cell stacks three-dimensional rooms.)
[Minor] The bard now knows how to do his job.
[Minor] The ghost should be able to speak to you the first time, from the moment you have at least 400 gold.

=> 100% Clean plugin, 0 ITM, 0 UDR, 0 error on SSEEdit, 0 error on Merge Plugin, 0 error on CK. (Just 5 faction report, but is normal).

Roadmap (future updates)

Future updates (2.3, 2.4, etc ...) will add content.
� Display for Dragon claws & artifacts (scripts are ready)
� Enlarging Catacombs with addition of enemies and treasures to find
� Building of the Hermaeus Mora's library. Solve the riddle of Miraak and get a great source of knowledge!
� Create a quest to own and enlarge Deus Mons (major update for 3.0)