

  1. EtherealCoder
    • premium
    • 336 kudos
    <-------- Update 2022-06-08 -------->

    The Darklight Tower Cabal now menaces the southern half of the Rift! For those pursuing the Thieves Guild questline, beware what sinister powers stalk in the night! But you might also be tempted by the treasures they amass...

    Those traveling overland across the middle of Skyrim's frozen tundra may also encounter a new band of feral werewolves, along with the Silver Hand. Will the player decide to intervene and help one of them? Or simply watch from the sidelines and collect the loot afterward?

    Note: You'll have to upgrade the core Organic Factions framework and start a new game for this update.
    Quick recap of Organic Factions Lite:

  2. juanmj
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi! I don't know if you are still around, but I've recently started a playthrough with this mod and looks very thorough indeed. On the videos in the main page you mention a readme .PDF, but I wasn't able to find any tutorial whatsoever. I feel like I'm missing something and I really want to explore the mod, thank you in advance!
    1. MagickaAddict
      • member
      • 1 kudos
        I downloaded a PDF from here - Look for Organic Factions Lite Documentation

      How did the playthrough go? Was it easy to walk in the Reach and other areas which had strong Organic presence?
    2. juanmj
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for the response! I downloaded the PDF but it seemed to be more of a developer's manual. I thought there was a readme file in which every faction and their mechanics was thoroughly explained, but it seems we have to make due with what is written in the descripion tab.
      Regarding my experience: It adds an unparalelled level of dynamism (and realism, in a way) but also a frustrating level of difficulty (and I'm one to enjoy a requiem-esque style and realism mods, mind you). I have a lot of positive things to say about the mod, but will focus on the few gripes that I have in case they help you decide whether to include it in your Load Order: 
      1) Whenever I encountered the factions, they seemed to target me like a heat-seeking missile, ignoring every other npc, even when travelling with multiple followers (this was particularly noticeable in the road ambushes of the Glenmoril faction and the Markarth sieges).
      2) While the factions interact with each other (EPIC battles involving the Druids vs Mistwatch bandits stand out, for e.g.) it is ultimately up to the player to alter anything of significance; which is rather counterproductive on a mod that seems oriented to removing the player from the center of attention. The most notorious case is the siege of Markarth and the general danger on the Reach, like you asked. If you don't go out into the bases and take out their leaders yourself, the situation snowballs into almost unplayable difficulty IMHO. This pattern applies to most of the factions. What are the Jarls and local Champions doing while World War 3 wrecks their Holds? LOL. Even more, very few of the factions seem to be able to be permanently killed-off, and the respawns have rather quick cooldowns, which can lead to tedious encounters if you don't use fast travel (The Valtheim Towers, Roadside Ruins, Gjukar's Monument and the bridge near Old Hroldan, to name a few).
      3) VERY subjective: I play a low-fantasy medieval oriented Skyrim with the "Less or No Magic" mod, and Organic Factions really clashes with that. The factions go like... balls to the wall on magic. Big time. I'd say every NPC added favours magic in one way or another, and flashy magic at that. Again, 100% a matter of choice, but a particularly outstanding one in my playthrough.
      That's pretty much it, sorry for the text wall. And hopefully you don't care about these things, Cheers!

      P.S. Mod Author, PLEASE don't interpret this as hating! I think what you've done is literally next-generation Skyrim modding, just take it as very subjective -hopefully- contructive criticism, if anything :)
      (English is not my native language and I've sometimes been told I sound rude, which is not my intention at all!)
  3. r0nin79
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    • 9 kudos
    I played with this amazing mod a while back and had a blast, but I've recently rebuilt my skyrim from the ground up and started a new playthrough. I was reminded of this mod and wanted to drop it into this playthrough, but I also don't want to break anything. So... If I'm installing this and organic factions for the first time in this playthrough, do I still need to start a new game in order for everything to work properly?
  4. gawaintheblaster
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    I am sorry if what I am asking is obvious or ill-informed but, just to be clear: As leaders of the Dragonborn faction can we too extend our own influence and take over places (like the others)? How big can we get? It is possible to take over a hold, or actually set out to conquer the world? Or it is still too early and those things will come down in future updates?
  5. thesteve812
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Thanks for your continued work on this great mod. I like using jbNPCMap to track and tag along with the High Plains Reaver Leader.
    jbNPCMap at Skyrim Nexus - Mods and Community (
    1. EtherealCoder
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Thanks, glad you've like it! :)

      Ooh neat, thank you for the heads up on that other mod!
  6. biglaps
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    • 0 kudos
    When will Anniversary Edition or SSE version be released ?
    1. EtherealCoder
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Hi there

      I had to put down this hobby to attend to family matters. Things have since become more manageable, and I have posted the update to the SSE mod page.
  7. changestorm
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Firstly, You Rock.
    I would, however, like some suggestions on a couple of issues:
    The Dragonborn Faction isn't showing up. I'm at level 50, mainquest is at "waiting for delphine to suggest the embassy party" stage. halfway through Extended Companions, etc. My game is very heavily modded: warzones, 3dnpc, every immersion mod, etc. about 320 mods all together. The only thing I think might be effectiving the Weynon stones area is a creature overhaul, I get randomly 3-4 Ice Wraiths whenever I go there. I've never seen ANY sign of a dragonborn faction; I've waited there in 3 hour increments for 6 days, nada. Everything else, all the other organic factions, seem to be working perfectly. well....

    The other problem; if I go anywhere near THAT side of Falkreath before at least level 20, with a tanked companion, I die. boom. That faction totally rules that area. Is there a relatively easy way to tone them down just a little bit? I also BTW have Warzones installed, which has a random battle zone next to the Faction HQ; both sides get wiped out in less than a minute. I'm fully capable of roleplaying the issue, but it does throw things a little out of balance.

    1. EtherealCoder
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Oh thank you for the kind words :)

      Hmmm, that's weeeird that the Dragonborn group isn't showing up. Sounds like you finished Dragon Rising forever ago, which should have been the trigger. While it's possible the Ice Wraiths killed the Faction early on, their corpses still would have shown up.

      The Faction heads to the Weynon Stones on the weekends, so you'd only have to check around then. During the week, Jenhrum and Mishka are at the Nightgate Inn, and the Dawnguard Crusader is at the Loreius Farm.

      If you're having problems in Falkreath: the werewolves only show up when you're level 10+, so there should be a little time you can spend there without worry; but yeah, if you fight 'em before you hit level 20, then you and your followers will be vulnerable to the Fear effect of the Howl of Terror, and will probably have a bad time. You could possibly do it with a follower, pet, and a summon, but it would probably still be tricky; staying at range would be your best bet, as well as using the Ice Form shout / paralysis / Fear / Frenzy / etc.. The werewolf faction generally has crap magic resistance, so that can be a plus.

      I really appreciate the feedback though; I've sketched out a small group of Silver Hand hunters I might inject in the area as well. They'll be a pain in the ass for all parties, but moreso for the werewolves.

      Happy hunting! :) BTW, I would LOVE to see some of these epic Warzone fights you were talking about! Have you by chance recorded anything? If so, I'd love to endorse your channel!
    2. changestorm
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      interesting... still have never seen the The first Dragonborn Faction, I've started digging into it, and I missed that you said that the core 3 are at Loreius Farm and Nightgate inn...and they aren't. since they are killable, its possible my "my gods, it's alive!!!" mod combination is just instantly killing them; or, one of my merges or patches or edits might be interfering with the script trigger. I'll' see what a "player moveto" gets me, see if the trigger triggered, etc. I DID try to open it in CK, my CK refused... but "help Jenhrum" gives about 8-9 different hits, so Jenhrum is in there somewhere...

      Meanwhile, in the WTF department...The Eldergleam Druid forces decided to eradicate the wizards in the nearby fort; I'm coming down the hill from Ivarstead, and the ground starts shaking, the area over the fort goes DARK. Multiple explosions and thunder is/are  heard, near continual. The clouds over the fort, where you CAN see them are swirling in a fast circle, and can I see a absence of atmosphere directly overhead? The ground shaking goes off and on and worse as you go closer...(the game engine glitches several times, so I'm saving about every 15 seconds).  at the base of the hill on the roadway, I look across the bridge and it's Black & Purple over there, the ground has stopped shaking, but lightning is flying everywhere, in all directions. I imagine I hear unearthly screams and laughter..,.and since I'm roleplaying, I head BACK up the hill towards Ivarstead, sprinting. SCREW THAT, i'd rather jump naked through an Oblivion Gate!

      NOTE: since this is starting to look pretty epic, I'm moving my LE game to my Asus ROG, so I can record some of this insanity, as my schedule allows... moving an installation is a pain,  but I've got years of custom edits, so...
  8. kidpk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have some questions about this mod, I currently play this mod with the Ultimate Skyrim Modpack which is base on Requiem so it kinda hard core for me
    My question is that what faction can I join because I don't want to come and receive a one shot blow.
    If I become the leader of the Dragonborn faction, can I extend and make truce with other faction ?
    1. EtherealCoder
      • premium
      • 336 kudos

      You can meet up with the Dragonborn Faction after you finish the Dragon Rising quest. If you're not playing as Dragonborn, then you can at least team up with the High Plains Reavers and Druids on their turf; I recommend getting Kyne's Token for the latter, or they'll probably end up helping animals eat you instead.
  9. Spongiie
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    I have a compability question. I use a mod which adds enemies and normal people to all locations. Would this be a conflict?

    And what is the best load order? Since this mod requires two others. 
    1. EtherealCoder
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Hi there!

      I add enemies in manually, I don't mess with any leveled lists or anything. That should eliminate conflicts with other mods that edit that kind of stuff.

      The load order should match the mod requirements: EAI Framework, followed by Organic Factions, followed by the Extension.

      Happy hunting! :)
  10. BunnyAng97
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Just a suggestion after reading through the WIP factions. If it's never been mentioned before, how would you feel about adding a check if the player is Dragonborn or not. Some people have done the main quest one too many times and would rather be not the Dragonborn at all. So mods like In Your Shadows and Unbound have given players an option to be completely forgo the main quest and not be a Dragonborn.

    Since the Dragonborn faction only answers to a Dragonborn, my suggestion is that someone else will take that mantle if you choose no when asked about being Dragonborn (MCM or checkbox). A unique actor that is entirely up for your choosing. He can be a classic Dragonborn sporting the usual iron armor and going about his quests in the background or even a randomized character (male/female) that can have good or evil traits, or both. Since it'll be pretty OP the Dragonborn would be pretty passive and focus only on his quest to stop Al'duin and Miraak. But if you kill him on your own accord you'll essentially "doom" the timeline though nothing really happens except for more dragon attacks and cultists roaming about. Maybe Miraak may even absorb the faction. But if both Al'duin and Mi'raak have been defeated, only then the Dragonborn would settle down or go sailing off to some faraway land and his faction would disperse. Or maybe set him up for adventuring quests where he will take on a more offensive strike on the other factions in the game.
    1. EtherealCoder
      • premium
      • 336 kudos

      Oh yes, thank you -- the only group which is dependent on the player being Dragonborn is the namesake Faction, and that only kicks in after they finish the Dragon Rising Quest (which is the big revelation that you are the "chosen one").

      And while I would absolutely love to have an NPC which could complete / interact with all those other vanilla Quests, the coding behind all that is voluminous and quite brittle. There's no effective way to make an NPC do all that stuff and not ascribe it to the player / advance things for the player.

      Thanks for the suggestion though! Cheers! :)
  11. EtherealCoder
    • premium
    • 336 kudos
    <-------- Update 2021-08-06 -------->
    Fjola of Mistwatch has made her power play to secure theterritory around the capital. The fragmented bandit groups in the area have rallied under her banner, and under her quite generous payroll. While cutthroats terrorize the common citizens, a sly thief might actually find the Mistwatch Merchant Fence as a welcome sight.
    Note: If you're upgrading from version 1.06, this should be totallyfine to update mid-playthrough!
    Quick recap of Organic Factions Lite: