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  1. lardoization
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I really love this riverwood mod, its my favorite. Do you have any plans on making a Skyrim special edition version?
    1. Impulseman45
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      Actually, I have had a conversation with x2ash a while back and he gave me permission to kind of take the mod under my wing and see what I can do with it. I do plan to take it into SSE and get it working. It should be fairly simple as it uses base assets for the most part. I might be changing some of the light sources, the hand made lanterns to more updated ones based on SMIM meshes. I also want to get the NPC's faces to work right. For me they never worked right, they always had the gray face bug even with the added face files. I also plan to replace and update the buildings and houses of Riverwood. It is a forest village and it using thatch roofs never sat well with me. I have already recreated a few of the buildings with shingled roofs. I may extend this over to Falkreth in another mod. So as soon as I have my other two mods done this one is getting the attention it deserves.

      So stay tuned and I will be making a separate page for it over on the SSE site as soon as I get it started. Keep an eye out for "Riverwood Redux Lives On"


      After several attempts to get this into the CK and see what is needed I have all but given up. The mod simply can't be opened int he new CK at this point. So sorry I will not be putting in time into this. It needs more work than I can spend on it. I might suggest one of the other Riverwood make-overs that have been ported at this point. The only other option is to totally rebuild it from the ground up. Maybe x2ash will come back and give it a try, but I really doubt it.
    2. lardoization
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Well took me a little while to read this but thanks for the attempt anyway. I guess ill have to find another riverwood mod.
  2. Carloskuhr
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Mod very well done, all elements in the right place, with good taste and creativity, respecting the chronological age. No errors found.
  3. Mad1mac
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I like this mod as it adds ambience, but the only problem is that the NPC faces are different colour as weighting is not correct. could you add meshes folder to the mod with meshes for each npc under meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/riverwood redux.esp with correct weighting so faces are same colour as bodies?

    i tried setnpcweight on the npcs and made colours match, but it doesnt save the settings, so when i reload the faces are back to original

    Its the only thing that bugs me with this otherwise great mod.

    If i knew how to do it myself with CK i would, but i have never used it and i love playing the game with all the mods but am not good at modding myself.
  4. eurozom
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I've been using this with the old version of Immersive Settlements Riverwood for a while now. I really like the overall effect. The expanded community across the river has a nice ambience (though it does kind of consume that little area by the waterfall).

    I forget whether I had to delete anything to make it compatible with the Imm.Set. mod... I don't think so. Nothing big, that's for sure.

    So yeah, love the mod. Nice work! Figured I should come back and endorse.

  5. Renmista123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Everytime i get close to riverwood I crash
  6. pmoleary2000
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    With regards to the added features listed in the readme:

    This mods adds:
    adds a bridge to the other side of the river
    adds 4 houses across the river and one house on the island
    adds a lot more trees to riverwood.
    lanterns around the place to give a little atmosphere at night.
    The Double story house across the river is useable and your Home.
    The house has a basic cellar for a realistic, humble home feel
    Adds 5 new NPCs

    With regards to the 'basic cellar', the trapdoor leads to a 'cellar' and a 'basement'. Was this intentional or is one left over from a previous version of Riverwood Redux -Expansion Project?
    1. x2ash
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      it was an extra esp if you wanted the basement over the cellar the original door was supposed to be moved but obviously it didnt.

      the basement file has been removed now as it bugged out a mine.
  7. x2ash
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Ive updated the mod and removed the basement esp, it was always an optional file and it caused bugs in the game so i have removed it for now.
    I currently dont have skyrim or the creation kit installed so further updates, may or may not ever happen

    thanks all for your support with this mod over the years, i hope it added to your skyrim experience at some point.

    just beware if you update this mod and you were using the basement then you will need to remove your gear from the basement.
  8. cutepuppykilla
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    hi is this compatible with the following :
    ETAC Complete
    Leaf Rest
    Etac patch for Leaf Rest

    1. pmoleary2000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Definitely not compatible with Leaf Rest. Too many changes put in place. Some of the new houses will overlap Leaf Rest itself and the bridge across the stream for Leaf Rest also would have an issue some of the new houses and a walkway.
  9. UndeadSanta
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Are the NPCs voice-acted?
    1. pmoleary2000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      No. There is no real interaction with the new NPCs. They are added to give the village a more populated feeling. They do interact with their environment but not so much with the player.

      I still found the mod very enjoyable and the player house was nice and more expansive than it would seem. The trapdoor to the cellar actually leads to a cellar and a basement. Not sure if it is by design or accident. It just depends on which part of the trap door you activate. One of thm leads to an area with dlsplays, mannequinns, more storage, alchemy and enchanting workstations. The other leads to a more rustic lower section, which in turn leads to an unfinished mine and lots of blue screen. Once you know which is which, it is simple enough to use the section which is finished and furnished.

      Some of the containers respawn. The chests and barrels seemed safe but the strongbox respawns.

      I did find the house to be a more suitable reward for a particular quest from Jarl of Whiterun and also did track down the previous owners eventually. Very sad story.
  10. Ondrea
    • premium
    • 202 kudos
    I really did like the changes this mod made to Riverwood. It was my favorite among all the Riverwood overhauls. However, when I have this mod active, I cannot access Northwind Mine clear across the other side of the map. If I try to enter from the bottom door, clicking the door does nothing. If I drop down from the summit and approach the cave entrance to the mine, instead of seeing "To Northwind Mine", it just says "To". If I try to enter from here I get an endless load screen.

    This was driving me crazy trying to figure out why I couldn't enter this mine and I one by one unchecked every new mod I had added. And I finally could enter when I unchecked this one. Anyway, thought I'd share the info in case someone else had the issue.