Can confirm that it works perfectly on SSE without any porting. Just download and install. Very nice mod BTW, especially useful if you're playing with Alternate Start, orc stronghold starting point. It gives you a place to actually live in the stronghold. Thank you!
A big problem of this gerat mod is that i lost all my staff I stored inside the shack. After several days i returned to stronghold cottage and found it as for the first time. Each crate was empty!!!
I strongly recommend alternate start for this, if you pick an orc and select the option to live in an ork stronghold, you start in Dushnikh Yal with orc armor and with this mod, a little house^^
lol I just copied wall plaques, a mannequin and bookshelf from Hjerim home, pasted and thats it...(didn't even created a edit form on Hjerim cell). If you want I can send you my version, working like a charm.
for this, if you pick an orc and select the option to live in an ork stronghold,
you start in Dushnikh Yal with orc armor and with this mod, a little house^^