

  1. SureAI
    • supporter
    • 207 kudos
    Hi guys,

    the NEW version of Enderal and the FORGOTTEN STORIES DLC are now only available on Steam as its own independent game entry (not in the Steam Workshop if that's your concern)!
    This version on the Nexus won't receive any updates anymore and therefore got removed!

    We hope you are enjoying and exploring Enderal!
    If you encounter any issues/problems feel free to visit our english support forum.

    Enderal requires you to own Skyrim Classic but not its DLC.
    Enderal is not working with SSE!

    Please keep the comment section spoiler free or use BBCode!

    Best regards
  2. 7x67
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a way to take off the fucking Saddle from a horse??? I thought it will be a saddle and not a fucking unequipable plate armor! What kind of Genius decided that this is a great idea to change model of a horse once and for all? Can't find any information about this saddles on the internet, if anyone knows how to get back vanilla saddle, share this knowledge with me
  3. Farzaneh
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I used a follower manager to capture Merchant Ezura with Elfried. As a follower I found Ezura, with her goofy Personality and perpetual smile, to be an lovable twit, I take every where. Can she be turned into a Voiced, Standalone follower in Skyrim? Perhaps with a short Questline to help her rescue Elfried from bandits?
  4. PhaseVerocity
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    So now that you can get skyrim anniversary on gog are you planning on releasing this on gog as well?  or at least putting the nexus mod back up? Pretty please.
  5. SCARaw
    • premium
    • 173 kudos
    Mod is definitelly cool as hell

    but whoever made intro sequence with dream sequence and dumb sequences wiith losing consiousness 5 times in a row should never do anything ever

    HOW, WHY, DID you like not played it yourself??? your intro is horribly unplayable, made me ragequit deinstall and get back to skyrim 1st time i tried it
    i m morrowind fan and your great design made me want to return to skyrim...

    short note: if you are healer tank and wanna play it, dont, game kills you for healing and using fun good magic, you can only use evil magics
    1. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      If you don't like the 'l o n g g'  intro, then suffer it once and make a save to use as a master, I did, and it was well worthwhile, you have to understand that everyone plays differently... and that includes the devs
    2. natalia96
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      @SCARaw the intro is unplayable?but how so?also in your short note that you still can use a healing spell whenever you want as long you didn't catch arcane fever
    3. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
      i like when my game start and i can play (skip intro play option or ignore everything and play option or just game)

      Elder Scrolls make this mistake of constantly making intros longer and more rigged with mandatory tutorial

      This mod have some weird dream sequence than cut to black and ship sequence than another cut to black for beach sequence and another cut to black

      i can not skip any of this
      i can not make it any faster
      i barely care too long didnt listen for most of the intros
      however i m done with the mod and i m not coming back
      wish i could block old post replies

      idk how arcane fever works i dont wanted to get it, never wanted my character to get this
    4. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      @SCARaw I understand where you're coming from, I find only too often that there is a 'feature' in games or mods that I want no part of but it's always there making me feel perhaps a little uncomfortable when playing, those games and mods usually get less playtime because of it.

      I too would like an Arcane fever free Enderal and a skip starting sequence mod, that way I could roam this wonderful land and use the game for years.
      Mayhaps, one day.
  6. leeshaw
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Absolutely wonderful game. Excellent landscapes, building and towns; Super voice acting and script; Intriguing plotline. All the advantage of Skyrim's familiarity set in a different world with different lore. And many Skyrim mods just work (If you use Vortex it will warn you if it won't). Enderal is a terrific mod. And I had no bugs which is nice.
    Any shortcomings?  The game is dark on my PC so Chesko's Wearable Lanterns ( was essential. I found having Amanda ( &/or Selene ( good/vital company at times. 
    A marvellous piece of work for anyone who likes Skyrim and wants more.
    Big Thanks to SureAI
  7. TJBear
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    This is just the results of an experiment I did porting many dozens of different Skyrim SE mods into Enderal (SE version). There were so few Enderal mods on the Enderal SE site that I thought about porting Skyrim SE mods into the game. With three exceptions (e.g. Phenderix Magic Evolved, Inigo), they worked perfectly. I loaded small mods e.g. mark and recall, to 1 GB plus mods (e.g. the Mihail series of mods, immersive armours) to medium size mods (e.g. enchanting overhauls, magic overhauls, etc). I ran multiple games, with many different mods. I suspect I could load up the 255 limit of Skyrim SE mods without issue. What gives the game problems is any mod that is linked to a quest specific to Skryim SE. Be VERY careful of those.

    I also loaded three different follower mods - in one game all three at the same time. These worked with only one small warning (that Dawnguard was missing).  I loaded multiple individual follower mods. These add on NPCs did not show up in game - no idea if they are there somewhere in Enderal waiting to be found or just electrons floating around my computer. If someone can point me to where they might be e.g. Liam, that would be great! I had to use the console command to make copies appear. I even added Farkas! All 5 of my followers / companions appeared. I used the recruit spell on them and they seamlessly added to my game including the dialogue options (e.g. equipment, spells, romance, etc). I then used the recruit spell on Jespar. Three different warning screens came up saying that this could break the Enderal quests, that frogs and flaming rain would fall from the sky and the sun would turn to black. None of this occurred. The quests continued on as per normal - no glitches at all except for one thing - if I summoned Jespar (teleport spell), and he was supposed to be at another location, he would immediately run to that location. If that location was far away I would have to wait up to 1.5 days in game time for him to arrive. Be aware of that. Another issue is that giving Jespar non Enderal armour results in no body meshes other than head and hands. I could give him any in game armour without issue but anything from Skyrim SE mods  did not work. Giving him weapons from any Skyrim SE mods was not an issue. Same for shields. Relationship dialogue overhauls, romance overhauls were also not an issue.

    The MCM menus also appeared for all the various mods.

    I did not load / use ENBs.

    I did load a variety of other overhauls without issue.

    So, my computer did not burst into flames. Alduin did not reach through the screen and grab me. It appears there is almost a 97% success rate in using Skyrim SE mods in Enderal.

    Happy gaming!
  8. JohnKnighthawke
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So question: Does this require me to play this as a separate game? Or can one treat it like a new land mod for Skyrim (along the lines of Beyond Reach or Beyond Skyrim: Bruma or Falskaar, but more-advanced)? And therefore bring my Dragonborn to Enderal?
    1. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      It is a separate game!

      When you install Enderal it will provide you with an Enderal launcher on your desktop, from there you will play in the land created by the Enderal team and play the Story with their game rules.
      Some (many, in fact) Skyrim mods will work with Enderal, you just have to understand which, someone is bound to have made a list somewhere, but unlike Skyrim there really is no need for mods... it's complete and beautiful as it is.

      For me (as for many others) it was really worth installing.
    2. JohnKnighthawke
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Understood -- Thank you.
  9. Moksha8088
    • supporter
    • 116 kudos
    The Marvel Cinematic Universe has a movie called Eternals which has plot elements that seem to be straight out of Enderal, including a masterplan that involves the birth of a new Eternal.
    1. vetewe7144
      • BANNED
      • 5 kudos
      The Eternals #1 (July 1976)
      It is more likely that the Enderal writer plagiarized the comics. Then again, Hod Toward lifted elements from LoTR while making Oblivion.
    2. qaz1qaz1qa
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      We are all influenced by the influences of influential influencers.
  10. vetewe7144
    • BANNED
    • 5 kudos
    It had occurred to me that you could create multiple story-lines for this and future games. Choose the Abandoned Temple for a Black Guardian/Pyrean Prequel  story, The Apothecary, Mushroom forest story with League as the destination. Damn House, Gothic [Underworld type story-line] with the ruined towns restored for the Player/villains to eat. Jesper's Cleansing story.
  11. zebradonkeyzebra
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Just wanted to say thank you for this mod, I'm playing the SE version in VR and it's one of the best VR experiences I've ever had including Skyrim itself!
    Exploration is so great, the environments and locations are so beautiful and well crafted, I'm truly amazed!