I have removed all posts that are no longer relevant (mostly regarding requests for "Immersive Horses" compatibility & info on the subject). This is to make it as easy as possible for people to find information that is still of use to them.
Please do let me know if any issues are encountered with any of the new files!
Это красивый мод, но у меня в сборке уже есть мод, позволяющий выбрать имя лошади перед покупкой. К сожалению, данный мод блокирует функцию выбор имени, у всех лошадей уже есть имя по умолчанию. Если бы не это, мод был бы идеальным!
When I try to install the "vanilla" file which should add new horses instead of replacing the existing ones it instead replaces them all including arvak, do you have any suggestion of why ?
I was wondering if you could address this as I have the same question as Mojihorse. I saw that the Convenient Horses versions had with and without replacements, but only one file option for Immersive Horses. I tried to download a mod that does retexture the vanilla horses believing Horses of Skyrim is standalone and no matter the load order, I get a bug where the horses from your mod all have vampire eyes (red/glowy). Tried to do some fiddling to make it work but was unsuccessful as I'm not too proficient with modding. Is the immersive horses version of this mod replacing/retexturing vanilla horses? Can't figure out why I'm having this issue if not.
I really enjoy this mod, so I spent some time finding every single horse that this mod added and writing down their REF ID (I have a bad habit of forgetting where I parked my horse, so I use the console command prid (REF ID) and moveto player to locate a missing horse).
Would it be ok for me to post the list of REF IDs for people who might want it?
i already did edit the bash tags seeing there are none before making a bashed patch. still the book won't appear on every blacksmith's inventory. i did sort my load order using LOOT, still no sign of the book. mod compatibility/conflict perhaps?
Please do let me know if any issues are encountered with any of the new files!
Thanks to everyone who has supported this mod
Would it be ok for me to post the list of REF IDs for people who might want it?
(i am using immersive horses with your mod)
EDIT: found the conflicting mod, its Scarcity