

  1. chrishpz
    • premium
    • 64 kudos
    I thought the keys to get inside stood out, but I guess I was wrong LMAO!!

    There are two keys to get inside. They are hanging to the left of each door on the front of the house.
    1. GuardianofLight137
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Mine wasn't hanging, it was on the ground. I found it though. That's what I get for approaching at night with Darker nights mod.
    2. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      Aha, yes darker nights will make the home's location particularly dark. I always considered it akin to CoT's Night Level 6 from version 3_1.
    3. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      The keys I found quite easily except I found one key on the steps outside , the others I found quite easily inside hanging up o.Osince Im a vamp I use a mod predator vision mod, but still didnt see the other outside hanging just one on the steps luls ...
  2. chrishpz
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    • 64 kudos
    Hey guys, just another thanks for checking out my mod. This one has received a lot more response than I expected. As such, there have been some problems people have had with using this mod. "Problems" is NOT defined as freezes or CTD's. If you're confused as to what something in the house does, please use the forums section entitled "What does this do?" I know it sounds like a convoluted approach but it also makes for an organization of posts. I appreciate it.
  3. jaderiver
    • member
    • 122 kudos
    Hi chris...
    How are you?
    I know it been awhile, and you don't play LE anymore, but wondering if you still had plans to port this over to sse ? It'd be perfect for there ^.^
    Thanks !
    1. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      Ya want it on SSE huh? Sure, I can handle that. Yes you're right, I don't play LE anymore. I did port over Crystal Creek Mansion to SSE if you're interested. It made sense to do that mod because 1, it's my favorite and 2, it's the most popular of my mods. Currently I'm in the process of learning how to make armors / clothing mods. I'm sure I can have Nuriel Manor ported over tomorrow. This assumes I don't need to fix anything I may have forgotten about. Thanks for the continued interest
    2. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      Ohh Thank you, I must've watched the you tube video 2-3 times just to get everything, because I love to play a vamp, this home is perfect... thank you,
    3. MachtWolke
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Just wondering if the SSE Version has been reöeased yet, if so do you mind sending me the Link? 
  4. deleted45241672
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, nice housing mod, I hope you will add a smithing area if you have the time.
    1. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      Thank you Mokamen. Truth is I don't play LE anymore. I might port this over to SSE though.
  5. RevanFanMan
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    Don't know if anyone is keeping up with this but, I love it. It's well done and not overly done. A small request though, could you make an optional file to change the cattle to female?
    1. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      Heya RevanFanMan, glad you like this mod. Truth be told, I haven't touched this one since it was first released. I would honor this request but I don't even have Skyrim LE installed anymore. I've moved over to SSE. If you're so inclined to modding, I could send you instructions on how to do this. Let me know in a PM.
    2. RevanFanMan
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      • 20 kudos
  6. deleted16306824
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, I've been using this mod for awhile, and so far it's looking great! Thanks again for the bedroom extension. I swear to God, finding a good vampire home that makes full use of Multiple Adoptions took way too long.

    Ran into a couple issues though. For one, the dragon priest mask display seems to be bugged. Any mask displayed there will disappear after a few days, and trying to remove a displayed mask will also make it disappear. I don't know if the rest of the storage also has problems, but it's probably worth looking into. Also, I don't know if this is normal for custom houses, but any NPC that's told to hang around without specifically being assigned to the house through Multiple Adoptions or MHIYH will also disappear.

    Also, this isn't so much an issue as it is a suggestion, but is there any way to disable enemy spawns in the surrounding area? Because every time I pop by to visit, the kids are always fighting ice wraiths or sabre cats.

    Other than that though, nice work!
    1. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      I ran into the damned Dragon Priest mask bugs myself. Honestly, I don't really know why they disappear so it'll be difficult to diagnose the issue.
  7. Tanner811
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    love this house, thank you
    1. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      You're quite welcome. If possible, send some shots as I love to see how it looks in other people's game
  8. EngimonoNeko
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    I admit.. I was wondering if this was another OP type house.. its so hard to find a good theme type for lower end that feels right.. I was very happy to find what this is. It was just right, and fit the backstory I had in my mind for the low end character I had recently started. The house is fun, and I enjoyed exploring it, especially love the dinner buffet... nom nom... I just wish it had two coffins.. lol.. never make everybody happy eh?? But seriously. Great work!!! Although two coffins would be nice.. My sister and I have to hot bunk.. .hehe...
    1. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      Hi Jeorg, I'm glad you find Nuriel Manor to your liking. Yes it's true, modders can't make everyone happy. And although I would love to add another coffin, there's just not enough space available. Well, that's not entirely true. There is space for one, but it would require moving around a lot of things. With that said, I think the layout of the interior is good as it is. Would you mind defining "OP type house"? I'm not familiar with all the acronyms.

      Anyway, big thanks on the comments and endorsement. Much appreciated
    2. EngimonoNeko
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      By OP I meant that, a lot of mods for houses / weapons or whatever pretty much give you completely massive power items. Or Over Powered. This house IMO fits perfectly in being the type of place a low end could live in, especially ' assuming ' it was in the family, or left by their creator. Its not stuffed full of ' make you super ' things.
      The layout is great, and provides for your future, but does not hand you a complete shopping list filled for creation of all the items you ever dreamed of. No butler in the house willing to buy all your stuff with a 1 million bank account ... that sort of thing. Its one that I am loving.
      No, there is nothing wrong with OP or advanced gear.. its just 99% of the time I get a house or armor and I cant use it with my characters because it simply does not fit them yet.. to low or such. This didn't have that issue. ( That's a play style thing I guess.. which we all do differently )
      On the coffins.. well.. that was really a joke, I don't mind hot bedding with my sister vamp.. after all we have the mortal bed to share to.. :-)
      Besides, there is a spare coffin in there... you cant sleep in it.. but its there.. so in my mind.. she can have that one..
    3. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      LOL about the spare coffin and hot bedding! Yes I now know what you mean about OP homes and such. The only other thing I would have liked to do with this home is make it purchasable or something of an award from some Jarl. Unfortunately, there's three things about this approach that are beyond me. The first is that I don't have the first clue on how to make something purchasable. The second is who would sell this house? It's not in any particular hold's location. The third is that my quest making skills extend no further than getting some courier to find you. I'm revisiting an older mod called Ynselwood right now. The player home is somewhat on the massive side and should not be free by any means. So the plan is to make it purchasable. We'll see how that goes.
  9. Dbrock1980
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    looks great!
  10. deleted16306824
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Okay, just took it for a test drive and it works really well. Looks like people have already brought up the hard-to-find keys and the shower and fireplace not turning off, so I guess my only request is maybe a second children's bedroom for those who want to have a big family? If there's no room for it, that's cool.

    But yeah, really cool house. I'll be keeping an eye on it.
    1. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      Well, it's not that there isn't room for a second bedroom. It's that the layout of the interior would be different than what we see with the exteriors. Basically, the exterior of this home is a combination of two different houses. The only common factor of these two houses is that they are rectangular in shape. Some of the other houses have a different shape. Riften is an example, the blacksmith's home is L shaped. What I could do is make an addon for this mod to accommodate your request. I'll see what I can do over the next few days as I might be collaborating with another modder on a new home.
    2. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      The key was actually easy to find, right there on the steps or just to one side o.O
  11. jaderiver
    • member
    • 122 kudos
    Hello, This is really really well vamp themed, its darkish but comforting , the in house music is perfect, I will try not to mention to much and dont want to spoil it for other who haven't used it yet,
    Met raghart luls, that's all I'll say about that, lolol, tried to spend as much time as I could to learn the sphere's secrets, my girl is vamp btw so got a nice blessing from bolag mal shrine, upon entering activated all the switches, just want to ask tho are they only one way, once on they can't be turned off, or some unlearned connection to sphere's maybe ?
    I also use a steam mod called " another sleep mod " the coffin and main bedroom work well with that, you can see yourself sleep, and step out of the coffin! .
    Also I read entry book, and it mentions about the kids beds, but there's 1 extra bed the book didnt mention, no biggie m you have extra kids ;p
    This is really well done , I really really liked this,
    You get my endorsement, Kudo'd if i could again a but already had from a previous mod of your's and tracking !! big thumbs up if there was one ;p
    1. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      I guess somewhat of a spoiler is ok. The orbs teach things. You may already know these things.... It's also worth noting that I screwed up with the first upload. I missed a few scripts which made the orbs useless. Download the latest version and the orbs should work for you. The switches are unfortunately one-way. To be honest, I don't know how to make them turn on / off things, but it is something I'm working on. Yes the book is incorrect. I'll be releasing an update today to take care of the inconsistencies in my mod. This is why modders need beta-testers. Seems many of us forget something. Big thanks right back Jaderiver. Keep an eye for updates.
    2. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      Eye out for updates , will do , btw I was using the latest, main file not old version, but still a great vamp home ^.^ I think o.O
  12. yzerman19
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    I sure am glad somebody put something in that empty area! You could add a creepy butler named Igor...
    1. chrishpz
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      I take it you have the latest version?