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About this mod

This is an alternate and more complete Config / .ini file for the amazing HQ texture compressor and mipmap creation tool "Ordenador - Optimizer Textures" by AdPipino. And my full, easy to understand English guide.

Permissions and credits
This is an alternate and more complete Config / .ini file for the amazing HQ texture compressor and mipmap creation tool Ordenador - Optimizer Textures by AdPipino. It should help protect almost any filetype, directory or folder that you don't want Ordenador to touch, if not all. Plus a full, easy to understand English guide on how to install and use Ordenador.

Download comes with:
- My custom/full config
- Text file for help with setting up custom Ordenador configs
- Text file with credits and help guide (in case this is removed/deleted/you can't access the page or internet)

DISCLAIMER: I did not make nor claim to have made Ordenador. If you have issues it's likely because of where you told the program to run, or the program itself. I am not responsible for mistakes or errors unless they specifically reside in what this Ordenador config file is meant to protect, meaning I haven't included a specific filetype or the config file you downloaded didn't work correctly. If you are having issues with Ordenador I can try to help.

If you don't know what Ordenador/Optimizer Textures is, it is a utility program that compresses meshes and texture files to much smaller sizes. This frees up HDD space as well as making your game run more smoothly and at a higher FPS at any resolution on almost any computer due to mipmaps and more RAM + VRAM available. For explanations on what mipmapping and mipmaps are, or something else, scroll to the "FAQ" section. If you need help, read the FAQ and the full guide over again before asking. The chances are high the mistake is your own or you can fix it alone. This is easy to do!

Ordenador/Optimizer Textures - Full "How-to" user guide in **English**

1) Install Ordenador/Optimizer Textures with NexusModManager, or manually install it wherever you want, and place the contents in a new folder named "Ordenador". (anywhere works, but I recommend a generic directory like your desktop or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim"). If you installed it/enabled it with NexusModManager, Ordenador will be located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data" with all your mod .esp files. Nothing should be damaged when running Ordenador from here if you use my config, but there may be an obscure mod filetype I missed.

- Ordenador/Optimizer Textures utility by AdPipino: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/

2) Download my config file and place it in your Ordenador folder.

Your new Ordenador folder should now contain the following folders and files:
- bin (contains 7z.exe, AdPDDS.exe, RAR.exe, and test.dat - these are used by Ordenador for compression)
- Documentations (contains ADPDDS.txt, Configuration INI.txt which is a config guide)
- translate (contains translated.english.rar - english translation for Ordenador)
- Ionic.Zlib.CF.dll (file extension for Ordenador to run)
- Ordenador.exe (Ordenador program executable, used to run the program)
- Ordenador.ini (Default config)
- Ordenador.txt (Ordenador log. Only exists after the program has been ran at least once, don't worry if you don't have it.)
- OrdenadorAltConfig.ini (My modified config file)

If you're missing any of these files or extracted and installed Ordenador/Optimizer Textures in the wrong place, find these files and move them or reinstall Ordenador if they aren't found. Easy way to find them is to sort the folder they're in by "Date Modified" at the top of the window.

3) Rightclick and rename the "Ordenador.ini" file to "OrdenadorDefaultConfig" or something else that isn't "Ordenador" and you won't get confused with other config files. Keep this in case anything goes wrong and you need to recreate a config file from the default one by AdPipino.

4) Rightclick and rename my modified config file "OrdenadorAltConfig.ini" to "Ordenador". Now is a good time to create a shortcut to Ordenador.exe if you want to execute it from the desktop or something. Rightclick Ordenador.exe and choose the option "Send to desktop" to do this easily.

5) Run Ordenador.exe and you will get a list of options to choose from.

5a) Under "More/Extras" make sure "Make Backup RAR" is selected! This is in case you need to restore any files that are broken, corrupt or otherwise damaged in-game.

5b) Under "Profiles", choose Skyrim in the second box. You can leave the first box alone because we will be editing the Ordenador options anyway.

5c) In the "Textures" tab, select all of the options. It should look like this:

☑ If no mask in image, compress to: DXT1c
☑ If mask in image is 1bit, compress to: DXT5
☑ If mask in image is translucy, compress to: DXT5
☑ Delete unnecessary files
☑ Resize patterns: 16x16
☑ Resize down: If >2048

This is your first compression and resize pass. It normally takes a while but unless you have a lot of 4096x or greater-sized textures, very little compression and resize processing is happening. The longest amount of time will be when you are going from your uncompressed 2048x or 1024x textures to compressed 1024x/512x because your textures are the largest size at this time and it includes most or all of your textures.

6) At the top where it says "PlugIn/Data Files", click the folder icon and go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data". Make sure the "Data" folder is selected, then click OK. You can now choose this file location in Ordenador every time you want to run it instead of navigating through the directories.

7) Click "Start" and let Ordenador run. This can take a long time depending on your texture sizes and how many you have. You will see a Windows Command Prompt open when it begins to finish, where Ordenador runs the compressed and resized images/mipmaps in a .zip through a RAR extractor for reinstallation.

Read the FAQ or below for tips on how to speed Ordenador up/keep it from slowing down during this whole process.

8) Once this completes, you will now have created mipmaps and downsized all extremely large textures.

9) You now have a few options:
- Do you have 8GB+ of system RAM and 3GB+ of VRAM on your graphics card? Were you using "4K" textures? You're *okay* to play Skyrim now.
- Do you have less than 8GB of RAM, 3GB of VRAM, or want more performance/optimization? Go to step 10 if you fulfill one of these requirements.
- Are you finished using Ordenador and want more performance/optimization? Go to step 11.

10) You want more performance/optimization? Re-run Ordenador. Do everything from steps 5-7 except:
- Change "Mipmaps: REBURN FORCED" to "Mipmaps: Make if not mipmaps"
- Change "Resize down: If >2048" to "Resize down: If >1024"

This is the second compression pass. The compressed 1024x textures will not look much different than 2048x.

Note: If you want the best performance and slightly lower resolution textures, repeat steps 5-7 a third and final time:
- Change "Resize down: If >1024" to "Resize: If >512"

11) Go to "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\My Games\Skyrim" and open "SkyrimPrefs.ini".
Under [Display], find or add the following line:

Change whatever number it has after = to 0/1/2/3/4 for whatever mipmap level you want in-game. MipMapMinimum= at a higher number means lower quality versions of textures used across long distance. MipMapSkip= at a higher number means it skips that many mipmap processes, loading the next lowest resolution mipmap available. 0 Minimum means you only use the original image. 0 Skip means you do not skip any MipMaps to the next lowest (0 on both settings will remove mipmapping entirely).

Read FAQ for what mipmaps really are.

That's all it takes to use Ordenador and get 100% free optimization out of Skyrim. This will help you run ENB smoother, higher resolution textures pre-compression, higher levels of Anti-Aliasing, more mods, more stability, and a smaller amount of system resources taken up overall.

How-to: Run Ordenador faster?

Ordenador is very CPU heavy, because it's reading/writing a large load of information.

1) Use an SSD and/or faster CPU.

2) Add the following files and/or file locations temporarily to your antivirus scanner's exceptions lists for directories, executables and file extensions (refer to Step 2 of the guide):
- Ordenador.exe
- 7z.exe
- AdPDDS.exe
- RAR.exe
- Ionic.Zlib.CF.dll
- .DDS file extension
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data" or just "SteamApps"
Remove these from exceptions once you're done using Ordenador.

3) Halt unnecessary processes (don't use browsers, don't play games, exit out of Steam, let the computer do its thing while Ordenador runs).

4) Use Ordenador in steps. Skip mipmaps for next time. Turn off the first 3 options in Ordenador (compression scans) if you are positive no files were missed/corrupted/etc.

5) USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: Disable Real-time protection on your anti-virus temporarily. This is the most beneficial in terms of performance, but you shouldn't be using the internet if you do this (I mean unplug your damn internet, yo). I recommend against this for anyone that does not know if their computer is truly clean of viruses and malware or plan on using the internet at all. Most importantly, do not forget to re-enable it afterward.

Frequently Asked Questions section:

Q: My PC is a spaceship/lemon. Will Ordenador help me run Skyrim better?
A: Yes. Every single computer will run better with compressed and/or downsized textures. Compressing the image files allows for your computer to respond faster to newly loaded textures, use less memory to keep textures loaded, and gives smoother performance when loading and unloading textures in general. In a lot of cases, you will notice higher FPS. At the very least you will have less crashes/shorter loading screens/way less stuttering and texture pop.

Q: What are mipmaps? What do they do? Does it help Skyrim run better?
A: Mipmaps are additional textures for a specific object/item that are progressively downsized. Mipmapping allows the game to render lower quality images across longer distances so that you use less VRAM/RAM to process textures and keep things loaded.

Long answer: It's an extra type of "LOD" or Level of Detail; Mipmapping forces the game to use lower resolution textures further away from you. Each mipmap level is 1/4th of the texture quality of the last mipmap (original texture if it's the first mipmap) at a further distance away. At 1 mipmap, all long-distance textures are only 25% resolution. At 2/3/4 mipmaps textures loaded are only 12.5%/6.25%/3.125% the resolution of the original texture.
This setting is normally considered useless or makes everything look bad because most texture replacement mods do not come with mipmap textures, which makes Skyrim use vanilla mipmaps. Ordenador makes these mipmap files for mod textures automatically (if used correctly) so you can enable Mipmapping in your SkyrimPrefs.ini.

Q: Can I compress files and not resize them?
A: No, the compression process only really happens when Ordenador identifies an image file that's a larger resolution than what you specify.

Q: Can I run Ordenador without making mipmaps?
A: Yes. Mipmaps are optional (they help performance a little), just make sure in your SkyrimPrefs.ini under [Display] you have iTexMipMapMinimum= and iTexMipMapSkip= set to 0 so your textures don't look bad/messed up. You can also run Ordenador any time later with only Mipmaps selected to create mipmaps for your textures.

Q: Can I run Ordenador without resizing patterns?
A: If you don't resize patterns, it's likely some stuff will look broken or messed up across their meshes. They may also perform badly. I recommend resizing patterns just so that your repeating textures look and perform ideally for that resolution. You can try without it if you want.

Q: Help! My textures/objects are ________ (broken, black lines, invisible, etc.)!!
A: That is either a problem with Ordenador/Optimizer Textures, or you were doing heavy stuff while Ordenador compressed images and it corrupted some. Open your backup files and replace the broken stuff (backup location is under "More/Extras" in Ordenador), reinstall the mod/texture with Nexus Mod Manager, or delete the files + reinstall mod manually.