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  1. ubuntufreakdragon
    • premium
    • 33 kudos

    Mod Aims:
    Porting as much features as possible from MTO to MTE without disturbing the positive aspects of MTE.

    - improve follower support (currently vanilla only)
    - improve infections (more ways to infect, no dialogue version)
    - may be encounters, first look up whether there is some mod already doing the job
    - may be MT for Enderal
  2. ubuntufreakdragon
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    Skyrim Special Edition:
    The possibility of a port to Skyrim SE is currently under Investigation.
    The basic file is already ported:
  3. ubuntufreakdragon
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    Hey people I still could use some help:
    I added some death alternative to the lose control part, So you wake up in a random cave, however I need some more suggestions for good caves to wake up in (mines and similar are ok, too, if their attributes match), to increase variety.
    The caves should have these Attributes:
    - accessible without any quests done (not even the companions quest as I plan an Infection system, too)
    - relatively safe, so a low health werewolf can survive there
    - the cave is not part of any DLC or mod.

    Oh and please tell me where the cave is. I accept form ids and editor ids of the cell map screen shots and CK world and world coordinates.

    Another way to help would be giving me new ideas for dialogues just give some lines and tell me what it should do.

    Oh and please link me some common used up to date follower frameworks, so I can test my code for compatibility.
    1. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      The cave under the ritual stone is the BEST cave for sure but it does have one or 2 trolls in it, Shimmermist Cave the enterence, Perhaps the eldergleam sanctuary or the spider cave near it. That giant cave near that towers with th bandit that demands money (Empty) Bleak falls barrow on top of that dead bandit at the enterence.

      Haven't looked at the mod in a while but based on some classic MT menus here are some dialogue you can use these most universal
      Transform now: Okay okay just this once
      Selecting transform with player: how can I argue with that
      Disable transform: Oh
      Change skin: 1st imput "Hmm", actually selecting a skin: "Take a look"
      Asking to Drink WW blood not friend: Follower command rejection dialogue
      Asking a friend to drink WW blood: agree to follow dialogue

      Also this isn't a follower framework but: this is something I use and works with Better Vampires:

      Edit: Any follower is allowed to get infected in combat? I have a concern with Vilja as she is so sensitive to mods that alter her AI or dialogue in any way like the old MT just having the disease touch her may cause a problem.
    2. ubuntufreakdragon
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      could you please give me some coordinates, just stand outside and use getpos x/y/z

      The Follower skin is done over the MCM, I'm happy you want to help, but this isn't the Overhaul version of MT, there are many things different.
      As far as I understand you, you are giving me some lines of text that already have a sound file.

      I'm currently only interested in mods that alter the way how followers work to add as much support as possible, your liked file doesn't change anything about it.

      Infection works via hidden spells, and a disease spell, Transform doesn't change the Followers it hides them and gives you a Werewolf replacement instead.(this is needed to block forced bodies on custom followers interfering with the werewolf skin)(And I can't find any Vilja in CK)
    3. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      I will try to get coordinates but I won't be able to play today. I am sorry I mixed the 2 up I have been meaning to switch to this version on the next playthrough (using the old 2 now) but I have been quite busy these past few months.

      Vilja is a modded companion with her own framework including the ability to get other followers that use vanilla framework to follow her and she has proximity conversations with them and other NPCs. Also she seems to get put in a pseudo wandering mode especially in towns where she goes off to do something yet is still technically in following mode (can tell because she still draws her weapon with you). The old MT was on her blacklist specifically saying keep her essential to avoid infection or things would break.

      Inigo another modded companion I am concerned about as he has his own framework and many of his dialogue are triggered by proximity ect and his main quest has a proximity check in a hostile area that already has a fatal bug in it (if YOU initiate the dialogue he gets stuck), if he gets replaced during stages like that...
    4. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Was finally able to get on Getpos didn't show anything... but I took screenshots of the map so I hope that works

      Pinemoon cave has a misc quest but it respawns and is accessible without it
      the giants camp has a cave that is 100% empty so even a 1 health werewolf can survive
    5. redmanda
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I'm gonna be testing this mod out tonight, it sounds truly amazing (especially for a werewolf lore freak like me). The only thing I'm still curious about is if it affects all NPC werewolf skins to randomise appearance (not just PC and followers).

      I seriously love the idea of waking up in a random cave/mine. It totally fits in with the lore. As far as suggesting places, I'm not very inspired lol, and it all depends on how difficult you want the situation to be. Most caves and mines have a little 'safe' section near the entrance that's away from NPC line of sight, so any dungeon that's not quest-locked is viable.

      But if you want the PC to wake up actually IN the dungeon, with more potential for being in danger, then things get trickier. The first one that comes to mind is Embershard Mine in Whiterun Hold - it has two entrances/exits (the one that's the 'back way' isn't guarded by a bandit so if you woke up in that back section, you could sneak out and make it to Riverwood without getting ganked while in your birthday suit), a smithy area where you could take and equip weapons if you dropped your bag of gear elsewhere, and there are a couple of areas inside that are 'blind' for NPCs. NPC behaviour in there also makes it possible to sneak past them if you're careful and snuff out the torches.

      What kind of dialogue do you want - do you mean in regards to follower control/infection?

      As for follower frameworks, I'm guessing you mean mods that control how followers behave? If so, I use AFT and no lie, I chose that one because I heard about it's features to turn a follower into a werewolf and control when they transform I wanted my pack and it was a great way to do it. If you mean custom followers who have unique systems all by themselves and are recommended to not be controlled by something like AFT, my personal favourite is Inigo
    6. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      I was doing some lunar transformation/loose control testing and found 2 wild werewolves with different skins so I think it adds random skins to NPCs.

      I tried to test the infection system but if I fail to convince them willingly the dialogue goes away for everyone... also dialogue should be disabled by default and use a power to enable it on a per NPC basis as it is a bit intrusive.

      Also I think Your description on the formula for loose control is a bit too technical you should add simpler explanations or examples like for feed score if I leave the base options as is then feed on X people your chance to loose control will be modified by ____

      Finally some requests I do miss the no cooldown option o the old MT or you can allow a 30 second one. also when you finish with this stuff I have seen some werecroc mods around perhaps those can be an addition? Higher defense and waterbreathing+swift swim but much slower
    7. CP5
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm really looking forward to the next update. Quickly checked around for caves, but only a few are empty. If you are able to clear one or two enemies from some of them then they would also work, but if you include the starts of some dungeons then there are quite a few places you could drop the player.


      Cave Name-Location Cords-ID- Condition
      Bleakcoast Cave-(145834, 90932, -13664)-BleakcoastCave01- Frost Trolls
      Fort Greenwall Cave-(167976, -72409, 9118 )-FortGreenwall01- Empty
      Purewater Run-(-158278, -20198, 1037)-PurewaterRun01- Slaugherfish
      Rebel's Cairn-(-109696, 23216, -27)-RebelsCairn01- Empty
      Bilegulch Mine-(-78224, -40254, 2932)-BilegulchMine- Bandits
      Brinewater Grotto-(-54050, 131834, -13362)-BrinewaterGrottoStart- Horkers, Bandits
      Bronze Water Cave-(83829, 42748, -8720)-BronzeWaterCave- Animals
      Brood Cavern-(-55217, 43483, -8381)-BroodCavern01- Animals
      Crystaldrift Cave-(161077, -119789, 11427)-CrystaldriftCave01- Animals
      Eldergleam Sanctuary-(119988, -22521, -9735)-EldergleamSanctuaryStart- NPCs
      Fort Sungard Oubliette-(-72571, -24475, 183)-FortSungard01- Empty
      Germund's Hall-(89473, -64541, 11002)-GeirmundsHall01- Skeevers
      Gloomreach-(-100254, -24966, -5282)-Gloomreach01- Falmer
      Halldir's Cairn-(-42999, -96533, 137)-HalldirsCairn01- Draugr, Ghost
      Honeystrand Cave-(79468, -76044, 11013)-HoneystrandGrove01- Bears
      Pinepeak Cavern-(75298, -54369, 10257)-PinepeakCavern01- Bears
      Stillborn Cave-(128704, 64121, -6086)-StillbornCave01- Falmer
      Tolvald's Cave-(179729, -47142, 3005)-TolvaldsCave01- Falmer
      Broken Oar Grotto-(-66963, 141812, -13643)-BrokenOarGrotto01- Bandits
      Duskglow Crevice-(46034, 59379, -7432)-DuskglowCrevice01- Bandits
      Lost Echo Cave-(-127416, 101410, -7496)-LostEchoCave01- Falmer
      Northwind Mine-(151221, -45275, 3643)-NorthwindMine01- Skeletons
      Refugees' Rest-(170415, 37536, -9400)-RefugeesRestExterior01- Outside, Animals
      Shadowgreen Cavern-(-75329, 124195, -12722)-ShadowgreenCavernStart- Animals, Spriggans
      Bruca's Leap Redoubt-(-124954, 63580, -8980)-BrucasLeapRedoubt01- Forsworn
      Cronvangr Cave-(119818, -5294, -11938 )-CronvangrHall01- Spiders
      Drelas' Cottage-(-30649, 26970, -4338 )-DrelasCottage01- Drelas
      Greywater Grotto-(14989, -90292, 10790)-GreywaterGrotto01- Animals, animal outside
      Lost Knife Hideout-(95321, -28958, -9471)-LostKnifeHideout01- Bandits
      Orotheim-(-67686, 36949, -8255)-Orotheim01- Bandits
      Steepfall Burrow-(-128561, 114961, -10559)-SteepfallBurrow01- Trolls, Wolves
      Chillwind Depths-(-101071, 58377, -11934)-ChillwindDepths01- Bear outside, Falmer inside
      Graywinter Watch-(49824, -2452, -2804)-GraywinterWatch01- Trolls
      Redoran's Retreat-(-15254, 7227, -7369)-RedoransRetreat01- Bandits
      Snapleg Cave-(116397, -55510, 5542)-SnaplegCave01- Animals, Witches, Hagraven
      Southfringe Sanctum-(31992, -105984, 16681)-SouthfringeSanctumExterior- Spellswords
      Wolfskull Cave-(-97494, 107386, -5686)-WolfskullCave01- Undead and Necromancers or Bandits
      Ansilvund-(174572, -35183, 730)-Ansilvund01- Necromancers, Guard outside
      Yngvild-(57393, 115440, -11717)-Yngvild01- Large Dungeon, Undead
      Darkwater Pass-(113334, -46458, -6516)-DarkwaterCavernStart- Falmer
      Hob's Fall Cave-(68591, 96020, -12168 )-HobsFallCave01- Large Cave, Warlocks and Undead
    8. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      My two cents

      I think Shadowgreen has a minor quest NPC outside and the quest involves clearing the cave may not be the best place to spawn in my opinion.

      Wolfskull is tied to a major quest and there is only one way out after a point.

      Darkwater cave can be a possibility but only after Derkeethus is rescued (also falmer and chaurus hit HARD.)

      Broken oar has NON RESPAWNING npcs that can mess up various quests if killed early IE Atar Jaree Ra

      Drelas conflicts with interesting NPCS which replaces him with a talkative one

      Lost Knife Hideout Buggy quests tied to it look at the wiki for info

    9. bystander
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      "the cave is not part of any DLC or mod"

      So if you go to Solstheim or Arnima (from Beyond Reach) and pass out, you still going to wake up in some cave in Skyrim?
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      "Oh and please link me some common used up to date follower frameworks, so I can test my code for compatibility."
      UFO Ultimate Follower Overhaul is still the most popular (Most Endorsed and Downloaded) one it's probable final update last year has all in one compatibility with all of the DLC's (before there were separate patches)
  4. kain34
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    This is a must have for any werewolf playthrough. anyone manage to figure out how to port this Wonderful mod?
  5. gabrieljamh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Im getting stuck on TF animation, cant walk, just jump with no animations, and pressing esc and then returning, reverts to humam with "werewolf TF particle(?)", I dunno, any help?
    1. ubuntufreakdragon
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      This file doesn't touch the vanilla transformation, it just uses it.
      Does the issue persist when loading an earlier save?
      Any other mod addressing werewolves?
  6. InDarkestNight
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Okay, how do you get the 'lose control' feature to work? Reading the description, I thought I just had to keep consuming hearts until the feature triggered. I cleared Riverwood, Falkreath, Markarth, and all npcs I ran into between these points, and I never once lost control of my character. The Markarth rampage was even at night. How on earth do you trigger this feature?

    edit: nvm, I figured it out. You can only lose control if you're forced to transform due to the lunar phases. This can't seem to happen if you actually used the power to transform.
  7. beautifuldizzaster218
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Anyway to get this over onto Xboxone mods?
  8. Kronocus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The feature I am most interested in is the inventory drop, and I like that extra weakness of being a werewolf. Do you know of any mods for skyrim se that do that with MTSE or perhaps how to port that specific feature into my game?
  9. Kronocus
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    Is there a way to install this for skyrim se, and if so, how would I do it?
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    When I first played with this mod I hated it but then I understood that I had installed it wrong (I use MO and had it as a separate folder under MTE) since then I've gotten it to work properly and I have to say aside from not being able to get the follower functionality to work (even with the console command they get the appropriate dialogue options but don't actually transform like they say they do) I love it. I dislike the infection dialogue but I do like the option to turn it off (I would prefer that as the default).
    I don't know if this mod is still being worked on but if it is I'm hopeful for the followers patch, I think the dialogue for/with followers should mimic the original Moonlight Tales mod or the Werewolf Followers mod by the same author I don't like the AFT like "[Werewolf]" dialogue box it sticks out a bit (the actual dialogue/option range itself is good I only have a problem with the bracketed portion). I said it in my reply to the Sticky but I will repeat it here
    "UFO Ultimate Follower Overhaul is still the most popular (Most Endorsed and Downloaded) one it's probable final update last year has all in one compatibility with all of the DLC's (before there were separate patches) "
  11. Geneza
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    A great addition to Moonlight Tales! I'm enjoying the random aspect of the Lose Control function, it's quite an ambitious idea. When the Lose Control activated near Dawnstar shore, the werewolf started swimming WAY out into the Sea of Ghosts and promptly drowned (it was swimming underwater + Frostfall cold water exposure didn't help things). I have no idea what could cause this but it was hilarious. I just hope it won't happen every time the character is near a body of water.
  12. alfredini
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I couldn't play Moonlight Tales Essentials without this mod installed. Thanks!
    I have a silly question, is it normal that using the night vision from this mod does not give any sound? You know how using Night Eye gives out a particular sound? Using this mod's is silent, even when selecting "Vanilla Night Vision" form the MCM.
    Is not a big deal really, I'm just wondering if it's something on my mod loadout or that's just how the mod is.
    1. ubuntufreakdragon
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      It isn't a spell so no sound effect.
    2. alfredini
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Thank you! I can rest easy now hehe
  13. qwertypol012
    • supporter
    • 75 kudos
    Is it possible to expand this functionality to Moonlight Tales SE for Skyrim?
    I really love the lose control and infection features, so it's difficult to part from this mod although i love MTSE more than MT Essentials because that one has a perk tree overhaul and capability to rip out spider webs in beast form
    1. ubuntufreakdragon
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      It wouldn't be trivial, but realizable.