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  1. daglez
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    WARNING! one who wants NEW MOD to lightsabers let STEAM enters and begins to subscribe STAR WARS RACES from the Kryptonian, because if it will be FIVE STARS This is a new mod for lightsabers with DOUBLE-BLADED LIGHTSABER.
  2. ElCansado
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    @CrunchyWithKetchup - It's easy to do that. Just open up the CK and go to the coin miscellaneous item and rename "Gold" to Dactary.

    @avenger86 - I never realized that I had such a profound effect on this mod! I was just thinking out loud and learning new things because I honestly had a very vague idea on the significance of the currency in Star Wars, though I assumed that because they were called "credits," they were in the shape of today's credit cards. I guess I was right. I'll check out that new mod, then.
  3. CrunchyWithKetchup
    • supporter
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    You ought to see if there's a way to rename the text for gold in the game to Dactaries, seeing as that's what the "credits" are actually called. And, actually, there ARE coins for credits, but it's the Imperial credit that is a coin, though, I think they're still referred to as dactaries.
  4. avenger86
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    Thanks! I've uploaded a new coin mod. I even gave you credit for inspiring me to re-do this one, which is the new one.
    The Imperial Credits are coins and Galactic Credits are not. You are correct. I guess that makes this mod now obsolete. You all should check out my new replacer instead of this one. Thanks!
  5. derpherpidyderp
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    • 2 kudos
    Galactic Credits are electronic chips, but they have that ensign on them.
  6. CMoth
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    I recently started using the saber mods as well as the force powers mod. Holy CRAP is that a lot of fun. Overpowered somewhat but oh so worth it.

    I'll probably try this one as well for the novelty.
  7. CMoth
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    I recently started using the saber mods as well as the force powers mod. Holy CRAP is that a lot of fun. Overpowered somewhat but oh so worth it.

    I'll probably try this one as well for the novelty.
  8. ElCansado
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    Though I consider myself to be a BIG Star Wars enthusiast... are galactic credits really round gold coins like we have here?

    I did a bit of searching, and thought you might want to take a look at the real appearance of the Galactic Credit. Straight from Wookieepedia itself.

    Galactic Credit Standard

    Hope this helps. I do want to see a major Star Wars overhaul sometime in the future of Skyrim modding.
  9. Pinyinnn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! ^_^

    I really like the mod.
    Could you change the name "Gold" into "Galactic Credit" too? It would be really cool

    Keep up the good work! ^_^
  10. avenger86
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    Thank you