

  1. TelShadow
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  2. redprincess79
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    • 106 kudos
    So can you turn a profit from this property? I'd love to see that.
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    • 43 kudos
    I only drank mead once, that was way back in my Navy days (many, many moons ago) when I was "seeing the world". I think it was in Ireland or Scotland. As I recall, I didn't like it too very much. Still, this looks pretty interesting. Will the proprietors sell mead to the Dragonborn?
    1. mosomasa
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      • 8 kudos
      I dont like beer in real life (i didnt tried mead so i have no opinion about it) because i am a vodka guy, but in Skyrim, all of my warriors and hunters are the mead lover Dovahkiins, big fans of it You can buy mead in the house from the Bartender, but there is a lot of bottles of mead btw the player is the "proprietor" of this house and all of the meads
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    • 180 kudos
    Honeshtly I'm Shober,,, No I am not Drunk look I can stand and ever-thing (fall's over and looks down at the floor confused then ask's who put that wall there).

    What we need is a pub crawl quest, a quest that takes you to every pub in skyrim ending at this meadery with a quest to find the key and several drunk characters inside that you can recruit as followers.

    The best follower mod for this is Strange Followers by hktt but you have to recruit them in whiterun.

    The Quest for the Golden Tankard of Stros Mkai or rather that drunken pirate who actually might have come from Stros Mkai but he was too drunk to be certain and could not ever remember what he did last night or the night before that another nice touch would be a dog that lived by the bar with a bowl of mead or to make it definitely Skyrim a drunken dragon who was more interested in his next barrel of mead than burning down the local village and was only interesting in bar maid's and that pretty young princess in the white dress the local villages keep trying to sacrifice to him can get stuffed unless she comes to serve him some more ale that is, after all what civilized dragon would eat the bar maid?.

    Anyway interesting home, I shall download and have just a taste.
    1. mosomasa
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I am glad you shared your tought with me. It will be an interesting quest, but for shame i am just started this modding thingy, and i dont think i am capable such for these things. But a quest is a good idea, if i have the time and the knoweledge i will work on it

      Enjoy the mod and the free mead friend
    2. LABTECH
      • member
      • 180 kudos
      Nevertheless excellent for a first shared mod and a good little house.
      Here is one of the best followers on the nexus and she has a drunk theme but best learn that yourself,
      Sofia the funny voiced follower
    3. mosomasa
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Yea, i love that mod and have it too