
*Spoilers* Bypassing the Quest (3 comments)

  1. Axorcismy
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    Alright, this might lead to a dead end because you don't have a key to open doors but it does lead you right behind the final boss. Seeing as everything is fairly ambiguous and I couldn't find the keys for the life of me, I thought of ways of getting around. "Why don't I swim just around everything?" I thought and I did. So I went straight away for the island at the top and managed to find a dock that leads straight up to the portal that leads to the final stage albeit behind the boss. The bosses don't react unless attacked though. However, pushing on you'll get stuck since you don't have the keys required.

    Now I'm wondering, was this planned to happen or did I just do something completely bizarre and stupid?
    1. S666000999S
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      bizzare and stupid
    2. Nice user icon, S666000999S. I know exactly what that's from.