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About this mod

4k and 2k retexture of the Ebony Blade.

Permissions and credits

----Frankly HD Ebony Blade----
By FrankFamily

  • High quality HD retexture of the Ebony Blade available at 4k and 2k resolution.
  • Includes meshes to point to the new textures and make some improvements to the shaders
  • As it's a retexture go ahead and check the screenshots!

As any other mod, copy "textures" and "meshes" to your "Data" folder or use NMM.
Even if it's a retexture it also includes meshes and those meshes included are necesarry for it to work as they link to the new textures and have modified shaders.
Note that meshes must overwrite whatever you had previously if asked to, otherwise you won't see any changes.


Not compatible with mods that attempt to modify Ebony Blade's meshes, as mine also modify those.
Alternative versions of the Ebony Blade such as one handed versions or mods using Ebony Blade's meshes as part of a bigger mesh won't use the new textures unless a patch is made.


I really appreciate positive and negative-constructive comments, user screenshots (no verification needed) and videos, thanks in advance and hope you like it.
Stay tunned for more mods comming in the future.
I don't appreciate negative-useless comments but for the sake of freedom of speech go ahead, also it's not like i can stop people from posting useless stuff, those people probably won't even read this, so...