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Version 2.0
Followers now have improved combat styles
Followers perk addon patch for Interesting NPCs 3.09 by Kris Takahashi
Interesting NPCs followers are given perks plus combat style based on their race, class, spells, default equipment, and description page on 3DNPC followers page. This addon includes 8 super followers and 29 regular followers. *Note: Only followers have been patched, 3DNPC quests have not been altered/modified.*
Compatibility: Options are available for Perkus Maximus 1.x and Requiem 1.8.x (3DNPC bows are patched as well for Requiem)
Installation: Use NMM, MO, or just extract 3DNPC Followers Perk Addon.esp into your Skyrim/Data folder.
Load order: Use LOOT or place 3DNPC Followers Perk Addon.esp after 3DNPC.