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  1. raulfin
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    PerMa Compatibility and PaMa Patches (PCaPP)
    Compatibility patches for T3nd0s Perkus Maximus

    Please take a few moments to read this information

    *Perkus Maximus Wikia: Wikia with lots of info on stuff.
    *FAQs: Contains answers to common questions, including information about load order.
    *Supported Mods: List of currently supported mods.
    *Self-Patched Mods: A list of mods that host and maintain their own PerMa patch.
    *Troubleshooting: Contains information about common issues that may arise after installing PerMa and these patches.
    *Support Requests: Please put all requests to have a mod supported here, it can easily become lost in the main comments section.
    *PCaPP is compatible with Defluffing PerMa and PerMa Extended Perk Descriptions.
    *Perkus Maximus Arrow Tweeks

    *Translation Table: PaMa can be translated into many languages. If you want to, feel free to hop over and help out and I'll get them added to the XML.


    For updating, uninstall-install (NMM), or replace (MO), should work fine. I personally recommend these steps to make sure you don't lose anything (safe>sorry):
    0. Don't clean save PerMa, it can (will) destroy your save.
    1. Remove all equipped gear from yourself and any followers (or dismiss them).
    1a. Make a list of any special gear you have (any items made by PaMa).
    2. Go to an interior location with NO NPCs, dump gear in a safe chest.
    3. Save, Exit, Update, Repatch, Play, Enjoy.
    4. If distribution settings were changed, or mods you use had XML support added or changed, or you added, removed or changed the load order of any mod, you will need to Cell-reset for the distribution changes to take affect.
    5. Check your list from 1a and re-add any needed items.

    Support/Info links

    *PerMa XML repository on GitHub: For anyone that wants to help add code.
    *Guide to adding support to the XML: For anyone that wants to find out how to add code.
    *XML tweaks video: Changing PaMa Language, Active Modules, Removing weapon type from weapon name.
    *ASIS Improved inis: If you use ASIS and PerMa you will need the inis from here.
    *To-Do List: Current list of mods requested for support.
    *PerMa Bug Tracker: Post bugs that are not related to item stats there.

    Notes/Known Issues

    *Make sure you have updated your Java, 8_u45 is the current version. If you have a 64bit system get the 64bit version.
    *If you use MO it enforces a 1024 limit on external programs, meaning you will need to set the 1024 memory argument for PatchusMaximus.jar (like this) or use the 32bit/MO .bat file.
    *PatchusMaximus can take a while to run, expect patch times ranging from 5 minutes to 1 hour or more depending on your system and mods used.
    *When reporting issues, please let us know if you use MO, NMM, Wrye or manually install your mods.
    *Balance isn't perfect yet and can still use some work,
    *If you are interested in helping you can PM me, there is plenty to do and with a bit of help it will be a lot easier to get through everything. Inbox is currently full, will clean it soon.
    *After updating, NPCs and Vendors will not use new exclusions until after that cell resets.
    *Please use PasteBin, or a similar site, to post large amounts of text, such as Load Order, Debug Log and Asynchronous Log.
    *Logs can be found in; Skyrim/Data/SkyProc Patchers/T3nd0_PatchusMaximus/SkyProcDebug, if you use MO then they will be in;
    Mod Organizer/mods/ModName/SkyProc Patchers/T3nd0_PatchusMaximus/SkyProcDebug or Mod Organizer/Overwrite depending on how you handle them.
    *Raulfin is on a temp break to avoid losing his mind, the mod is not dead and he he will be back to it as soon as possible. He would like to thank everyone for their support (be it kind words, code/patch work or donations). So far PerMa/PCaPP supports about 250 mods directly and several hundred more indirectly.
    *We know about the BufferUnderflowException and are trying to figure out why it is showing up so often since the update. A BufferUnderflowException error occurs when the buffer limit is reached. 32bit systems and MO users have a much lower limit than 64bit non-MO users. Setting the "-NOSTREAM" argument may help, how-to
    *The xMATHICombatLogic.psc will leave a lot of messages about line 77 and 79 in your Papyrus logs, this is safe and normal. For normal play it is recommended to have Papyrus logging turned off.

    Lost Longswords patch

    You will need the 1H bsa from LostLongSwords and the meshes from Lost longswords - both grips.
    Install the 1H version of LostLongswords.
    Install Lost longswords - both grips, and disable the esp it adds.
    Install the esp from here.

    A few helpful links

    Info: File Permissions, Moving Steam, Passing -NOBOSS to a SkyProc (Video)
    Guides: Organizing your mods, Skyrim Stability Guide, Skyrim Graphics Guide, How improve your modded Skyrim experience, Removing unwanted magic effects.
    Tools: LOOT, SKSE, TES5Edit, Wrye Bash (Guide), ENBoost, Skyrim Mod Watcher, Save Game Scalpel, Save game script cleaner.
    Mods: Mfg Console, STATUS, Extended UI.
  2. raulfin
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Current Translation Status:
    Russian: 99.5%
    German: 100% (v1.6)
    Spanish: 100% (v1.7)
    French: 99.5% (v2.6.4)
    Polish: 100% (v3.4.1)
    Portuguese/Brazil: 67% (v3.4.1)
    Italian: 99.5% (v3.4.1)
    Korean: 99.5% (v3.4.2)
    Chinese: 99.5% (v3.4.2)
    Japanese: 99.5% (v3.4.2)
    Greek: 99.5%
    L337: 12%
    Ukrainian: 56.3%
    Turkish: 33.5%
    *Value represents how much has been translated, not how much has been applied to the xml.
    *Languages in green were added in the version listed.
    *The Hànzì, Kanji and Hangul will be in the xml, but I don't expect it to really work well. Romanized language variants would work, but I believe the localized versions of the game use only the non-romanized language, so it might look odd.
  3. Visdagon
    • member
    • 71 kudos

    New crafting replacers are entirely supplemental and are optional. They require the use of CCOR. They come packed with a readme for futher info.


    The Bikini Armors require the use of replacer ESPs for PaMa to interact with the mods properly. There is a replacer esp download for each bikini armor set in the Optional section of the Download tab.

    I am aware theres a new bikini
    I am also aware of the comment "I'm creating all in one bikini mod right now"
    When that comes out, I'll make a patch for it.
  4. Visdagon
    • member
    • 71 kudos

    AR is modified by armor type. This table at the top of the ARMOR.XML governs the multiplier of the armor pieces. I dont recommend changing these, but you need to know them to know ultimately what your entry will result in. Material# x ArmorType# = Total Piece AR


    Towards the bottom of the ARMOR.XML you will see material listings(if you see exclusions you've gone too far). This list is where the AR for materials are set, and how meltdown and tempering is treated for those materials.
    The <identifier> entries here (ex:<identifier>Bonemold Light</identifier>) are what you use in your entry to tell the patcher what the item is made of, and thus dictates what its AR is. Again, I don't recommend you change these.

    1.) <armor_material>
    2.) <armorBase>18</armorBase>
    3.) <identifier>Bonemold Light</identifier>
    4.) <type>LIGHT</type>
    5.) <materialMeltdown>BONEMOLD_HEAVY</materialMeltdown>
    6.) <materialTemper>BONEMOLD_HEAVY</materialTemper>
    1.) </armor_material>

    1.) code vodoo (bracket entry open/close) Tells the patcher to READ ME or STOP READING ME
    2.) The base AR of a piece made from this material, before multiplier
    3.) Material Name, used in entries to tell the patcher what material the item is made from
    4.) Piece weight class, this only affects Perk conditions, not the actual weight of the item
    5.) Tells patcher how to handle this material via Meltdown
    6.) Tells patcher how to handle this material via Tempering

    Here is an example entry for the Evil MasterMind Armor mod by ZeroFrost. If you want to add an entry, it should look exactly like it does in the xml, down to the spacing. Except 1, thats there for us humans. Best practice is to copy and paste, delete errant spaces (they may not break the xml, but they will slow it down if there are a lot of them. When I first started helping with PCaPP, the first thing I did was delete THOUSANDS of spaces, you're welcome) and then modify it to fit what you want it to do.

    1.) <!-- Vis Evil MasterMind Armor -->
    2.) <binding>
    3.) <identifier>EbonyLight</identifier>
    4.) <substring>Evil MasterMind</substring
    2.) </binding>
    1.) <!-- Vis Evil MasterMind Armor -->

    1.) Seperation Line. The <!-- --> makes it ignored by the patcher, its purpose is for organization. I placed my name and item name in my entries.
    2.) code vodoo (bracket entry open/close)
    3.) This line identifies what material the item this entry is patching should be identified as.
    4.) This line ties the entry to an item, it uses the items name (NOT EID). This can be problematic if things share names. Note, this entry would not affect weapons, this is the armor xml. It could affect another mods armor if it was named "Evil Armor" or something. It doesn't have to be the whole name of the item.

    Basically, study the xml a bit. Look at some other entries and see how the names are worded. Sometimes you can use 1 entry to cover the armor, some times you need 1 entry per armor piece. It all depends on how the patcher reads it versus what else has a name like it. In some cases the items need to be renamed to further distinguish them from the rest of the items in the game, thus the necessity for ESPs.

    This can be applied to weapons as well, they are a bit easier to figure out, and are usually named something more unique. If a weapon mod comes with a weapon that has a one handed and two handed version of the same item with the same name, they have to be renamed via ESP or they both will have the same stats. (ex: PerMa Quel'Delar Replacer ESP)
  5. raulfin
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Psudo-back, had to get a 'real' job which will eat up most of my time (until I get sick of it and quit). I also plan to finally start streaming on Twitch (will add a link soon*) when working on PCaPP or just playing games before/after work, so feel free to pop in and ask me stuff while I'm on there. I still have a ton of stuff going on irl, so may not be consistent streaming/updating, but progress will begin again (not that it really stopped thanks to Vis! ).

    For anyone that was wondering about a PerMa console version; it will not really be possible without SKSE on console, or ripping a bunch of stuff out, and I don't see Sony letting that happen any time soon.

    Also, for SSE, when I'm able I'll start migrating stuff to a new PCaPP page on the SSENexus but it will be hidden until PerMa is able to get moved over (ie after SSE SKSE). After that the new page will likely become the 'main' one.

    I'll also try to record a few how-to video's this week that cover what can be done, and how, with patches and xml for anyone interested in that.

    Made a s#*! video for weapons xml, you can watch it here or from my channel Jaymz Raulfin. Enjoys the lawls of me trying to speak coherent sentences!
  6. Santimods96
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Perkus Maximus + Mods that add Weapons to NPC (Level List) or Crafteable

    I dont understand that if PerkusMaximus is or isnt compatible to that kind of mods (like Immersive Weapons, Heavy Armory, anothers mod that add weapons .... ... ....)

    Help this poor man
  7. deleted1090125
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
  8. Shayoden
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am experiecing a bug for some time: my stamina randomly drains (or not when it should be, like when I am running), and keeps drain even if I stay stationary, and it stops draining if I equip or unequip something, and equip/unequip something updates my speed, because it not updates itself with the percentage of stamina.
    Does anyone know how to fix this, or at least some attemps to do?
    1. Shayoden
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Found the solution: is was a Skyrim bug, the ability condition bug.

      Installing Cobb Bug Fixes will fix it:
  9. ShaarawiDovahkiin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does this work on sse?
  10. Cheshyr
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    To people asking about the patcher... the patcher isn't flawed, so much as mod structure has changed.

    Use Vortex to install your mods, and then make sure all mods are Unmark as Light under the Plugins Tab. The problem is the Mod Index field being bigger than the patcher is written to handle.

    Unmarking all my mods as Light allowed the patcher to work just fine.
    1. zionitesoldier
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Yo I was just looking for this, thank you!
  11. Artemis1122
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to edit the scaling of armor values? I want to lower the stats on all armors evenly. I tried editing values in the PMxml>armor xml file. But this just causes the patcher to not patch the weapons/armors stats. It goes straight from importing files to exporting consistency files (the armor stats are vanilla). 
  12. mastara2012
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    I downloaded Perkus Maximus, activated my mods, went into T3nd0_PatchusMaximus folder and double clicked on PatchusMaximus... Nothing happened, I reinstalled Perkus Maximus, still nothing, deleted and downloaded Perkus Maximus again, still nothing, googled around looking for a miracle, yet I didn't find anything. Under the mod page there's also a "minimal patch" mentioning a problem with launching the patcher, I also tried that and it didn't help. I've also tried downloading SUM and using that to that to launch PatchusMaximus. For some reason, SUM has no problem opening up, but as soon as I have it run PatchusMaximus it says "Failed to run PatchusMaximus. Continue patching?" and then gives me a yes/no box. I don't think it's a problem with java since, as I mentioned SUM has no trouble opening. I just specifically can't open PatchusMaximus, any clues on what's wrong
  13. Azylacus
    • member
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    For anyone still using Perkus Maximus. A lot of the patches provided here are very outdated, some even causing CTD's. Also these patches are all made for Perkus Maximus version 1.3+, though Perkus Maximus is now in version 1.7, I know it says 1.3+, but due to how outdated these patches are by themselves, it's also not to unreasonable to assume that significant things have changed from version 1.3 to version 1.7 that would make most of these patches not work properly anyway. It's a shame really. I really like Perkus Maximus, but it seems like it's just been abandoned. T3ndo has left he modding scene and raulfin hasn't created any new patches or updated existing ones in almost 3 years now.
  14. hrews
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Winter is Coming has updated to 2.4 to work better with the latest versions of Frostfall, but the patches available here haven't been updated in a while. Since the WIC patch is an esp replacement instead of a separate patch, I see I can't have both the update and the patch for PerMa.
    Which version of the esp should be installed for minimun incompatibility?
  15. ekimolaos
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Is this compatible with Deadly Combat?