About this mod
Are you like me? Do you like it when things have detail and shows that the creator spent a lot of time making it? Yes? Good. Then this is the mod for you!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Italian
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Re-Uploaded and REDONE!
– Story time! –
A lot of people asked me if I reupload my awesome overhaul for the Drunken Huntsman. I always said no, not because I wanted people to download it from my blog, no, mostly because of this damn bug that spawned a crazy amount of animels inside. I couldnt fix it and so I just ignored it. Now, after so many people asked me, I thought "DUCK IT! I will just remake it!". And I did!
Well, something I havent know myself for quite a long time is, that Gopher (check out his Lets Plays! They are just perfect!) reviewed my first version of the Bosmeric Drunken Huntsman and he thought that it was far to clean for him.
Well, of course I took the criticism like a real man!

So, when I rebuilt it now, I added a lot more clutter. Just check the feature list. There is a lot new stuff now! I hope you like it!
• Skyrim with latest patch
• Dragonborn
• A completely rebuilt Drunken Huntsman.
• Lore-friendly look.
• A bosmeric themed ambient music!
• A lot of plants and even insects flying around.
• Changed lighting.
• A lot of Dunmer styled stuff (chairs, etc) which I will sell you as Bosmer. Dont question me!
• and more (I´m too lazy to write everything)
– Credits –
• Elianore for showing the assets in one of her mods. I wouldnt have found them otherwise!
AND for the screenshots! Thank you Eli :)!
AND For cleaning, fixing and whatever else you did ^^ (I have the feeling this is getting even longer)
AND fixing the two deleted navmesh records! (I was right, it got longer)
• NogZoiets: Svindall Estate textures and models
• okiir: for the artwork of the banner
• Ga-Knomboe Boy: Tree and plant resources
• Beware the Boar: The ambient music
• bilboarfarf: For testing and ideas
– FAQs –
Q: What ENB? What mods?
A: Seasons of Skyrim ENB + ELE + RLS + Detailed Whiterun + SMC and what do I know! Ask Elianora! My PC would most likely melt when I try to run that!
Q: This isnet lore friendly since Bosmers dont.....
A: Stop right there. It is lore friendly! I know about Green Pact and that they would not use dead wood to build their houses, but that only counts for trees in Valenwood, not trees in Skyrim. So it is lore friendly. And if you still dont like it, you dont have to use it.
Q: I found a bug!
A: Grea! Now let me know what bug so I can try to fix it.
Q: Could you make it without "random DLC name here"?
A: ........ Maybe
Q: Hunting in Skyrim version?
A: Tomorrow my friends, tomorrow.
more to come, based on what you guys ask me!