This is a replica of "Ice" sword from "Game Of Thrones" TV series.
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Version 1.6
- fixed Temper formID issue
Version 1.5
- fixed scabbard texture issue
- changed texture resolution from 2048x4096 to 1024x2048
- deleted bloodFX texture for blade. Now textures loading from original game archive.
So after these changes archive size changed from ~40 mb to ~12 mb.
Thanks Mr. Dave from for advice
This is a replica of "Ice" sword from "Game Of Thrones" TV series. "Ice" is a greatsword. You can craft it only at Skyforge. Requires skill Steel smithing and:
5 Steel Ingots
5 Leather
2 Leather Strips
1 Firewood
1 Daedra Heart
For version without sheath you'll need same components, except Leather and Leather Strips Characteristics:
Value 1000 Weight 15 Damage 30 Crit Dmg 20
Model and Textures made by me.
Thanks to DoubleBrewski for Greatsword sheaths and scabbards mod